B.Sc. (Hons) Zoology Syllabus

Semester VI

  • JBZH-601

    Animal Physiology and Functional Histology-II:


    Digestive System: Histology and functions of gastrointestinal tract and its associated glands; Mechanical and chemical digestion of food; Role of gastrointestinal hormones; Control and action of GI Tract secretions; Absorptions of Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, minerals and vitamins; Disorders of the digestive system.


    Respiratory System: Histology of trachea and lung; Pulmonary ventilation; Respiratory volumes and capacities; Transport of oxygen in the blood (oxygen-hemoglobin and myoglobin dissociation curve and its influencing factors), Carbon monoxide poisoning; Carbon dioxide transport in the blood; Regulation of acid-base balance; Control of respiration.


    Excretory System: Histology of kidney, ureter and bladder; renal blood supply; Mechanism and regulation of urine formation; Regulation of acid-base balance; Renal failure and dialysis.


    Blood: Composition; Structure and functions of haemoglobin; Haemopoiesis; Haemostasis; Coagulation of blood; Disorders of blood.


    Heart: An outline structure of heart; Coronary circulation; Origin and conduction of cardiac impulse; Cardiac cycle; Cardiac output and its regulation-Frank-Starling Law of the heart, Autonomic control and chemical regulation of heart rate. Blood pressure and its regulation; Electrocardiogram.


    • 1. Guyton, A.C. & Hall, J.E. Textbook of Medical Physiology. Hercourt Asia PTE Ltd. / W.B. Saunders Company.
    • 2. Tortora, G.J. & Grabowski, S. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. John Wiley & sons, Inc.
    • 3. Victor P. Eroschenko. diFiore's Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations. Lippincott W. & Wilkins.
    • 4. Arey, L.B. Human Histology. W.B. Saunders.
  • JBZH-602

    Developmental Biology and Evolution:


    Definition and scope of embryology and developmental biology. Reproduction. Germplasm: chemical nature and preservation. Gametogenesis. Structure of gametes. Process of fertilization and egg activation with special emphasis on chemical basis.


    Cleavage: types sad patterns. Blastulation: general process. Fate maps. General processes of Gastrulation. Tubulation. General account of organogenesis with special reference to nervous system, digestive system, circulatory system, excretory system and reproductive system.


    Extra-embryonic membrane, structure and function. Placenta: structure and types. Energy nutrients in eggs and embryos. Embryonic and post-embryonic growth: auxetic, multiplicative, accretionary, isometric and allometric growth. Growth equation, growth exponent and growth curves.


    Origin and Evolution of Life: Concept, process, product and sequence of evolution; chemical and organic evolution. Theories of origin of life. Evidences of organic evolution from comparative anatomy, physiology, embryology, serology and biochemistry.


    Evidences from Paleontology with emphasis on fossils and geological time scale. Evidence as seen in the geographical distribution of animals. Evolution of man. Theories of evolution: Pre-Darwinian theories.


    Darwinism and Modem synthetic theory. Natural Selection: Stabilizing, disruptive and directional selection. Industrial melanism. Origin of diversity variation, mutation, migration, Isolation. Speciation.


    • 1. Ridley, M. Evolution. Blackwell Publishing co.
    • 2. Barton, N. H., Briggs, D.E.G., Eisen, J. A., Goldstein, D. B. and Patel, N. H. Evolution. Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press.
    • 3. Hall, B.K. and Hallgrimsson, B. Evolution. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
    • 4. Gilbert, S. F. Developmental Biology, Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers, Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA.
  • JBZH-603

    Applied Zoology:


    An introduction to applied zoology with reference to human welfare Pharmaceuticals from animals. Sea Food: Value addition and export. Role of MPEDA in promoting production and export of marine products.


    Edible species of fishes. Fish culture: Sources of fish seeds; types of culture practices, selection of species. Indian and Exotic cultivable species. Layout of atypical fish pond: Types of Fish Ponds. Management techniques; control of aquatic weeds and predators, manuring, supplementary & artificial feeding.


    Edible species of aquatic invertebrates such as prawn, lobsters, mollusks and crabs. Shell fish farming: prawn and pearl oyster.


    Sericulture, Apiculture, Lac-culture, Vermiculture. Diseases associated with various cultures. Advances in insect based industries in India. Meat Leather and Wool industries and their production with special emphasis on their export potential.


    Poultry farming (chicken duck and quail) and commercial breeds in India. Poultry diseases. Egg industry (Eggery) and present status. Dairy farming in India. Breeds of cattle and buffalo. Role of assisted reproduction in Breed improvement. Milk production and its pasteurization techniques.


    Animal Waste Recycling: Biogas and its production; types of biogas plants. Slaughter house wastes and their utilization. Fish by-products; fish meal: methods of processing and uses.


    • 5. Keith Wilson, N.D.P., A Handbook of Poultry Practice. Agrobios (India), Jodhpur – India.
    • 6. Hafez, E. S. E. Reproduction in Farm Animals. Lea & Fabiger Publisher.
    • 7. Prost, P.J. Apiculture. Oxford and IBH, New Delhi.
    • 8. Srivastava, C.B.L. Fishery Science and Indian Fisheries. Kitab Mahal publications, India.
  • JBZH-651

    Animal Physiology & Functional Histology-II Practical

    Based on theory paper of Animal Physiology and Functional Histology-II.

  • JBZH-652

    Developmental Biology & Evolution Practical

    Based on theory paper of Developmental Biology & Evolution.

  • JBZH-653

    Applied Zoology Practical

    Based on theory paper of Applied Zoology.

  • Total Credits