Bachelor of Pharmacy Syllabus

Semester II

  • JBP-201

    Pharmaceutics-I (General Pharmacy):


    History of Pharmacy:Origin & development of pharmacy, scope of pharmacy, introduction topharmacopoeias with special reference to I.P, B.P., U.S.P. Pharmaceutical Additives:Colouring, flavouring& sweetening agents, co-solvents, preservatives,surfactants & their applications, antioxidants.


    Size Reduction:Definition, factors affecting size reduction, principles, laws & factors affectingenergy requirements, different methods of size reduction, study of mills & disintegrator, variousmethods &equipments employed for size separation.


    Pharmaceutical calculations:Posology, calculation of doses for infants, adults andelderly patients; Enlarging and reducing prescriptions, percentage solutions, allegation, alcoholdilution, proof spirit.


    Extraction & Galenicals:Extraction processes, study of infusion, decoction, digestion, percolation,maceration & their modifications. Factors affecting selection of extraction processes.


    Mixing:Theory of mixing, solid-solid, solid-liquid & liquid-liquid mixing equipments. Introduction to Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms:A brief theory of Solutions, mixtures, spirits,aromatic waters, glycerine, paints, syrups, elixirs, mouth washes, mucilages, lotions, liniments,pastes, inhalations and powders.


    • 1. Pharmacopoeia of India, The Controller of Publications, Delhi.
    • 2. British Pharmacopoeia, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, University Press, Cambridge.
    • 3. Carter S.J., Cooper & Gunn's Tutorial Pharmacy, CBS Publishers, Delhi.
    • 4. Rawlins E.A., Bentley's Text Book of Pharmaceutics, ELBS Bailliere Tyndall.
    • 5. Lachman L., Liberman H.A. & Kanig J.L., Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy, LeaandFebiger.
    • 6. Cooper and Gunn's Dispensing for Pharmaceutical Students, CBS Publishers, New Delhi.
  • JBP-202

    Pharmaceutical Chemistry – III (Organic Chemistry-I):

    The subject of organic chemistry will be treated in its modem perspective keeping for the sake of convenience, the usual classification of 'organic compounds:


    Structure and Properties: Atomic structure, Atomic orbitals, Molecular orbital theory, wave equation, Molecular orbitals, Bonding and Antibonding orbitals, Covalent bond, Hybrid orbitals,


    Intramolecular forces, Bond dissociation energy, Polarity of bonds, Polarity of molecules, structure and physical properties, Intermolecular forces, Acids and bases


    Stereochemistry: Isomerism and nomenclature and associated physicochemical properties, optical activity, stereoisomerism, specification of configuration, Reactions involving stereoisomers, chirality, chiral reagents conformations.


    Structure; Nomenclature; Preparation and Reactions of:Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes; Cycloalkanes, Dienes, Benzene, Polynuclear aromatic compounds, Arenes, Alkyl halides, Alcohols, Ethers, Epoxides, Amines, Phenols


    Structure; Nomenclature; Preparation and Reactions of:Aldehydes and ketones, Carboxylic acids, Functional derivatives of' carboxylic acids, Reactive intermediates - carbocations, carbanions, carbenes, nitrene and nitrenium ions.


    • 1. Vogel A.I, Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, ELBS/Longman.
    • 2. Morrison, R.T & Boyd R.N, Organic Chemistry, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
    • 3. Finar, I.L, Organic Chemistry, Vol.I& II, ELBS/ Longman.
  • JBP-203

    Advanced Mathematics:


    Differential equations: Revision of integral calculus, definition and formation of differential equations, equations of first order and first degree, variable separable, homogeneous and linear differential equations and equations reducible to such types,


    Linear differential equations of order greater than one with constant coefficients, complementary function and particular integral, simultaneous linear differential equations, pharmaceutical applications.


    Biometrics:Significant digits bend rounding of numbers, data collection, random and non-random sampling methods, sample size, data organization, diagrammatic representation of data, bar, pie, 2-D and 3-D diagrams, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, Standard Deviation and standard error of means, coefficient of variation, confidence (fiducial) limits,


    Probability and events, Bayes' theorem, probability theorems, probability distributions, elements of binomial and Poisson distribution, normal Histribution curve & properties, kurtosis and skewness, correlation and regression analysis, method of least squares, statistical inference, Student's and paired t-test, F-test and elements of ANOVA, applications of statistical concepts in Pharmaceutical Sciences.


    • 1. Boltan's, Pharmaceutical Statistics, Practical and Clinical Application, Marcel Dekker, N.Y.
    • 2. Gupta S.P., Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand and Co., New Delhi.
    • 3. Greval B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publication, New Delhi.
    • 4. Ayres Frank, Theory & Problems of Differential Equations, McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore.
    • 5. Narayan Shanti, Integral Calculus, Sultan Chand & Co.
    • 6. Prasad Gorakh, Text book on Differential Calculus, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
    • 7. Narayan Shanti, Differential Calculus, Shyamlal Charitable Trust, New Delhi.
    • 8. Prasad Gorakh, Text book on Integral Calculus, Pothishala Pvt. Ltd., Allahabad.
  • JBP-204

    Pharmaceutical Chemistry – II (Physical Chemistry):


    Behaviour of Gases: Kinetic theory of gases, deviation from behaviours and explanation. The Liquid State: Physical properties (Surface tension, parachor, viscosity, refractive index, optical rotation, dipole moments and chemical constituents).


    Solutions: Ideal and real solutions, solutions of gases in liquids, colligative properties, partition coefficient, conductance and its measurement, Debye Huckel theory.


    Thermodynamics: First, second and third laws, Zeroth law, absolute temperature scale, thermochemical equations, phase equilibria and phase rule. Adsorption:Freudlich and Gibbs adsorption, isotherms, Langmuir theory of adsorption.


    Photochemistry: Consequences of light absorption, Jablenski diagram, Lambert-Beer Law, Quantum efficiency.


    Chemical Kinetics: Zero, first and second order reactions, complex reactions, theories of reaction kinetics, characteristics of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, acid base and enzyme catalysis. Quantum Mechanics: Postulates of quantum mechanics, operators in quantum mechanics, the schrodinger wave equation.


    • 1. Bahl B.S., Tuli G.D. & BahlArun, Essential of Physical Chemistry, S. Chand & Co.
    • 2. Negi A.S. & Anand S.C., Textbook of Physical Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
    • 3. Glasstone S. & Lewis D., Elements of Physical Chemistry, Macmillan Education.
  • JBP-205

    Anatomy, Physiology & Health Education (APHE)–I:


    Scope of anatomy and physiology and basic terminology used these subjects. Structure of cell, its components and their functions. Elementary Tissues of the Human Body: Epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous tissues, their sub-types and their characteristics.


    Osseous System: Structure, composition and functions of skeleton Classification of joints, types of movements of joints, Disorders of joints. Skeletal Muscles: Gross anatomy; physiology of muscle contraction, physiological properties of skeletal muscles and their disorders.


    Haemopoietic System: Composition and functions of blood and its elements, their disorders, blood groups and their significance, mechanism of coagulation, disorders of platelets and coagulation.


    Lymph and Lymphatic System: Composition, formulation and circulation of lymph; disorders of lymph and lymphatic system. Basic physiology and functions of spleen.


    Cardiovascular System: Basic anatomy of the heart, Physiology of heart, blood vessels and circulation. Basic understanding of Cardiac cycle, heart sounds and understanding of Cardiac cycle, heart sounds and electrocardiogram. Blood pressure and its regulation. Brief outline of cardiovascular disorder like hypertension, hypotension, arteriosclerosis, angina, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias.


    • 1. Ranade V.G., Text Book of Practical Physiology, Pune VidyarthiGrihaPrakashan, Pune.
    • 2. Guyton A.C., Hall JE., Text book of Medical Physiology, WB Saunders Company.
    • 3. Chaurasia B.D., Human Anatomy, Regional & Applied Part I, II & III, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi.
    • 4. Ross & Wilson, Anatomy & Physiology in Health & Illness, Churchill Livingstone.
    • 5. Chatterjee C.C., Human Physiology, Medical Allied Agency, Calcutta.
    • 6. Tortora G.J., &Anagnodokos N.P., Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, Harper & Rave Publishers, New Delhi.
    • 7. Parmar N.S., Health Education & Community Pharmacy, CBS Publishers, Delhi.
  • JBP-251

    Pharmaceutics-I (General Pharmacy) (P):

    Suggested List of Experiments

    • A. Preparation of following classes of Pharmaceutical dosage forms (involving the use ofcalculations in metrology) as official in IP, BP, and USP/NF.
      • 1. Aromatic Waters
        • • Chloroform water BP.
        • • Camphor Water BP.
      • 2. Solutions
        • •Lysol solution IP.
      • 3. Syrups
        • • Simple syrup BP.
        • • Simple syrup USP/NF
      • 5. Spirits
        • • Aromatic Ammonia spirit BP
      • 6. Powders
        • • ORS Powder IP.
      • 7. Lotions
        • • Calamine lotion IP.
      • 8. Liniments
        • • Methyl salicylate liniment BP.
      • 9. Mucilage
        • • Starch Mucilage IP.
      • 10. Glycerine
        • • Kaolin Poultice BP.
      • 11. Tinctures & Extracts
        • • Decoction of Ispaghula.
        • • Compound benzoin tincture BP.
        • • Strong Ginger tincture BP.
      • B. Effect of size of balls, number of balls and time on the efficiency of ball mill.
      • C. Solid-Solid mixing.
  • JBP-252

    Pharmaceutical Chemistry -II (Organic Chemistry-I) (P):

    • 1. The student should be introduced to the various laboratory techniques through demonstrations involving synthesis of selected organic compounds (e.g. aspirin, p-bromoacetanilide, anthraquinone from anthracine, reduction of nitrobenzene etc)
    • 2. Identification of organic compounds and their derivatisation.
    • 3. Introduction to the use of stereomodels.
  • JBP-253

    Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Physical Chemistry) (P):

    • 1. Determination of refractive index of given liquids.
    • 2. Determination of rate constant of simple reaction.
    • 3. Determination of surface tension.
    • 4. Determination of partition co-efficient.
    • 5. Determination of viscosity.
    • 6. PH determination by different methods.
    • 7. Determination of solubility.
    • 8. Determination of specific rotation of sucrose at various concentrations and determine the intrinsic rotation.
    • 9. Determination of cell constant, verify Ostwald dilution law and perform conductometric titration.
  • JBP-254

    Anatomy, Physiology & Health Education (APHE)–I (P):

    • 1. Study of human skeleton.
    • 2. Microscopic study of different tissues.
    • 3. Study of different systems with the help of charts and models.
  • Total Credits