
The Mohammad Ali Jauhar University commensurate the Department of Commerce in 2012 to provide flexible, innovative academic and research programmes and support structures that are responsive to a broad range of learners and regional needs. The world is witnessing a high-tech revolution with changes in science, technology, commerce and industry. The world now believes that knowledge is everything. With opening up of world economy by way of globalization, liberalization and privatization processes, all the business sectors are witnessing a tremendous growth. The whole economy is undergoing a tremendous transformation with many new sunrise sectors like financial services, consultancies etc coming up. The service sector is outstripping the manufacturing sector in growth. A career in these sectors involves challenging work, high growth opportunities, lucrative pay packets and a professionally challenging work environment. The job market is undergoing a metamorphosis. This is creating a huge demand for careers in Commerce and Business. This has led to huge change in the way we teach and deliver business studies courses.
The corporate world is dynamic and the changes are so severe that a series of new concepts and techniques are fast coming into being and the earlier and traditional ones are becoming obsolete. This situation has given rise to the need for restructuring the curricula of Commerce education at all levels so as to make it meaningful and compatible with the changing business scenario and introduce the concepts and techniques among the commerce teachers to further channelize and streamline their contribution. By introducing more and more professional skills, we need output of graduates and researchers to be of the best quality in the world.
The Department aims at providing not only academic excellence but also value creation among the students.
The Department strives to take the students beyond academics and offers innumerable exposures and opportunities to facilitate them to grow in self-confidence and self-esteem, so that they will be able to face all challenges of life successfully. The entire world has become a small village with the net-work of communication technology. In such a fast changing and dynamic world, it is imperative that the present day youth is prepared for innovation and creativity, leading to excellence in performance and good communicators in building human relationships and promoting potential markets and also learn the art of living. The Teaching programme includes Lectures, Guest Lectures, Problem Solving, Group Discussions, Seminar Presentations, Case Study, Industrial visits, Inter class competitions etc.
The Alumni of the Department are well placed in the fields of Banking and finance, General management, Civil services and Academics. Many are successfully managing their own Business establishments or are reputed Chartered Accountants.
Objectives of the Department:
* To develop conceptual, technical and human relations skill among the students through formal and informal education.
* To build Industry-specific competencies to match with the requirements of competitive world.
* To shape the personality that balances the needs of professional, social and personal life.
* To train the youth to make them employable.
Courses Offered:
* B.Com. (Honors)
* M.Com.
* Ph.D.
Departmental Activities:
* The Courses were started with the intention of upgrading the knowledge & skills of the students to manage themselves in their work life.
* Personality Development & Placement workshops: Workshops on personality development & Placements are conducted especially to the Final year Students in the V & VI Semesters to improve their communication and interactive skills and motivate them to move towards academic excellence under the guidance and control of Academic Advisors. Sometimes, For Second and First year students also workshops are organized when the Advisor feels it is needed to motivate students towards study.
* Guest Lectures: Guest Lectures are organized on specific topics related to a particular subject by the concerned lecturers when they feel the expertise knowledge can be provided to the students by external expertise in the particular area.
* Coaching Classes for the Slow Learners: The Department arranges for the coaching classes for the slow learners on a selective basis for those who appear for the University examination on the pending subjects of the previous semester.
* Industrial Visits/ Tours: Industrial Visits/ Tours are arranged to the Final year students in VI Semester to have practical exposure, under the supervision and guidance of the Academic Advisor.
* Seminar Classes/Group Discussions: Seminars & GDs slots are allotted to II & III year students within the time table with the intension of making them to become more confident & comfortable to face campus placements.
* Faculty Development Programme (FDP): The Department is organizing/ deputing the faculty for attending FDP/Conferences/Seminars/Workshops etc. every year with the concern of making every faculty to become effective Teacher inside the classrooms.
* Inter-Dept. Fest: The students organize Inter Departmental Fest viz., MAJU Fest every year to bring out the hidden talents through various competitions & thereby they learn various skills such as Planning, organizing, coordinating, communication, supervision, controlling, Financial & HR management etc.
* The Department is also facilitating the students to pursue professional courses such as CA, CS by providing coaching for the exams at various levels like CPT/CA Foundation, IPCE/Inter, CS Foundation & Executive, IBPS -Bank Exam coaching etc.
* To provide foundation for further advanced studies and research in the area of Commerce such as M.Phil. And PhD. programmes.
* To enable master graduates in Commerce to qualify UGC-NET/SET and JRF examinations so that they can take-up the work of teaching or research of high quality.
* To impart entrepreneurial skills for starting new business ventures.
* Placements: Placement Cell of the College works under the guidance of AEF and conducts various placement drives whereby the students get offers in Companies such as Airtel, HDFC, Amazon, Reliance Trends, Honda, ESS&ESS, Paragon, Adithya Birla, Dainik Jagran and Prathma Bank etc.
Course Structure & Syllabus
B.Com Time Period - 3 Years
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Click here to View Full Syllabus