B.Sc. Agriculture Syllabus

Semester VII

  • JBAG-701

    Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animals:


    Reproductive systems of farm animals. Qualitative and quantitative inheritance and effect of environment on them. Various qualitative and quantitative traits of livestock. Weinberg law, variation, its measures, genetic, phenotypic and environmental variances. Heritability and repeatability, its measurement and uses. Selection its genetic effect, selection for dominant and recessive gene and quantitative traits, selection differential, response to selection, generation interval and annual rate of gain. Genetic correlation and correlated response.


    Basic of selection, individual, family, progeny, pedigree and combined selection. Methods of selection for one or more traits random, independent culling level and selection index. Inbreeding its consequences, inbred lines, line breeding, inbreeding, coefficient and relationship coefficient, out breeding – various types of our crossing and cross-breeding, species hybridization and development of new breeds.


    Computation of mean, variance, standard deviation, correlation and regression coefficients, inbreeding coefficients and relationship coefficient in economic traits of livestock, estimation of gene frequency, repeatability and heritability in animal population.


    • 1. Siddiqui K.A., Ecology and Environmental Biology.
    • 2. Mehrotra K., General Agriculture.
    • 3. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Ecology and Environmental Pollution.
  • JBAG-602

    Elements of Food Technology:


    (Basics of Environmental Sciences)

    Scope and importance of food technology in Indian economy. Handling, transportation and storage of food grains, fresh milk, meat, fish and eggs; physical, chemical and nutritional characteristics of food grains – fresh meat, fish, milk and eggs; role of milling and size reduction in food processing.


    Use of low temperatures in processing and storage of food grains, fresh milk, meat, fish and eggs; Drying and dehydration of food grains and concentration and evaporation of milk.


    Food fermentations and their application in food processing. Role of food additives in the processing of food grains, milk, meat, fish, eggs and their products; Food irradiation and its application in extending shelf life of food grains, meat, fish, eggs and their products.


    Food packaging and its functions; By product's utilization and disposal of food industry wastes; quality control, Total Quality Assurance (TQA) and various systems of TQA.


    • 1. Milling of wheat and rice and testing quality of milled products; baking of bread, biscuits and cakes; physical and chemical properties of milk, separation of cream and ghee making, preparation of chhena, paneer, khoa, ice cream and cottage cheese. Slaughtering of poultry and pickling of culled meat.
    • 2. Preparation of meat kabab and patties.
    • 3. Evaluation and preservation of fresh eggs.
    • 4. Visit to food industries.


    • 1. Siddiqui K.A., Ecology and Environmental Biology
    • 2. Mehrotra K., General Agriculture.
    • 3. Saraswat B.L., Foods of Animal Origin
    • 4. Narankari. L.S., Plant Nutrition,Manures and Fertilizers
    • 5. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Ecology and Environmental Pollution
  • JBAG-703

    General Economics:


    Nature, scope and subject matter of economics, approaches to economic analysis and nature of economic theory, basic terms and concepts; law of demand, determinants of demand, price, cross price and income elasticity of demand and their applications; law of diminishing marginal utility and principle of equi-marginal utility, consumer's equilibrium and derivation of demand curve; factors of production and input-output relationships, law of variable proportions and laws of scale; cost concepts, law of supply, determinants of supply, elasticity of supply; firm's equilibrium and market equilibrium in short run and long run; features of perfectly competitive market, price determination under perfect competition, basic features of monopoly, duopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competitional meaning of distribution, factor market and pricing of factors of production.


    Importance of national income, concepts of national income, approaches of measuring national income, difficulties and limitations of national income accounting; importance of population studies, determinants of population, theories of population.


    Barter system of exchange and its problems, classification of money and concepts of money supply, quantity theory of money. GPT, inflation, deflationl role of bank money in modern economy, types of banks and their function, credit creation by commercial banks, functions of central bank and instruments of credit control, current changes in banking;


    Concept of economy and economic system, basic feature of capitalistic, socialistic and mixed economic systems, elements of economic planning; international trade, its need and importance, theories of absolute and comparative advantage, exchange rate, TOT, BOP, devaluation of infancy, recent developments in world trade.


    Special characteristics of agriculture and its role in economic development, agricultural planning and development in the country. Role of women in Indian Agriculture.


    • 1. Singh U., Principles of Management
    • 2. Siddiqui K.A., A text Book of Botany
    • 3. Chaohan. J., Communication Extension Education
    • 4. Tomar. G.S., Science of Crop Production (Rabi Crops)
    • 5. Katyayan. A.,Agriculture at a Glance
  • JBAG-704

    Human Food and Nutrition:


    Trends in food production and consumption in India. Role of agricultural scientists and food technologist in meeting national nutritional requirements


    Definition of human nutrition, nutrient, nutritional care, health, nutritional status and good nutrition. Food and its functions and functional classification. Calorific value of foods and its measurement. Digestion and absorption of various nutrients present in foods.


    Energy and nutrient needs of human body. Recommended dietary allowances for various age groups and classes of individuals. Common nutritional problems in India and their causes. Specific nutritional deficiencies and disorders including protein calorie malnutrition, nutritional anaemias, vitamin deficiencies, obesity, atherosclerosis. Clinical symptoms and diagnosis of deficiency disorders.


    Important food groups and their role in the management of deficiency disorders and diseases. Food habits and their effect on regional balance. Balanced diet and its formulation.


    Food bome infections and food hygiene. Effect of processing on the nutritional value of foods. Applied nutritional programme in country, nutritional policies of government. Food fortification, enrichment and restoration, supplementary feeding programmes for vulnerable groups. State, national and international agencies dealing with nutritional programmes.


    • 1. Determination of proximate composition, pH, acidity, minerals and vitamins (B"BI, and C) in foods.
    • 2. Detection of adulteration in various foods.
    • 3. Determination of calorific value of foods and formulation of balanced diets. Microbiological analysis of foods (SPC, coliform, and yeast and mould count).
    • 4. Signs of malnutrition in animals.
    • 5. Diagnosis of nutritional deficiency disorders in human being.


    • 1. Siddiqui K.A., Ecology and Environmental Biology
    • 2. Mehrotra K., General Agriculture.
    • 3. Saraswat B.L., Foods of Animal Origin
    • 4. Narankari. L.S., Plant Nutrition,Manures and Fertilizers
    • 5. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Ecology and Environmental Pollution
  • JBAG-705

    Principles of Animal Nutrition:


    Introduction to expanding field of nutrition, chemical composition of animal and its food, digestive systems and processes of farm animals. Digestion, absorption and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in protein content in various classes of feeds.


    Concept of essential amino acids for non-ruminants and protein quality of feeds. The absorption and metabolism of essential minerals and vitamins; symptoms of their deficiencies; minerals and vitamin content of various classes of feeds. The nutritive evaluation of feeds for energy and protein, digestibility of feeds values of feeds, nutrient requirements of farm animals for maintenance, growth reproduction and lactation. Growth stimulating substances.


    • 1. Study of plant cell, forages and fodders, cereals, cereal offals and oil cakes, animal, avain and marine offals, mineral and vitamin supplements and other feed additives.
    • 2. Least cost ration formulation, proximate analysis of feed samples for moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, ash, acid insoluble ash and nitrogen free extractive.
    • 3. Formulation of ration for cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goat, swine and poultry.


    • 1. Siddiqui K.A., Ecology and Environmental Biology
    • 2. Mehrotra K., General Agriculture.
    • 3. Saraswat B.L., Foods of Animal Origin
    • 4. Narankari. L.S., Plant Nutrition,Manures and Fertilizers
    • 5. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Ecology and Environmental Pollution
  • JBAG-706

    Production Technology of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants:


    Importance and scope of medicinal and aromatic plants, geographical distribution of species, botanical description, management of nurseries, climate and relation to medicinal and aromatic plants, improved varieties, soil and land preparation, intercultural practices, irrigation and insect-pest management, post-harvest techniques, harvesting processing, storage and herbage/constituent yield. The following medicinal and aromatic plants shall be covered. Medicinal Plants:Sarpagandha, poppy, sadabahar, digitailis, dioscora, solanum, brahmi,isabgol, senna, aloe, neem, cinchona and Ipecac.


    Aromatic Plants:Essential oils: Mints-menthol mint, pepper mint, Spearmint, bergamot mint;Aromatic grasses lemon grass, palmarosa, citronella, vetiver; Ocimum, geranium, pachauli, dill (Sowa), Cinamon, pine, eucalyptus, sandalwood, liquorice Flower perfume:lavender, rose,rosemary, jasmine.


    • 1. Identification and preparation of herbarium, techniques of sowing/planting.
    • 2. Study of morphological and chemical characteristics, yield, techniques for quality analysis and visit to related research institutions/drug farms and pharmaceutical industries involved in the cultivation and processing of medicinal and aromatic plants.
  • JBAG-707

    Soil Taxonomy, Soil Survey and Remote Sensing:


    Types of soil survey, morphological, physical and chemical properties used in distinguishing and classifying soils. Principles of soil taxonomy, classification system. Soils of India and their classification. Advantages of taxonomic classification of soils.


    Remote sensing introduction, definition, concept, principles, importance, scope, types, merits and demerits and its application in agriculture and soil classification


    • 1. Field visit and practice of judging soil texture by feel method; examination of soil profile.
    • 2. Study of base maps used for soil survey, village or cadastral maps, topographic maps, aerial photographs and use of stereoscope, satellite imagery.
    • 3. Examination of soil properties of some important soils of India.
    • 4. Aerial photographs, adjustment of stereoscope.
    • 5. Area estimation of eroded land from F.C.C. (False colour composite).
    • 6. Visit of Remote Sensing application centre/soil survey organization.
  • Total Credits