B.Tech (Computer Science & Technology) Syllabus
Semester IV
Discrete Mathematics:
Set Theory: Introduction, Combination of sets, Multisets, Ordered pairs. Proofs of some general identities on sets. Relations: Definition, Operations on relations, Properties of relations, Composite Relations, Equality of relations, Recursive definition of relation, Order of relations.
Functions: Definition, Classification of functions, Operations on functions, Recursively defined functions. Growth of Functions. Natural Numbers: Introduction, Mathematical Induction, Variants of Induction, Induction with Nonzero Base cases. Proof Methods, Proof by counter – example, Proof by contradiction.
Algebraic Structures: Definition, Groups, Subgroups and order, Cyclic Groups, Cosets, Lagrange's theorem, Normal Subgroups, Permutation and Symmetric groups, Group Homomorphisms, Definition and elementary properties of Rings and Fields, Integers Modulo n.
Partial order sets: Definition, Partial order sets, Combination of partial order sets, Hasse diagram. Lattices: Definition, Properties of lattices – Bounded, Complemented, Modular and Complete lattice. Boolean Algebra: Introduction, Axioms and Theorems of Boolean algebra, Algebraic manipulation of Boolean expressions. Simplification of Boolean Functions, Karnaugh maps, Logic gates, Digital circuits and Boolean algebra.
Propositional Logic: Proposition, well formed formula, Truth tables, Tautology, Satisfiability, Contradiction, Algebra of proposition.
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Theory of Automata & Formal Languages:
Finite Automata: Introduction - Basic Mathematical Notation and techniques- Finite State systems – Basic Definitions – Finite Automaton – DFA & NDFA – Finite Automaton with €- moves – Regular Languages- Regular Expression – Equivalence of NFA and DFA – Equivalence of NDFA's with and without €-moves – Equivalence of finite Automaton and regular expressions –Minimization of DFA- - Pumping Lemma for Regular sets – Problems based on Pumping Lemma
Grammars: Grammar Introduction – Types of Grammar - Context Free Grammars and Languages– Derivations and Languages – Ambiguity- Relationship between derivation and derivation trees – Simplification of CFG – Elimination of Useless symbols - Unit productions - Null productions – Greiback Normal form – Chomsky normal form – Problems related to CNF and GNF
Pushdown Automata: Pushdown Automata - Definitions – Moves – Instantaneous descriptions – Deterministic pushdown automata –Equivalence of Pushdown automata and CFL - pumping lemma for CFL – problems based on pumping Lemma
Turing Machine: Turing Machines- Introduction – Formal definition of Turing machines –Instantaneous descriptions- Turing Machine as Acceptors – Turing Machine as Transducers Computable Languages and functions – Turing Machine constructions – Modifications of Turing Machines.
Computational Complexity: Undecidability- Basic definitions- Decidable and undecidable problems - Properties of Recursive and Recursively enumerable languages – Introduction to Computational Complexity: Definitions- Time and Space complexity of TMs – complexity classes – introduction to NP-Hardness and NP-Completeness.
- 1. E.Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman, "Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation", Pearson, Education Publishers, 2nd Edition, 2004
- 2. Michael Sipser, "Introduction to the Theory of Computation", Thomson Asia.
- 3. J.C. Martin, "Introduction to Languages and Theory of Computation", McGraw Hill, 2003
- 4. K.L.P. Mishra, N. Chandrasekaran , "Theoretical Computer Science", PHI.
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Computer Architecture & Organization:
Introduction: Evolution of Computer Systems-Computer Types-Functional units-Basic operational concepts-Bus structures-Memory location and addresses-memory operations- Addressing modes-Design of a computer system-Instruction and instruction sequencing, RISC versus CISC.
Central Processing Unit: Introduction-Arithmetic Logic Unit - Fixed point arithmetic, floating point arithmetic-Execution of a complete instruction-Basic concept of pipelining.
Control Unit Design: Introduction-Control Transfer-Fetch cycle - Instruction Interpretation & Execution - Hardwired control - Microprogrammed control.
Memories And Subsystems: Semiconductor memory - Static and Dynamic -Associative memory- Cache memory- Virtual memory-Secondary memories-Optical magnetic tape & magnetic disks & controllers.
I/O Processing: Introduction-Data transfer techniques- Bus Interface- I/O Channel-I/O Processor, I/O devices -Direct memory access.
- 1. CarlHamacher, "Computer Organization", McGrawHill International.
- 2. P.PalChaudhuri, "Computer Organization and Design", PHI.
- 3. William Stallings, "Computer Organization and Architecture – Designing for Performance", PHI, 2004.
- 4. John P.Hayes, "Computer Architecture and Organization", III Edition, McGraw Hill International Editions, 1998.
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Introduction: The meaning of Object Orientation, object identity, Encapsulation, information hiding, polymorphism, generosity, importance of modeling, principles of modeling, object oriented modeling, Introduction to UML, conceptual model of the UML, Architecture.
Introduction: The meaning of Object Orientation, object identity, Encapsulation, information hiding, polymorphism, generosity, importance of modeling, principles of modeling, object oriented modeling, Introduction to UML, conceptual model of the UML, Architecture.
Object Oriented Analysis, Object oriented design, Object design, Combining three models, Designing algorithms, design optimization, Implementation of control, Adjustment of inheritance, Object representation, Physical packaging, Documenting design considerations. Structured analysis and structured design (SA/SD), Jackson Structured Development (JSD).Mapping object oriented concepts using non-object oriented language, Translating classes into data structures, Passing arguments to methods, Implementing inheritance, associations encapsulation. Object oriented programming style: reusability, extensibility, robustness, programming in the large. Procedural v/s OOP, Object oriented language features. Abstraction and Encapsulation.
Introduction to Java, History, Features, Object Oriented concept of Java, Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Packages, Interface , abstract method and classes, Polymorphism, Inner classes, String Handling, I/O , Networking, Event Handling. Multi threading, Collection, Java APIs, Java Beans: Application Builder tools, The bean developer kit(BDK), JAR files, Intro spection, Developing a simple bean, using Bound properties, The Java Beans API, Session Beans, Entity Beans, Introduction to Enterprise Java beans (EJB).
Java Swing: Introduction to AWT, AWT v/s Swing, Creating a Swing Applet and Application. Utility of Java as internet programming language, JDBC, The connectivity model, JDBC/ODBCBridge, Introduction to servlets.
- 1. James Rumbaugh et. al, "Object Oriented Modeling and Design", PHI
- 2. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, "The Unified Modeling Language UserGuide", Pearson Education
- 4. Booch, Maksimchuk, Engle, Young, Conallen and Houstan, "Object Oriented Analysisand Design with Applications", Pearson Education.
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Intel 8085 Architecture: Introduction to 8085 - 8085 architecture- Instruction Set & Assembler Directives- Assembly Language Programming with 8085.
Intel 8086/8088 Architecture: Introduction to 8086/8088 - 8086/8088 architecture- Instruction Set & Assembler Directives- Assembly Language Programming with 8086/8088- Special Architectural Features.
Communication Interfaces: Basic Peripherals & their interfacing with 8086/8088-Semiconductor Memory Interfacing-Dynamic RAM Interfacing-Interfacing I/O Ports-PIO 8255-Modes of Operation-Interfacing Analog to Digital Data Converters-Stepper Motor Interfacing
Peripheral Interfaces: Special Purpose Programmable Peripheral Devices & their Interfacing- Programmable Interval Timer 8253-Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259A-DMA Controller 8257-DMA Transfers & Operations-Programmable DMA Interface 8237.
Multiprocessor Systems: Interconnection Topologies- Software Aspects of Multiprocessor Systems- Numeric Processor 8087- Bus Arbitration & Control- Tightly Coupled & Loosely Coupled Systems.
- 1. Ray A K, K M Bhurchandi, "Advanced Microprocessor & Peripherals", Tata McGraw Hill. (CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, CH6, CH7, CH8, CH16.)
- 2. Douglas V Hall, "Microprocessor & Interfacing", Tata McGraw Hill
- 3. Rafiquzzuman M, "Microprocessor theory & Applications", PHI.
- 4. Yuchenhiu, Glenn A Gibson, "Microprocessor Systems - 8086/8088 Family", Prentice Hall of India.
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Computer Organization Lab:
- 1. Memory Chips & Systems
- 2. Connecting of input/output devices.
- 3. Introduction to Using the Processor Board
- 4. Programming Using Various Addressing Modes
- 5. Simple Input/Output Interfacing
- 6. Loops and Decision Making.
- 7. Interrupts and Direct Memory access.
- 8. Subroutines & Structured Programming
- 9. Arithmetic and Logical Instruction Programming
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Microprocessor Lab :
List of Exercises:
Study of Peripherals & interfacing
- 8085 Experiments:
- • 8-bit Addition, Multiplication & Division.
- • 16-bit Addition, Multiplication &Division. Counters and Time Delay
- • BCD to Hexadecimal & vice-versa. Traffic light control.
- • Stepper motor control.
- 8086 Experiments:
- • Basic arithmetic & Logical operations. Sorting & searching algorithms.
- • Data transfer instructions. RAM size & system date. Digital clock
- • Key board & printer status. Password checking.
- • Serial interface & parallel interface Trouble shooting.
Reference: Laboratory manual
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JAVA LAB (Mini Project):
Java Basics:
- 1. 1. Programs illustrating various data types in Java
- 2. Programs illustrating class, objects and methods
- 3. Programs for addition and multiplication of Matrices
- 4. Programs illustrating Overloading in Java
- 5. Programs illustrating the implementation of Various forms of Inheritance (Single, Hierarchical, Multilevel )
- 6. Programs illustrating Overriding methods in Java
- 7. Programs illustrating Exception Handling
- 8. Programs to manipulate strings
Java Interfaces, Packages And Threads
- 1. Programs illustrating Interfaces in Java
- 2. Programs to create Packages in Java
- 3. Programs illustrating Threads in Java
Java Applets
- 1. Programs to write applets to draw the various shapes
- 2. Programs to manipulate labels, lists, text fields and panels
- 3. Programs to handle mouse events
- 4. Programs using layout mangers
Reference: Laboratory Manual
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General Proficiency
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Total Credits30