B.A. (Hons) English Syllabus
Semester III
Definition, Characteristics and Kinds of Prose.
History of 17th Century Prose.
History of 18th Century Prose.
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Francis Bacon – of Marriage & Single Life
of Truth
of Studies
A.G. Gardiner – On Saying Please
On Courage
R.L. Stevenson – El Dorado
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Abnormality: Concept and criteria. Mental illness: Signs, symptoms and syndromes. Causes of abnormal behavior: Biological, psychological, social and cultural factors. Models of Psychopathology: Biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, existential, socio-cultural.
Stress: Nature, definition, sources and types; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Acute Stress Disorder (ASD). Coping strategies.
Psychoneurotic Disorders: Panic disorder, Phobia, Obsessive compulsive disorder, Generalized anxiety disorder, Hysteria. Etiology and Treatment
- 1. Buss, A.H. (1999). Psychopathology. New York: John Wiley.
- 2. Carson, R.C., Butcher, J.N. Mineka. S. (2010). Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life. Pearson Education. Inc. and Dorling Kindersey Publications Inc.
- 3. Sarason, GT. And Sarason, R.V. (2007) Abnormal psychology: The problem of Maladaptive Behaviors (11th Edition). Pearson Education, Inc. and Dorling Kindersey Publications Inc.
- 4. Singh, A.K. Adhunik Asamanya Manovigyan. Patna: Moti Lal Banarsi Das.
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Social Psychology:
Introduction: Nature and subject matter of social psychology. Methods of studying social behavior: Observation, experimental, field study, survey, sociometry and cross cultural. Socialization process: Agents of socialization, Social Deviation.
Perceiving others: Impression formation; Role of verbal and non verbal cues, group stereotypes, central traits, primacy and recency effects; Models of information integration; Attribution theory, Social Biases. Perceiving Groups: Prejudice, Social conflicts: sources and remedial techniques.
Interpersonal Attraction: Nature and sources of interpersonal attraction; Measurement and Theories of interpersonal attraction. Attitudes: Nature, Formation and change of attitudes. Measurement of attitudes.
- 1. Alcock, J.E. Carment, D.W. Sadava, S.W. Collins, J.E., Green, J.M. (1997). A Text Book of social psychology. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice Hall/Allyn & Bacon.
- 2. Baron, R.A. Byrne, D. (2002) Social psychology. New Delhi: Prentice Hall.
- 3. Feldman, R.S. (1985). Social psychology: Theories, Research and Applications. New York: McGraw Hill.
- 4. Myers, David, G (1994). Exploring Social Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill.
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Polity and Society in India:
Introduction: The Sociological Tradition and Political Sociology: Approaches Towards understating Polity and Society in India.
Basic Concept: Power, Authority, Legitimacy, State, Citizenship, Nation State, world System, Globalization
Political Ideology: Liberalism, Socialism, Democracy, Fascism.
Tradition, Modernity and Nation- Building in India: Caste, Language, ethnicity, Region and Religion. Interest group, Party System and Political Elite. Caste –Class Nexus.
- 1. Bottomore, Tom. 1983, Political Sociology, Bombay: BI Publications, Introduction, pp. 7-19.
- 2. Chandra Bipin et .al (2000) India Since Independence, Delhi, Penguin India.
- 3. Desai, A R (1959) Social Background of Indian Nationalism, Bombay, Popular Parkashan
- 4. Gandhi M.K.(1938) Hind Swaraj, Ahmadabad, Navjeevan Trust
- 5. Guha Ramchandra () India after Gandhi
- 6. Kaviraj, Sudipta. 2010, 'Crisis of the Nation state in India', in The Trajectories of the Indian State, Ranikhet: Permanent Black, pp. 212-233.
- 7. Kumar Anand (1989) State and Society in India New Delhi: Radiant.
- 8. Kumar Anand (2011) Understanding Globalization and Emerging India, New Deli Palm Leaf Publication
- 9. Nehru, J () Discovery of India New Delhi Oxford University Press
- 10. Shah, Ghanshyam. 2004, Caste and Democratic Politics in India, London: Anthem Press,'Introduction', pp. 1-25.
- 11. Singh Yogendra (1973) Modernization of Indian Tradition, Delhi: Thomson Press
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Sociology of Development and Globalization:
Concepts: Progress, Growth, Modernization and Development, Theories of Development and Under Development, Liberal and Marxist perspective of Development.
Understanding India's Development: Liberalization Globalization and privatization (L.P.G) Disparities in Development in the era of Globalization: Minorities and the other Marginalized group, Class, Caste, Gender, Tribe, Environment ,Region and Religion
Internet communication technology (ICT) Time less Time, Space of Flows, Theories on Globalization; Manual Castell, Anthony Giddence. ICT for Rural India: Cyber extension.
- 1. Debal K. Singh Roy (ed), (2001), Social Development and the Empowerment of Marginalized Groups, Sage Publications, New Delhi
- 2. Dereze Jean and Sen Amartya, (2002), India Development and Participation, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
- 3. Desai, A.R., (1971), Essays on Modernization of Underdeveloped Societies, Thacker and Company Ltd, Bombay, Vol I and II
- 4. Kumar Anand (2011) understanding Globalization and emerging India, New Delhi Palm Leaf Publication.
- 5. M Casttel () Information Society
- 6. Preston, P. W. 1996, (reprint 2000), Development Theory an Introduction, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, UK.
- 7. Thorat S.K., (1998), Ambedkar's Role in Economic Planning and Water Policy, Shipra Publications, Delhi
- 8. Wallerstein Immanuel, (1983), Historical Capitalism, Verso, London
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