B.Sc. (Hons) Maths

Semester IV

  • JBMH-401

    Advanced Calculus:


    Partial Differentiation: Functions of several variables, Partial derivatives, Implicit functions, Limits and continuity, derivatives, composite functions, Differential equations, Homogeneous functions, Euler’s Theorem, Higher derivatives, Simultaneous equations, Jacobians.


    Partial Differentiation (Continued): Dependent and independent variables, Differential and directional derivatives, Taylor’s theorem, Jacobians of implicit functions, Inverse of transformations, Change of variable.


    Application of Partial Differentiation: Maximum and minimum for functions of two variables, sufficient conditions, Quadratic form, Relative extrema, Lagrange’s multipliers, one relation between two variables. Envelope and Evolutes of families of plane curves


    Definition of beta function and its properties, evaluation of beta function, definition of Gamma function and its properties, evaluation of Gamma function.


    • 1. D. Widdder Advanced calculus, Prentice Hall of India Pt. Ltd. New Delhi.
    • 2. S.C. Malik and S. Arora: Mathematical, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
    • 3. N.P. Bali: Engineering Mathematics volume-1, Laxmi Publication.
  • JBMH-402



    Polar representation of complex numbers, the nth root of unity, some simple geometric notations and properties, condition in colinearity, orthogonality and concyclicity, similar triangles, equilateral triangles, some analytic geometry in the complex plane.


    Statement of the fundamental theorem of algebra and its consequences, Descartes rule of signs, bound on the real zeros, interpreting the coefficients of a polynomial, Set, binary relations, equivalence relation, congruence relation between integers.


    Finite product of sets, functions, compositions of functions, bijective functions, invertible functions, introduction of finite sets and infinite sets through correspondence, binary operations, principle of mathematical induction, well-ordering property of positive integers, division algorithm, statement of fundamental theorem of arithmetic.


    System of linear equations, row reduction and echelon forms, vector equations, the matrix equation Ax=b, solution sets of linear systems, applications of linear system, linear independence, introduction to linear transformations, the matrix of a linear transformation, inverse of matrix, characterization of invertible matrices, partitioned matrices, subspaces of Rn , bases and dimension of subspaces of Rn.

    • 1. Titu Andreescu and DorinAndrica, Complex numbers from A to Z, Birkhauser.
    • 2. E.J. Barbeau, Polynomials, springer Verlag, 2003.
    • 3. Joseph A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra (4th Edition), Narosa Publishing house, New Delhi, 1999.
    • 4. Edgar G. Goodaire and Michael M. parameter, Discrete Mathematics with Graph theory, Pearson education (Singapore)pt. Ltd., Indian Reprint, 2003.
    • 5. Abstract Algebra, S.K. Bhamri and Vijay K. Khanna, Vikas Publication.
    • 6. Advanced Abstract Algebra, Bhupindra Singh, PragatiPrakashan, Meerut.
  • JBPH-401

    Basic Electronics:


    Circuit Analysis: Kirchhoff’s Laws, Mesh and Node Analysis of dc and ac Circuits, Duality in Networks, Equivalent Star (T) and delta (π) Networks of a Given Network, Star to Delta and Delta to Star Conversion. Wheatstone Bridge and its Applications to Wein Bridge and Anderson Bridge.
    Semiconductor Diodes: p and n Type Semiconductors. Energy Level Diagram. Conductivity and Mobility. pn Junction Fabrication (Simple Idea). Barrier Formation in pn Junction Diode. Current Flow Mechanism in Forward and Reverse Biased Diode (Recombination, Drift and Saturation of Drift Velocity). Derivation of Mathematical Equations for Barrier Potential, Barrier Width and Current for Step Junction. pn junction and its characteristics. Static and Dynamic Resistance. Diode Equivalent Circuit. Ideal Diode. Load Line Analysis of Diodes. Load Line and Q-point.
    Two-terminal Devices and their Applications: (1) Rectifier Diode. Half-wave Rectifiers. Centre-tapped and Bridge Full-wave Rectifiers Calculation of Ripple Factor and Rectification Efficiency. Qualitative idea of C, L and π - Filters. (2) Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation. (3) Photo Diode, (4) Tunnel Diode, (5) LED (6) Varactor Diode.


    Bipolar Junction transistors: n-p-n and p-n-p Transistors. Characteristics of CB, CE and CC Configurations. Current gains α, β and γ and Relations between them. Load Line Analysis of Transistors. DC Load line and Q-point. Physical Mechanism of Current Flow. Active, Cutoff, and Saturation Regions. Transistor in Active Region and Equivalent Circuit.


    Amplifiers: Transistor Biasing and Stabilization Circuits. Fixed Bias and Voltage Divider Bias. Transistor as 2-port Network. h-parameter Equivalent Circuit. Analysis of a single-stage CE amplifier using Hybrid Model. Input and Output Impedance. Current, Resistance, Voltage and Power Gains. Class A, B, and C Amplifiers.


    Coupled Amplifiers: RC-Coupled Amplifier and its Frequency Response of Voltage Gain. Feedback in Amplifiers, Effects of Positive and Negative Feedback on Input Impedance, Output Impedance and Gain, Stability, Distortion and Noise.


    Sinusoidal Oscillators: Barkhauson’s Criterion for Self-sustained Oscillations. RC Phase Shift Oscillator, Determination of Frequency. Hartley Oscillator. Colpitts Oscillator. Non-Sinusoidal Oscillators – Astable and Monostable Multivibrators.
    Three-terminal Devices (UJT and FETs): (1) UJT: Its Chararacteristics and Equivalent Circuit. Relaxation Oscillator, (2) JEFT: Its Characteristics and Equivalent Circuit. Advantages of JFET. MOSFET (Qualitative Discussion only).
    Modulation and Demodulation: Types of Modulation. Amplitude Modulation. Modulation Index. Analysis of Amplitude Modulated Wave. Sideband Frequencies in AM Wave. CE Amplitude Modulator. Demodulation of AM Wave using Diode Detector. Idea of Frequency, Phase, and Digital Modulation.


    • 1. Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 8Th Edition, Pearson Education, India, 2004.
    • 2. P. Malvino, Electronic Principals, Glencoe, 1993.
    • 3. John Morris, Analog Electronics.
    • 4. Allen Mottershead, Electronic Circuits and Devices, PHI, 1997.
    • 5. Solid state electronic devices By Ben G. Streetman & Sanjay Banerjee, PPH.
    • 6. Basic Electronics & Linear Circuits By N. N. Bhargava, D. C. Kulshreshtha & SC Gupta, Tata McGrawHill, 2006
  • JBCH-401

    Analytical Chemistry:


    Qualitative and Quantitative aspects of analysis: Sampling, evaluation of analytical data, errors, accuracy and precision, methods of their expression, normal law of distribution if indeterminate errors, statistical test of data; F, Q, and T test, rejection of data, and confidence intervals.


    Optical methods of analysis: Origin of spectra, interaction of radiation with matter, fundamental laws of spectroscopy and selection rules, validity of Beer-Lambert’s law. UV-Visible Spectrometry: Basic principles of instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator and detector) for single and double beam instrument; Basic principle of quantitative analysis: estimation of metal ions from aqueous solution, geometrical isomers, keto-enol tautomers. Determination of composition of metalcomplexes using Job’s method of continuous variation and mole ratio method. Infrared Spectrometry: Basic principles of instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator & detector) for single and double beam instrument; sampling techniques. Structural illustration through interpretation of data, Effect and importance of isotope substitution.
    Flame Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectrometry: Basic principles of instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator, detector, Choice of flame and Burner designs. Techniques of atomization and sample introduction; Method of background correction, sources of chemical interferences and their method of removal. Techniques for the quantitative estimation of trace level of metal ions from water samples.


    Electro analytical methods: Classification of electroanalytical methods, basic principle of pH metric, potentiometric and conductometric titrations. Techniques used for the determination of equivalence point. Techniques used for the determination of pKa values.


    Separation Techniques: Solvent extraction: Classification and principle and efficiency of the technique.
    Mechanism of extraction: extraction by solvation and chelation. Technique of extraction: batch, continuous and counter current extractions.
    Qualitative and quantitative aspects of solvent extraction: extraction of metal ions from aqueous solution, extraction of organic species from the aqueous and non aqueous media.
    Chromatography: Classification and principle and efficiency of the technique. Mechanism of separation: adsorption, partition & ion exchange. Development of chromatograms: frontal, elution and displacement methods. Qualitative and quantitative aspects of chromatographic methods of analysis: IC, GLC, GPC, TLC and HPLC.


    • 1. Vogel, Arthur I: A Test book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis (Rev. by GH Jeffery and others) 5th Ed. The English Language Book Society of Longman
    • 2. Willard, Hobert H. et. al: Instrumental Methods of Analysis, 7th Ed. Wardsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, California, USA, 1988.
    • 3. Christian, Gary D; Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed. New York- John Willy, 2004.
    • 4. Harris, Daniel C: Exploring Chemical Analysis, 2nd Ed. New York, W.H. Freeman, 2001.
    • 5. Khopkar, S.M. Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry New Age, International Publisher, 2009.
    • 6. SKoog, D.A. Holler F.J. and Nieman, T.A. Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd. Singapore.
    • 7. Mikes, O. & Chalmes, R.A. Laboratory Hand Book of Chromatographic & Allied Methods, Elles Harwood Ltd. London.
    • 8. Ditts, R.V. Analytical Chemistry – Methods of separation.
  • JBPH-451

    Basic Electronics Lab:

    List of Experiment

    Note: Select any ten experiments from the following list

    • 1. To verify the Thevenin, Norton, Superposition, and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
    • 2. To measure the Input and Output Impedance of an Unknown Network and to convert it into Equivalent T and _ Circuits.
    • 3. To study
      • a) Half-wave Rectifier and
      • b) Full-wave Bridge Rectifier and investigate the effect of C, L and _ filters.
    • 4. To design a Semiconductor Power Supply of given rating using
      • a) Half wave,
      • b) Full wave or
      • c) Bridge rectifier and investigate the effect of C‐filter.
    • 5. To study the Forward and Reverse characteristics of a ZenerDiode and to study its use as a Voltage Regulator.
    • 6. To investigate simple regulation and stabilization circuits using Voltage Regulator ICs.
    • 7. To determine the Characteristics of p‐n junction of a Solar Cell.
    • 8. To study the Characteristics of a Photo‐diode.
    • 9. To determine the Coupling Coefficient of a Piezoelectric crystal.
    • 10. To study the CE Characteristics of a Transistor.
    • 11. To study the various Transistor Biasing Configurations.
    • 12. To design a CE Amplifier of a given gain (mid‐gain) using Voltage Divider Bias.
    • 13. To study the Frequency Response of Voltage Gain of a RC‐Coupled Amplifier.
    • 14. To design an Oscillator of given specifications using Transistors.
    • 15. To study the Characteristics of a FET and design a common source amplifier.
  • JBCH-451

    Analytical Methods in Chemical Analysis:

    • A. Quantitative Organic Analysis
      • a. Separate and identify the monosaccharide present in the given mixture (glucose & fructose) by paper chromatography.
      • b. Determine the pH of given aerated drinks and fruit juices and soaps.
      • c. Determination of dissolved oxygen in water.
      • d. Determination of biological oxygen demand.
      • e. Determination of chemical oxygen demand.
      • f. Estimation of Barium as barium sulphate by gravimetric analysis.
    • B. Qualitative Organic Analysis
      • a. Detection of elements
      • b. Detection of functional group
  • Total Credits