B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Syllabus
Semester IV
JEOE-041-048 /JEAS-401
Science Based Open Elective/Engineering Mathematics III
Introduction to Soft Computing (JEOE-041):
Neural Networks-1(Introduction & Architecture) Neuron, Nerve structure and synapse, Artificial Neuron and its model, activation functions, Neural network architecture: single layer and multilayer feed forward networks, recurrent networks, Various learning techniques; perception and convergence rule, Auto-associative and hetro-associative memory.
Neural Networks-II (Back propogation networks) Architecture: perceptron model, solution, single layer artificial neural network, multilayer perception model; back propogation learning methods, effect of learning rule co-efficient ;back propagation algorithm, factors affecting backpropagation training, applications.
Fuzzy Logic-I (Introduction) Basic concepts of fuzzy logic, Fuzzy sets and Crisp sets, Fuzzy set theory and operations, Properties of fuzzy sets, Fuzzy and Crisp relations, Fuzzy to Crisp conversion.
Fuzzy Logic II (Fuzzy Membership, Rules) Membership functions, interference in fuzzy logic, fuzzy if-then rules, Fuzzy implications and Fuzzy algorithms, Fuzzy fications & Defuzzi ficataions, Fuzzy Controller, Industrial applications.
Genetic Algorithm(GA): Basic concepts, working principle, procedures of GA, flow chart of GA, Genetic representations, (encoding) Initialization and selection, Genetic operators, Mutation, Generational Cycle, applications.
- 1. S. Rajsekaran & G.A. Vijayalakshmi Pai, "Neural Networks,Fuzzy Logic and Genetic.
- 2. Algorithm:Synthesis and Applications" Prentice Hall of India.
- 3. N.P.Padhy,"Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems" Oxford Univ. Press
- 4. Siman Haykin,"Neural Netowrks"Prentice Hall of India
- 5. Timothy J. Ross, "Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications" Wiley India.
Nano Sciences (JEOE-042):
Introduction: Definition of Nano-Science and Nano Technology, Applications of Nano Technology, Introduction to Physics of Solid State: Structure: Size dependence of properties; crystal structures, face centred cubic, nano particles; Tetrahedrically bounded semiconductor structures; lattice vibrations. Energy Bands: Insulators, semiconductor and conductors; Reciprocal space; Energy bands and gaps of semiconductors; effective masses; Fermi Surfaces. Localized Particles: Acceptors and deep taps; mobility; Excitons.
Quantum Theory For Nano Science: Time dependent and time independent Schrodinger wave equations. Particle in a box, Potential step: Refelection and tunneling(Quantum leak). Penetration of Barrier, Potential box (Trapped particle in 3D: Nanodot), Electron trapped in 2D plane (Nano sheet), Quantum confinerment effect in nano materials. Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots Preparation of Quantum Nanostructure; Size and Dimensionality effect, Fermigas: Potential wells; Partial confinement: Excitons: Single electron Tunneling, Infrared etectors: Quantum dot laser Superconductivity, Properties of Individual Nano particlesMetal Nano clusters: Magic Numbers; Theoretical Modelling of Nanopraticles; geometric structure; electronic structure; Reactivity; Fluctuations Magnetic Clusters; Bulle to Nano structure. Semi conducting Nanoparticles: Optical Properties; Photofragmentation; Coulmbic explosion. Rare Gas & Molecular Clusters: Inert gas clusters; Superfluid clusters molecular clusters.
Growth Techniques of Nanomaterials: Lithograpahic and Nonlithograpahic techniques, Sputtering and film deposition in glow discharge, DC sputtering technique (p-CuAlO2 deposition), Thermal evaporation technique, E-beam evaporation, Chemical Vapour deposition(CVD), Synthesis of carbon nano-fibres and multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Pulsed Laser Deposition, Molecular beam Epitoxy, Sol-Gel Techniuqe (No chemistry required), Synthesis of nanowires/rods, Electrodeposition, Chemical bath deposition, Ion beam deposition system, Vapor-Liquid –Solid (VLS) method of nanowires.
Methods of Measuring Properties: Structure: Crystallography, particle size determination, surface structure, Microscopy: Scanning Prob Microscopy (SPM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Field Ion Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Elecrtron Microscopy (TEM)Spectroscopy: Infra red and Raman Spectroscopy, X-ray Spectroscopy, Magnetic Resonance, Optical and Vibrational Spectroscopy, Luninscence.
Buckey Ball: Nano structuresof carbon (fullerene): Carbon nano-tubes: Fabrication, structure, Electrical, mechanical, and vibrational properties and applications. Nano diamond, Boron Nitride Nano-tubes, single elecron transistors, Moelcular machine, Nano-Biometrics, Nano Robots
- 1. C.P.Poole Jr F.J. Owens, "Introduction to Nanotechnology".
- 2. "Introduction to S.S. Physics" Wiley 1996.
- 3. S. Sugano & H. Koizuoni, "Microcluster Physics" –Springor 1998
- 4. "Handboole of Nanostructured Materials & Nanotechnology" vol.-5.
- 5. A.K.Bandyopadhyay, "Nano Materials" New Age International.
Laser Systems and Applications (JEOE-043):
Introduction: Review of elementary quantum physics, Schrodinger equation, concept of coherence, absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission processes, relation between Einstein's A and B coefficients, population inversion, pumping, gain, optical cavities.
Lasers & Laser Systems: Main components of Laser, principle of Laser action, introduction to general lasers and their types. Three & four level Lasers, CW & Pulsed Lasers, atomic, ionic, molecular, excimer, liquid and solid state Lasers and systems, short pulse generation and Measurement.
Applications: Laser applications in medicine and surgery, materials processing, optical communication, metrology and LIDAR and holography.
- 1. KR Nambiar, "Laser Principles, Types & Application" New Age International
- 2. S. A. Ahmad, "Laser concepts and Applications" New Age International
Space Sciences (JEOE-044):
Introduction: Introduction to space science and applications, historical development
Solar System: Nebular theory of formation of our Solar System, Solar wind and nuclear reaction as the source of energy. Sun and Planets: Brief description about shape size, period of rotation about axis and period of revolution, distance of planets from sun, Bode's law, Kepler's Laws of planetary motion, Newton's deductions from Kepler's Laws, Newton's Law of gravitation, correction of Kepler's third law, determination of mass of earth, determination of mass of planets with respect to earth, Brief description of Asteroids, Satellites and Comets.
Stars: Stellar spectra and structure, stellar evolution, nucleo-synthesis and formation of elements. Classification of stars: Harvard classification system, Hertzsprung-Russel diagram, Luminosity of star, variable stars; composite stars (white dwarfs, Neutron stars, black hole, star clusters, supernova and binary stars); Chandrasekhar limit.
Galaxies: Galaxies and their evolution and origin, active galaxies and quasars.
Creation of Universe: Early history of the universe, Big-Bang and Hubble expansion model of the universe, cosmic microwave background radiation, dark matter and dark energy.
- 1. K.S. Krishnaswami, Astrophysics: A modern Perspective, N A International.
- 2. K.S. Krishnaswami, Understanding Cosmic Panorama, New Age International.
Polymer Science and Technology (JEOE-045):
POLYMERS: Introduction, chemistry of polymer synthesis, polymer reaction kinetics, physical properties and characterization of polymers, effect of structure on properties of polymers, organic polymers, Introduction to high performance polymers and composites and their processing.
POLYMERIZATION: Introduction, step-growth polymerization, free radical chain growth polymerization, emulsion polymerization, ionic and cationic polymerization, chain statistics and rubber elasticity.
PREPARATION AND APPLICATIONS: Preparation, properties and technical applications of thermo-plastics (PVC, PVA), thermostats (PF, UF) and elastomers (SBR, GR-N), silicones, Application of polymers in space, ocean, electronics, medical, agriculture, automobile, sports and building construction.
Nuclear Science (JEOE-046):
Nucleus and Its Basic Features: Nuclear structure; nuclear forces and their properties, nuclear stability, nuclear radius and its meassurement, nuclear spin, nuclear magnetic and electrical moments.
Nuclear Models: Single particle model, liquid drop model and semi-emperical mass formula, nuclear potential and shell model, collective model.
Nuclear Reaction: Nuclear reaction and laws of conservation, types of nuclear reaction, mechanism of nuclear reaction, nuclear fission & binuclear fusion and their explanation by liquid drop model.
Nuclear Decay: Decay constant, half life period and mean life, alpha decay, beta decay, gamma decay, interaction of nuclear radiation with matter, Nuclear Instruments-I Mass spectrograph: General principle, Aston's Mass Spectrograph.
Nuclear Instruments-II Accelerators: Van de Graph Generator, Cyclotron, Synchrotron. Detectors: G M Counter, Scintillation counter, cloud chamber, Bubble Chamber, production and detection of neutrons and Gamma-photon. Application of Nuclear Techniques: Nuclear magnetic resonance, positron emission topography, radiotracer techniques and applications in material science and agriculture.
- 1. Tayal, "Nuclear Physics" Himalaya Publishing House.
- 2. S.N. Ghosal, "Nuclear Physics" S. Chand & Co
- 3. S. B. Patel, "Nuclear Physics: An Introduction New Age International.
- 4. H. B. Lal, "Introuctory Nucler Physics" United Book Depot.
- 5. Wang, "Introductory Nuclear Physics", PHI Learning
- 6. Roy & Nigam, "Nuclear Physics" John Wiley & sons.
- 7. W.E. Burcham, "Nuclear Physics" Longmans Publications.
- 8. Green, "Nuclear Physics" McGraw Hill
Material Science (JEOE-047):
Introduction: Historical perspective, importance of materials, Brief review of modern & atomic concepts in Physics and Chemistry. Atomic models, Periodic table, Chemical bonding. Crystallography and imperfections: Concept of unit cell, space lattice, Bravais lattices, common crystal structures, Atomic packing factor and density, Miller indices X-ray crystallography techniques, imperfections, Defects & Dislocations in solids.
Mechanical Properties and Testing: Stress strain diagram, Ductile and brittle materials, stress Vs strength, toughness, hardness, fracture, fatigue and creep, Testing, such as Strength testing, Hardness testing, Impact testing, Fatigue testing Creep testing, Non-destructive testing (NDT) Micro Structural Exam: Microscope principle and methods, Preparation of samples and microstructure exam and grain size determination, comparative study of microstructure of various metals and alloys, such as Mild steel, CI, Brass. Phase Diagram and Equilibrium Diagram: Uniary and Binary diagrams, Phase rules, Types of equilibrium diagrams: solid solution type, eutectic type and combination type, Iron-carbon equilibrium diagram.
Ferrous materials: Iron and steel manufacture, furnaces, various types of carbon steels, alloy Steels and cast irons, its properties and uses, Heat Treatment: various types of heat treatment, such as Annealing, Normalizing, Quenching, Tempering and Case hardening. Time Temperature Transformation (TTT) diagrams, Non-Ferrous metals and alloys: Non-ferrous metals, such as Cu, Al, Zn, Cr, Ni etc. and its applications, Various types of Brass, Bronze bearing materials their properties and uses, Aluminum alloys, such as Duralumin, Other advanced materials/alloys.
Magnetic properties: Concept of magnetism- Dia, para, ferro magnetic materials, Hysteresis, Soft and hard magnetic materials, Magnetic Storages, Electric Properties: Energy band, concept of conductor, insulator and semi conductor, Intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors, P-n junction and transistors, Basic devices and their applications, diffusion of Solid Super conductivity and its applications, Messier effect. Type I & II superconductors, High Temp superconductors
Ceramics: Structure, types, properties and applications of ceramics. Mechanical/Electrical behaviour and processing of ceramics, Plastics: Various types of polymers/plastics and their applications, Mechanical behaviour and processing of plastics, Future of plastics, Other Materials: Brief description of other materials, such as optical and thermal materials, concrete, composite materials and their uses, Other Materials: Brief description of other materials, such as optical and thermal materials, concrete, composite materials and their uses, Performance of materials in service: Brief theoretical consideration of fracture, fatigue, and Corrosion and its control
- 1. W.D. Callisster Jr. "Material Science & Engineering Addition" - Wesly Publishing Co.
- 2. Van Vlash, "Elements of Material Science & Engineering", John Wiley & Sons
- 3. V. Raghvan, "Material Science", Prentice Hall of India
- 4. Narula, "Material Science", Tata Mc.Graw Hill
- 5. Srivastava, Srinivasan, "Science of Materials Engineering" New Age International.
Discrete Mathematics (JEOE-048):
Set Theory: Definition of Sets, Venn Diagrams, complements, cartesian products, power Sets counting principle, cardinality and countability (Countable and Uncountable sets), Proof of some general identitites on sets, pigeonhole principle, Relation: Definition, types of relation, composition of relations, domain and range of a relation, pictorial representation of relation, properties of relation, partial ordering relation. Function: Definition and types of function, composition of functions, recursively defined functions.
Propositional logic: Proposition logic, basic logic, logical connectives, truth tables, tautologies, contradiction , normal forms(conjunctive and disjunctive), modus ponens and modus tollens, validity, predicate logic, universal and existential quantification, Notion of proof: proof by implication, converse, inverse, contrapositive, negation, and contradiction, direct proof, proof by using truth table, proof by counter example.
Combinatories: Mathematical induction, recursive mathematical definitions, basics of counting, permutations, combinations, inclusion-exclusion, recurrence relations (nth Order recurrence relation with constant coefficients, Homogeneous recurrence relations, Inhomogeneous recurrence relation), generating function (closed form expression, properties Of G.F., solution of recurrence relation using G.F, solution of combinatorial problem using G.F)
Algebraic Structure: Binary composition and its properties definition of algebraic structure; Groyas Semi group, Monoid Groups, Abelian group, properties of groups, Permutation Groups, Sub Group, Cyclic Group, Rings and Fields (definition and standard results)
Graphs: Graph terminology, types of graph connected graphs, components of graph, Euler graph, Hamiltonian path and circuits, Graph coloring, Chromatic number. Tree: Definition, types of tree (rooted, binary), properties of trees, binary search tree, tree traversing (preorder, inorder, postorder), Finite Automata: Basic concepts of Automation theory, Deterministic finite Automation(DFA), transition function, transition table, Non Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA), Mealy and Moore Machine, Minimization of finite Automation.
- 1. Kenneth H. Rosen, "Discrete Mathematics and its Applications", McGraw Hill, 2002
- 2. J.P. Tremblay & R. Manohar, "Discrete Mathematical Structure with Applications to Computer Science" McGraw Hill.
- 3. V. Krishnamurthy, Combinatories: Theory and Applications, East-West Press.
- 4. Seymour Lipschutz, M.Lipson, "Discrete Mathematics" Tata McGraw Hill.
- 5. Kolman, Busby Ross, "Discrete Matheamatical Structures", Prentice Hall International.
Engineering Mathematics III (JEAS-401):
Function of Complex variable: Analytic function, C-R equations, Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula for derivatives of analytic function, Taylor's and Laurent's series, singularities, Residue theorem, Evaluation of real integrals of the type
Statistical Techniques – I: Moments, Moment generating functions, Skewness, Kurtosis, Curve fitting, Method of least squares, Fitting of straight lines, Polynomials, Exponential curves etc., Correlation, Linear, non –linear and multiple regression analysis, Probability theory.
Statistical Techniques – II: Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions, Sampling theory (small and large), Tests of significations: Chi-square test, t-test, Analysis of variance (one way), Application to engineering, medicine, agriculture etc. Time series and forecasting (moving and semi-averages), Statistical quality control methods, Control charts, , R, p, np, and c charts.
Numerical Techniques – I: Zeroes of transcendental and polynomial equation using Bisection method, Regula-falsi method and Newton-Raphson method, Rate of convergence of above methods. Interpolation: Finite differences, difference tables, Newton's forward and backward interpolation, Lagrange's and Newton's divided difference formula for unequal intervals.
Numerical Techniques –II: Solution of system of linear equations, Gauss- Seidal method, Crout method. Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration , Trapezoidal , Simpson's one third and three-eight rules, Solution of ordinary differential (first order, second order and simultaneous) equations by Euler's, Picard's and forth-order Runge- Kutta mehthods.
- 1. Peter V. O'Neil, Advance Engineering Mathematics Thomson (Cengage) Learning.
- 2. Jain, Iyenger & Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation, New Age International, New Delhi, 2003.
- 3. J.N. Kapur, Mathematical Statistics, S. Chand & company Ltd.
- 4. R.K. Jain & S.R.K. Iyenger, Advance Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publication House, 2002.
- 5. Chandrika Prasad, Advanced Mathematics for Engineers, Prasad Mudralaya.
- 6. E. Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
- 7. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 2005.
- 8. Devi Prasad, An introduction to Numerical Analysis, Narosa Pub. House, ND.
04 -
Electrical Machine and Automatic Control:
Single phase Transformer: Efficiency Voltage regulation, O.C. & S.C. Tests. Phase to 2-phase or 6-phase connections and their applications. Auto Transformer: Volt- Amp relations, efficiency, advantages & disadvantages, applications. D.C. Motors: Concept of starting, speed control, losses and efficiency.
Three phase Induction Motor: Construction, equivalent circuit, torque equation and torque- slip characteristics, speed control. Alternator: Construction, e.m.f. equation, Voltage regulation and its determination by synchronous impedance method. Synchronous Motor: Starting, effect of excitation on line current (V-curves), synchronous condenser. Servo Motor: Two phase a.c. servo motor & its application.
Modeling of Mechanical System: linear mechanical elements, force-voltage and force current analogy, electrical analog of simple mechanical systems; concept of transfer function & its determination for simple systems. Control System: Open loop & closed loop controls, servo mechanisms; concept of various types of system. Signals: Unit step, unit ramp, unit impulse and periodic signals with their mathematical representation and characteristics.
Time Response Analysis: Time response of a standard second order system and response specifications, steady state errors and error constants. Stability: Concept and types of stability, Routh Hurwitz Criterion and its application for determination of stability, limitations; Polar plot, Nyquist stability Criterion and assessment of stability.
Dimensional Analysis and Hydraulic Similitude: Dimensional analysis, Buckingham's Pi theorem, important dimensionless numbers and their significance, geometric, kinematics and dynamic similarity model studies.
Root Locus Techniques: Concept of root locus, construction of root loci. Frequency Response Analysis: Correlation between time and frequency responses of a second order system; Bode plot, gain margin and phase margin and their determination from Bode and Polar plots. Process control: Introduction to P, PI and PID controllers their characteristics, representation and applications.
Boundary Layer Analysis: Boundary layer thickness, boundary layer over a flat plate, laminar boundary layer, application of momentum equation, turbulent boundary layer, laminar sub- layer, separation and its control, Drag and lift, drag on a sphere, a two dimensional cylinder, and an aerofoil, Magnus effect.
- 1. I. J. Nagrath & D. P. Kothari, "Electrical machines" Tata McGraw Hill.
- 2. B.R. Gupta & Vandana Singhal, "Fundamentals of Electrical Machines", New Age International.
- 3. K. Ogata, "Modern Control Engineering" Prentice Hall of India.
- 4. B.C. Kuo, "Automatic Control systems." Wiley India Ltd.
- 5. Irvin L. Kosow, "Electric Machinery and Transformers" Prentice Hall of India.
- 6. D. Roy Choudhary, "Modern Control Engineering" Prentice Hall of India.
- 7. M. Gopal, Control Systems: Principles and Design" Tata McGraw Hill.
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Applied Thermodynamics:
Thermodynamic relations: Mathematical conditions for exact differentials. Maxwell Relations, Clapeyron Equation, Joule-Thompson coefficient and Inversion curve. Coefficient of volume expansion, Adiabatic & Isothermal compressibility. Fuels and Combustion: Combustion analysis, Heating Values, Air requirement, Air/Fuel ratio, Standard heat of Reaction and effect of temperature on standard heat of reaction, heat of formation, Adiabatic flame temperature.
Boilers: Steam generators-classifications. Working of fire-tube and water-tube boilers, boiler mountings & accessories, Draught & its calculations, air pre heater, feed water heater, super heater. Boiler efficiency, Equivalent evaporation. Boiler trial and heat balance. Condenser: Classification of condenser, Air leakage, Condenser performance parameters.
Steam Engines: Rankine and modified Rankine cycles, Working of stream engine, Classification of steam engines, Indicator diagram, Saturation curve, Missing quantity, Heat balance. Steam& Gas Nozzles: Flow through nozzle, Variation of velocity, Area and specific volume, Choked flow, Throat area, Nozzle efficiency, Off design operation of nozzle, Effect of friction on nozzle, Super saturated flow. Vapour Power cycles: Carnot vapour power cycle, Effect of pressure & temperature on Rankine cycle, Reheat cycle, Regenerative cycle, Feed water heaters, Binary vapour cycle, combined cycles, Cogeneration. Steam Turbines : Classification of steam turbine, Impulse and reaction turbines, Staging, Stage and overall efficiency, Reheat factor, Bleeding, Velocity diagram of simple & compound multistage impulse & reaction turbines & related calculations work done efficiencies of reaction, Impulse reaction Turbines, state point locus, Comparison with steam engines, Losses in steam turbines, Governing of turbines.
Gas Turbine: Gas turbine classification Brayton cycle, Principles of gas turbine, Gas turbine cycles with intercooling, reheat and regeneration and their combinations, Stage efficiency, Polytropic efficiency. Deviation of actual cycles from ideal cycles. Jet Propulsion: Introduction to the principles of jet propulsion, Turbojet and turboprop engines & their processes, Principle of rocket propulsion, Introduction to Rocket Engine.
- 1. Applied thermodynamics by Onkar Singh, New Age International (P) Publishers Ltd.
- 2. Basic and Applied Thermodynamics by P.K. Nag, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub.
- 3. Thermal Engg. By P.L. Ballaney, Khanna Publisher
- 4. Theory of Stream Turbine by W.J. Kearton
- 5. Steam & Gas Turbine by R.Yadav, CPH Allahabad
- 6. Thermal Engg. By R.K. Rajput, Laxmi Publication
- 7. Gas Turbine, by V. Ganeshan, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers.
- 8. Gas turbine Theory & Practice, Cohen & Rogers, Addison Weslay Long man
04 -
Manufacturing Science I
Importance of manufacturing, Economic & technological considerations in manufacturing. Classification of manufacturing processes. Materials & manufacturing processes for common items.
Metal Forming Processes: Elastic & plastic deformation, yield criteria. Hot working Vs cold working. Analysis (equilibrium equation method) of Forging process for load estimation with sliding friction sticking friction and mixed condition for slab and disc. Work required for forging, Hand, Power, Drop Forging, Metal Forming Processes (continued): Analysis of Wire/strip drawing and maximum-reduction, Tube drawing, Extrusion and its application. Condition for Rolling, force and power in rolling, Rolling mills & rolled-sections. Design, lubrication and defects in metal forming processes.
Sheet Metal working: Presses and their classifications Die & punch assembly and press work methods and processes. Cutting/Punching mechanism, Blanking Vs Piercing. Compound Vs Progressive die. Flat-face Vs Inclined-face punch and Load (capacity) needed. Analysis of forming process like cup/deep drawing, Bending & spring-back.
Unconventional Metal forming processes: Unconventional metal forming processes such as explosive forming, electro- magnetic, electro-hydraulic forming. Powder Metallurgy: Powder metallurgy manufacturing process. The need, process, advantage and applications. 2 Jigs & Fixtures: Locating & Clamping devices & principles. Jigs and Fixtures and its applications. 2 Manufacturing of Plastic components: Review of plastics, and its past, present & future uses. Injection moulding. Extrusion of plastic section. Welding of plastics. Future of plastic & its applications. Resins & Adhesives.
Casting (Foundry) Basic principle & survey of casting processes. Types of patterns and allowances. Types and properties of moulding sand. Elements of mould and design considerations, Gating, Riser, Runnes, Core. Solidification of casting,. Sand casting, defects & remedies and inspection. Cupola furnace Die Casting, Centrifugal casting. Investment casting, CO2 casting and Stir casting etc.
- 1. Manufacturing Science by Ghosh and Mallik
- 2. Production Engg. Science by P.C. Pandey
- 3. Production Technology by R.K. Jain
- 4. Manufacturing Technology by P.N. Rao., TMH
- 5. Materials and Manufacturing by Paul Degarmo.
- 6. Manufacturing Science by KM Moeed.
- 7. Manufacturing Engineering & Technology by Kalpakjian, Pearson Pub.
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Measurement and Metrology:
Mechanical Measurements: Introduction to measurement and measuring instruments, Generalized measuring system and functional elements, units of measurement, static and dynamic performance characteristics of measurement devices, calibration, concept of error, sources of error, statistical analysis of errors. Sensors and Transducers: Types of sensors, types of transducers and their characteristics Signal transmission and processing: Devices and systems. Signal Display & Recording Devices
Time related measurements: Counters, stroboscope, frequency measurement by direct comparison. Measurement of displacement Measurement of pressure: Gravitational, directing acting, elastic and indirect type pressure transducers. Measurement of very low pressures. Strain measurement: Types of strain gauges and their working, strain gauge circuits, temperature compensation. Strain rosettes, calibration. Measurements of force and torque: Different types of load cells, elastic transducers, pneumatic & hydraulic systems. Temperature measurement: Thermometers, bimetallic thermocouples, thermistors and pyrometers. Vibration: Seismic instruments, vibration pick-ups and decibel meters, vibrometers accelerometers.
Metrology and Inspection: Standards of linear measurement, line and end standards. Limit fits and tolerances. Interchangeability and standardization Linear and angular measurements devices and systems Comparators: Sigma Johansson's Microkrator. Limit gauges classification, Taylor's Principle of Gauge Design.
Measurement of geometric forms like straightness, flatness, roundness. Tool maker's microscope, profile project autocollimator. Interferometer: principle and use of interferometer, optical flat. Measurement of screw threads and gears. Surface texture: quantitative evaluation of surface roughness and its measurement. Measurement and Inspection: Dimensional inspection – Tolerance, Limit gauging, comparators, Surface roughness, Feature inspection
- 1. Beckwith Thomas G., Mechanical Measurements, Narosa Publishing House, N. Delhi.
- 2. Doeblein E.O., "Measurement Systems, Application Design", McGraw Hill.
- 3. Kumar D.S., "Mechanical Measurements and Control", Metropolitan, N. Delhi.
- 4. Hume K.J., "Engineering Metrology", MacDonald and Co. 1963
- 5. Gupta, I.C., "Engineering Metrology", Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi, 1994
- 6. Sirohi, "Mechanical Measurement" New Age Publishers
- 7. Jain, R.K., "Engineering Metrology" Khanna Publishers
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JEME- 451
Machine Drawing Lab II:
- Orthographic Projection of solids in First angle of projection, missing lines views, interpretation of views
- 2. Part and Assembly Drawing (2 drawing sheet): Assembly drawing of eccentric, lathe tail stock, air valve, screw jack, connecting rod, safety valve etc.
- 3. Specification of Materials (1 drawing sheet): Engineering materials, representation, Code designation of steel, copper, aluminum etc.
- 4. Limits, Tolerance and Fits (1 drawing sheet): Limit system, Tolerances, Method of placing limit dimensions, Fits-types
- 5. Surface Roughness (1 drawing sheet): Introduction, nomenclature, machining symbols, indication of surface roughness
- 6. Production Drawing (1drawing sheet): Types, Examples of simple machine elements like helical gear, bevel gear, crank, connecting rod, belt pulley, piston etc.
- 7. Computer Aided Drafting (2 drawings): Introduction, input, output devices, introduction to software like AutoCAD, ProE, basic commands and development of 2D and 3D drawings of simple parts
- 1. Machine Drawing - KL Narayana, P Kannaiah, KV Reddy - New Age
- 2. Machine Drawing - PS Gill - SK Kataria & sons
- 3. Machine Drawing -N. Siddeshswar, P Kannaiah, VVS Shastry -Tata McGraw Hill
- 4. Engineering Drawing - RK Dhawan - S. Chand
- 5. AutoCAD-S. Vshal - Dhanpat Rai
- 6. Engineering Graphics - BK Goel & PK Goel - SK Kataria
- 7. Computer Aided Engineering Graphics - Rajashekhar Patil - New Age
- 8. Engineering Drawing - Dhananjay A Jolhe - Tata McGraw Hill
- 9. Engineering Drawing - CM Agrawal - Tata McGraw Hill
- 10. Machine Drawing – Ajeet Singh – The Mc Graw Hill Companies
02 -
Manufacturing Science I:
- 1. Say minimum 8 experiments out of following (or such experiment).
- 2. Design of pattern for a desired casting (containing hole)
- 3. Pattern making
- 4. Making a mould (with core) and casting.
- 5. Sand testing's (at least one such as grain fineness number determination)
- 6. Injection molding with plastics
- 7. Forging hand forging processes
- 8. Forging - power hammer study & operation
- 9. Tube bending with the use of sand and on tube bending m/c.
- 10. Press work experiment such as blanking/piercing, washer, making etc.
- 11. Wire drawing/extrusion on soft material.
- 12. Rolling-experiment.
- 13. Bending & spring back.
- 14. Powder metallurgy experiment.
- 15. Jigs & Fixture experiment
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Measurement and Metrology:
- Experiments: Minimum 8 out of following (or such experiments)
- 1. Study & working of simple measuring instruments- Vernier calipers, micrometer, tachometer.
- 2. Measurement of effective diameter of a screw thread using 3 wire methods.
- 3. Measurement of angle using sinebar & slip gauges. Study of limit gauges.
- 4. Study & angular measurement using level protector
- 5. Adjustment of spark plug gap using feeler gauges.
- 6. Study of dial indicator & its constructional details.
- 7. Use of dial indicator to check a shape run use.
- 8. Study and understanding of limits, fits & tolerances
- 9. Study of Pressure & Temperature measuring equipment.
- 10. Strain gauge measurement.
- 11. Speed measurement using stroboscope.
- 12. Flow measurement experiment
- 13. Vibration/work measuring experiment.
- 14. Experiment on Dynamometers.
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Electrical Machine and Automation:
A. Electrical Machines
- 1. To obtain speed-torque characteristics and efficiency of a dc shunt motor by direct loading.
- 2. To obtain efficiency of a dc shunt machine by no load test.
- 3. To obtain speed control of dc shunt motor using (a) armature voltage control (b) field control.
- 4. To determine polarity and voltage ratio of single phase and three phase transformers.
- 5. To obtain efficiency and voltage regulation by performing O.C. and S.C. tests on a single phase transformer at full load and 0.8 p.f. loading.
- 6. To obtain 3-phase to 2-phase conversion using Scott connection.
- 7. To perform load test on a 3-phase induction motor and determine (a) speed- torque characteristics (ii) power factor v/s line current characteristics.
- 8. To study speed control of a 3-phase induction motor using (a) Voltage Control (b) Constant (Voltage/ frequency) control.
- 9. To perform open circuit and short circuit test on a 3-phase synchronous machine and determine voltage regulation at full load and unity, 0.8 lagging and 0.8 leading power factor using synchronous impedance method.
- 10. To determine V-curve of a 3-phase synchronous motor at no load, half load and full load.
- 1. To determine transient response of a second order system for step input for various values of constant 'K' using linear simulator unit and compare theoretical and practical results.
- 2. To study P, PI and PID temperature controller for an oven and compare their performance.
- 3. To determine speed – torque characteristics of an A.C. 2-phase servo motor.
- 4. To study and calibrate temperature using Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
- 5. To study dc servo position control system within P and PI configurations.
- 6. To study synchro transmitter and receiver system and determine output V/s input characteristics.
- 7. To study open loop and closed loop control of a dc separately excited motor.
B. Automatic Control System:
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General Proficiency
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Total Credits30