B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Syllabus

Semester VI

  • JEME-011-014

    Departmental Elective I (Fluid Machinery/Unconventional Manufacturing Processes/Product Development & Design/Reliability Engineering)

    Fluid Machinery:


    Introduction: Classification of Fluid Machines & Devices, Application of momentum and momentum equation to flow through hydraulic machinery, Euler's fundamental equation. Impact of jet: Introduction to hydrodynamic thrust of jet on a fixed and moving surface (flat & curve), Effect of inclination of jet with the surface. Hydraulic Turbines: Classification of turbines, Impulse turbines, Constructional details, Velocity triangles, Power and efficiency calculations, Governing of Pelton wheel.


    Reaction Turbines: Francis and Kaplan turbines, Constructional details, Velocity triangles, Power and efficiency calculations, Degree of reaction, Draft tube, Cavitations in turbines, Principles of similarity, Unit and specific speed, Performance characteristics, Selection of water turbines.


    Centrifugal Pumps: Classifications of centrifugal pumps, Vector diagram, Work done by impellor, Efficiencies of centrifugal pumps, Specific speed, Model testing, Cavitations & separation and their control, Performance characteristics.s


    Positive Displacement Pumps: Reciprocating pump theory, Slip and coefficient of discharges, Indicator diagram, Effect and acceleration, Work saved by fitting air vessels, Comparison of centrifugal and reciprocating pumps, Positive rotary pumps, Gear and Vane pumps, Performance characteristics.


    Other Machines: Hydraulic accumulator, Special duty pumps, Intensifier, Hydraulic press, Lift and cranes, Theory of hydraulic coupling and torque converters, Performance characteristics. Water Lifting Devices: Hydraulic ram, Jet pumps, Air lift pumps.


    • 1. Hydraulic Machines by Jagdish Lal, Metropolitan book co. pvt ltd. Hydraulic Machines: Theory & Design, V.P.Vasandhani, Khanna Pub.
    • 2. Applied Hydraulics by Addison
    • 3. Hydraulic Machines by R K Rajput, S.Chand & co Ltd. Hydraulic Machines by D S Kumar

    Unconventional Manufacturing Processes:


    Introduction: Limitations of conventional manufacturing processes need of unconventional manufacturing processes & its classification and its future possibilities.


    Unconventional Machining Process: Principle and working and applications of unconventional machining process such as Electro-Discharge machining, Electro-Chemical machining, ultrasonic machining, Abrasive jet machining etc.


    Unconventional Machining Process (continued): Principle and working and application of unconventional machining processes such as Laser beam machining, Electron beam machining, Ultrasonic machining etc. (These can also be used for welding).


    Unconventional welding processes: Explosive welding, Cladding etc. Under water welding, Metalizing, Plasma are welding/cutting etc.


    Unconventional Forming processes: Principle, working and applications of High energy forming processes such as Explosive Forming, Electromagnetic forming, Electro-Discharge forming, water hammer forming, explosive compaction etc. Electronic-device Manufacturing: Brief description of Diffusion and Photo-Lithography process for electronic-device manufacturing.


    • 1. Modern Machining Processes – P.C. Pandey
    • 2. Unconventional Machining – V.K. Jain

    Product Development & Design:


    Introduction to Product Design: Introduction to PDD, Applications, Relevance, Product Definition, Scope, Terminology, Design definitions, The role and nature of design, old and new design methods, Design by evolution, Examples such evolution of bicycle, safety razor etc. Need based development, technology based developments, Physical reliability & Economic feasibility of design concepts.


    Morphology of Design: Divergent, transformation and convergent phases of product design, Identification of need, Analysis of need, Design for what? Design criteria, functional aspects, Aesthetics, ergonomics, form (structure), Shape, size, color, Mental blocks, Removal of blocks, Ideation Techniques, Creativity, Checklist.


    Transformations: Brainstorming & Synectics. Morphological techniques. Utility concept, Utility value, Utility index. Decision making under multiple criteria. Economic aspects of design. Fixed and variable costs. Break-even analysis.


    Reliability: Reliability considerations, Bath tub curve, Reliability of systems in series and parallel. Failure rate, MTTF and MTBF. Optimum spares from reliability consideration. Design of displays and controls, Man-Machine interface, Compatibility of displays and controls. Ergonomic aspects. Anthropometric data and its importance in design. Applications of Computers in product design.


    Product Appraisal: Information and literature search, patents, standards and codes. Environment and safety considerations. Existing techniques such as work-study, SQC etc. which could be used to improve method & quality of product. Innovation versus Invention. Technological Forecasting.


    • 1. Product Design & Manufacturing - A.K.Chitab & R.C.Gupta, PHI (EEE).
    • 2. The Technology of Creation Thinking - R.P. Crewford – Prentice Hall
    • 3. The Art of Thought - Grohem Walls - Bruce & Co., New York
    • 4. Product Design & Decision Theory - M.K. Starr - Prentice Hall
    • 5. Engg. Product Design - C. D. Cain, Bussiness Books.
    • 6. Industrial design for Engineers - W .H. Mayall, Itiffe. Design Methods – seeds of human futures - J. Christopher Jones,John Wiley & Sons.
    • 7. Human Factor Engg. - Mccormick E.J., Mc GrawHill.
    • 8. Engineering: An Introduction to Creative profession - G.C. Beakley Hw leach, Macmillan.
    • 9. Industrial Design In Engineering - A marriage of Techniques - Charles H. Flurscheim, The Design Council - London.
    • 10. Quality Control & Reliability Analysis - Bijendra Singh, Khanna Publications

    Reliability Engineering:

    • 1. Introduction: Definition of reliability, types of failures, definition and factors influencing system effectiveness, various parameters of system effectiveness.
    • 2. Reliability Mathematics: Definition of probability, laws of probability, conditional probability, Bay's theorem; various distributions; data collection, recovery of data, data analysis Procedures, empirical reliability calculations.
    • 3. Reliability: Types of system- series, parallel, series parallel, stand by and complex; development of logic diagram, methods of reliability evaluation; cut set and tieset methods, matrix methods event trees and fault trees methods, reliability evaluation using probability distributions, Markov method, frequency and duration method.
    • 4. Reliability Improvements: Methods of reliability improvement, component redundancy, system redundancy, types of redundancies-series, parallel, series - parallel, stand by and hybrid, effect of maintenance.
    • 5. Reliability Testing: Life testing, requirements, methods, test planning, data reporting system, data reduction and analysis, reliability test standards.


    • 1. R.Billintan & R.N. Allan,"Reliability Evaluation of Engineering and Systems", Plenum Press.
    • 2. K.C. Kapoor & L.R. Lamberson,"Reliability in Engineering and Design", John Wiely and Sons.
    • 3. S.K. Sinha & B.K. Kale,"Life Testing and Reliability Estimation", Wiely Eastern Ltd.
    • 4. M.L. Shooman, "Probabilistic Reliability, An Engineering Approach", McGraw Hill.
    • 5. G.H.Sandler,"System Reliability Engineering", Prentice Hall.
  • JEME-021-024

    Departmental Elective II (Non-Conventional Energy Resources & Utilization/ Advanced Welding Technology/Optimization Techniques in Engineering/ Mechanical Vibrations)

    Non-Conventional Energy Resources & Utilization:


    Energy resources and their utilization: Indian and global energy sources, Energy exploited, Energy planning, Energy parameters (energy intensity, energy-GDP elasticity), Introduction to various sources of energy, Solar thermal, Photovoltaic, Water power, Wind energy, Biomass, Ocean thermal, Tidal and wave energy, Geothermal energy, Hydrogen energy systems, Fuel cells, Decentralized and dispersed generation.
    Solar radiations: Extra terrestrial radiation, Spectral distribution, Solar constant, Solar radiations on earth, Measurement of solar radiations, Solar radiation geometry, Flux on a plane surface, Latitude, Declination angle, Surface azimuth angle, Hour angle, Zenith angle, Solar altitude angle expression for angle between incident beam and the normal to a plane surface (no derivation), Local apparent time, Apparent motion of sun, Day length, Solar radiation data for India.


    Solar energy: Solar thermal power and it's conversion, Solar collectors, Flat plate, Performance analysis of flat plate collector, Solar concentrating collectors, Types of concentrating collectors, Thermodynamic limits to concentration, Cylindrical collectors, Thermal analysis of solar collectors, Tracking CPC and solar swing Solar thermal energy storage, Different systems, Solar pond Applications, Water heating, Space heating & cooling, Solar distillation, solar pumping, solar cooking, Greenhouses, Solar power plants. Solar photovoltaic system: Photovoltaic effect, Efficiency of solar cells, Semiconductor materials for solar cells, Solar photovoltaic system, Standards of solar photovoltaic system, Applications of PV system, PV hybrid system.


    Biogas: Photosynthesis, Bio gas production Aerobic and anaerobic bio-conversion process, Raw materials, Properties of bio gas, Producer gas, Transportation of bio gas, bio gas plant technology & status, Community biogas plants, Problems involved in bio gas production, Bio gas applications, Biomass conversion techniques, Biomass gasification, Energy recovery from urban waste, Power generation from liquid waste, Biomass cogeneration, Energy plantation, Fuel properties, Biomass resource development in India. Wind energy: Properties of wind, Availability of wind energy in India, wind velocity, Wind machine fundamentals, Types of wind machines and their characteristics, Horizontal and Vertical axis wind mills, Elementary design principles, Coefficient of performance of a wind mill rotor, Aerodynamic considerations in wind mill design, Selection of a wind mill, Wind energy farms, Economic issues, Recent development.


    Electrochemical effects and fuel cells: Principle of operation of an acidic fuel cell, Reusable cells, Ideal fuel cells, Other types of fuel cells, Comparison between acidic and alkaline hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells, Efficiency and EMF of fuel cells, Operating characteristics of fuel cells, Advantages of fuel cell power plants, Future potential of fuel cells. Tidal power: Tides and waves as sources of energy, Fundamentals of tidal power, Use of tidal energy Limitations of tidal energy conversion systems. Hydrogen Energy: Properties of hydrogen in respect of it's use as source of renewable energy, Sources of hydrogen, Production of hydrogen, Storage and transportation, Problems with hydrogen as fuel, Development of hydrogen cartridge, Economics of hydrogen fuel and its use.


    Thermoelectric systems: Kelvin relations, power generation, Properties of thermoelectric materials, Fusion Plasma generators. Geothermal energy: Structure of earth's interior, Geothermal sites, earthquakes & volcanoes, Geothermal resources, Hot springs, Steam ejection, Principal of working, Types of geothermal station with schematic representation, Site selection for geothermal power plants. Advanced concepts, Problems associated with geothermal conversion. Ocean energy: Principle of ocean thermal energy conversion, Wave energy conversion machines, Power plants based on ocean energy, Problems associated with ocean thermal energy conversion systems, Thermoelectric OTEC, Developments of OTEC, Economics. Impact of renewable energy generation on environment, Kyoto Protocol, Cost of electricity production from different energy sources, Energy options for Indian economy.


    • 1. Bansal Keemann, Meliss," Renewable energy sources and conversion technology", Tata McGraw Hill.
    • 2. Kothari D.P., "Renewable energy resources and emerging technologies", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
    • 3. Rai G.D, "Non-Conventional energy Sources", Khanna Publishers.
    • 4. Ashok V. Desai, "Nonconventional Energy", New Age International Publishers Ltd.

    Advanced Welding Technology:


    Introduction: Importance and application of welding, classification of welding process. Selection of welding process. Brief review of conventional welding process: Gas welding, Arc welding, MIG, TIG welding. Resistance welding. Electroslag welding, Friction welding etc. Welding of MS.CI, Al, Stainless steel & Maurer/Schaefflar Diagram. Soldering & Brazing.


    Advanced welding Techniques: Principle and working and application of advanced welding techniques such as Plasma Arc welding, Laser beam welding, Electron beam welding, Ultrasonic welding etc.


    Advanced welding Techniques (continued): Principle and working and application of advanced welding techniques such as explosive welding/ cladding, Underwater welding, Spray-welding /Metalizing, Hard facing.


    Weld Design: Welding machines/equipments and its characteristics and arc-stability, Weld defects and distortion and its remedies, Inspection/testing of welds, Weld Design, Welding of pipe-lines and pressure vessels. Life predication. 4 Thermal and Metallurgical consideration: Thermal considerations for welding, temperature distribution, Analytical/Empirical analysis/formulae, heating & cooling curves. Metallurgical consideration of weld, HAZ and Parent metal, micro & macro structure. Solidification of weld and properties.


    • 1. Welding Hand Book

    Optimization Techniques in Engineering:


    Unconstrained Optimization: Optimizing Single-Variable Functions, conditions for Local Minimum and Maximum, Optimizing Multi-Variable Functions.


    Constrained Optimization: Optimizing Multivariable Functions with Equality Constraint: Direct Search Method, Lagrange Multipliers Method, Constrained Multivariable Optimization with inequality constrained: Kuhn-Tucker Necessary conditions, Kuhn – Tucker Sufficient Conditions.


    Optimization: Quasi-Newton Methods and line search, least squares optimization, Gauss-Newton, Levenberg- Marquartd, Extensions of LP to Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP), Non-Liner Programming, The Newton Algorithm, Non-Linear Least Squares, Sequential Quadratics Programming (SQP), Constrained Optimization, SQP Implementation, Multi-Objective Optimization, Branch and Bound Approaches, Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming, Singular Based Optimization, On-Line Real-Time Optimization, Optimization in Econometrics Approaches – Blue.


    Optimization and Functions of a Complex Variable and Numerical Analysis: The Finite Difference Method for Poisson's Equation in two Dimensions and for the Transient Heat Equation, Eulers Method, The Modified Euler Method and the Runga-Kutta Method for Ordinary Differential Equations, Gaussian Quardative Tranzoidal Rule and Simpson's 1/3 and 3/8 Rules, the Newton Raphson in one and two Dimensions, Jacobi's Iteration Method.


    Optimization in Operation Research: Dynamic Programming, Transportation – Linear Optimization Simplex and Hitchcock Algorithms, Algorithms, Minimax and Maximum Algorithm, Discrete Simulation, Integer Programming – Cutting Plane Methods, Separable Programming, Stochastic Programming, Goal Programming, Integer Linear Programming, Pure and Mixed Strategy in theory of Games, Transshipment Problems, Heuristic Methods.


    • 1. Winston W L: Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms
    • 2. Rao S.S., Optimization: Theory and Applications.
    • 3. Walsh G R: M methods of Optimization.
    • 4. Williams H.P.: Model Building in Mathematics Programming.
    • 5. Williams H.P.: Model Solving in Mathematics Programming
    • 6. G.L. Nemhauser and L.A. Wolsey: Intger and Combinational Optimization.
    • 7. R.G. Parker and R.L. Rardin:Discrete Optimization.

    Mechanical Vibrations:


    Introduction: Periodic motion, harmonic motion, superposition of simple harmonic motions, beats, Fourier analysis. Single Degree Freedom System: Free vibration, Natural frequency, Equivalent systems, Energy method for determining natural frequency, response to an initial disturbance, Torsional vibrations, Damped vibrations, Vibrations of systems with viscous damping, Logarithmic decrement.


    Single Degree Freedom: Forced Vibration, Harmonic excitation with viscous damping, steady state vibrations, Forced vibrations with rotating and reciprocating unbalance, Support excitation, Vibration isolation, Transmissibility, Vibration measuring instruments, Displacement, velocity and acceleration measuring instruments.


    Two Degree Freedom systems: Introduction, Principal modes, Double pendulum, Torsional system with damping, coupled system, undamped dynamic vibration absorbers, Centrifugal pendulum absorbers, Dry friction damper.


    Multi Degree Freedom system: Exact Analysis, Undamped free and forced vibrations of multi-degree freedom systems, influence number, Reciprocal theorem, Torsional vibration of multi-degree rotor system, Vibration of gear system, Principal coordinates, Continuous systems- Longitudinal vibrations of bars, Torsional vibrations of circular shafts.


    Multi Degree Freedom system: Numerical Analysis, Rayleigh's, Dunkerely's, Holzer's ad Stodola methods, Rayleigh-Ritz method. Critical Speed Of Shafts: Shaft with one disc with and without damping, Multi-disc shafts, Secondary critical speed.


    • 1. Mechanical Vibrations – P. Srinivasan, TMH
    • 2. Mechanical Vibrations – G. K. Groover, Jain Brothers, Roorkee
    • 3. Mechanical Vibrations – W. T. Thomson
    • 4. Mechanical Vibrations – JS Rao & K Gupta, New Age
    • 5. Mechanical Vibrations – Tse, Morse & Hinkle
    • 6. Mechanical Vibrations – V. Rama Murthy, Narosa Publications
  • JEME-602

    Machine Design II:


    Spur Gears: Tooth forms, System of gear teeth, contact ratio, Standard proportions of gear systems, Interference in involute gears, Backlash,Selection of gear materials,Gear manufacturing methods, Design considerations, Beam strength of gear tooth, Dynamic tooth load, Wear strength of gear tooth, Failure of gear tooth, Design of spur gears, AGMA and Indian standards. Helical Gears: Terminology, Proportions for helical gears, Beam strength and wear strength of helical gears, herringbone gears, crossed helical gears, Design of helical gears. Worm Gears: Types of worms, Terminology, Gear tooth proportions, Efficiency of worm gears, Heat dissipation in worm gearing, Strength and wear tooth load for worm gears, Design of worm gearing.


    Sliding Contact Bearing: Types, Selection of bearing, Plain journal bearing, Hydrodynamic lubrication, Properties and materials, Lubricants and lubrication, Hydrodynamic journal bearing, Heat generation, Design of journal bearing, Thrust bearing-pivot and collar bearing, Hydrodynamic thrust bearing. Rolling Contact Bearing: Advantages and disadvantages, Types of ball bearing, Thrust ball bearing, Types of roller bearing, Selection of radial ball bearing, Bearing life, Selection of roller bearings, Dynamic equivalent load for roller contact bearing under constant and variable loading, Reliability of Bearing, Selection of rolling contact bearing, Lubrication of ball and roller bearing, Mounting of bearing.


    IC Engine Parts: Selection of type of IC engine, General design considerations, Design of Cylinder and cylinder head; Design of piston, piston ring and gudgeon pin; Design of connecting rod; Design of centre crankshaft. Note: There will be three big questions from each unit. Units I & II each consists of 40 mark whereas Unit III consists of 20 marks. Design data book is allowed in the examination.


    • 1. Mechanical Engineering Design - Joseph E. Shigely, McGraw Hill Publications
    • 2. Design of Machine Memebers-Alex Valance & VI Doughtie, McGrawHill Co.
    • 3. Machine design-M.F. Spott, Prentice Hall India
    • 4. Machine Design-Maleev and Hartman, CBS
    • 5. Machine design -Black & Adams, Mc Graw Hill
    • 6. Machine Design-Sharma and Agrawal, S.K. Katara & Sons
    • 7. Design of Machine Elements-V.B. Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill Co.
  • JEME-603

    Theory of Machine II:


    Static & Dynamic Force Analysis: Static equilibrium of two/three force members, Static equilibrium of member with two forces and torque, Static force analysis of linkages, D'Alembert's principle, Equivalent offset inertia force, Dynamic force analysis of four link mechanism and slider crank mechanism, Engine force analysis-Piston and crank effort. Turning Moment & Flywheel: Turning moment on crankshaft, Turning moment diagrams-single cylinder double acting steam engine, four stroke IC engine and multi-cylinder steam engine, Fluctuation of energy, Flywheel.


    Balancing of Machines: Static and dynamic balancing, Balancing of several masses in the same plane and different planes, Balancing of reciprocating masses, Balancing of primary force in reciprocating engine, Partial balancing of two cylinder locomotives, Variation of tractive force, swaying couple, hammer blow.


    Governors: Terminology, Centrifugal governors-Watt governor, Dead weight governors-Porter & Proell governor, Spring controlled governor-Hartnell governor, Sensitivity, Stability, Hunting, Isochronism, Effort and Power of governor, Controlling force diagrams for Porter governor and Spring controlled governors.


    Gyroscopic Motion: Principles, Gyroscopic torque, Effect of gyroscopic couple on the stability of aero planes & automobiles. Mechanical Vibrations: Types of vibrations, Degrees of freedom, Single degree free & damped vibrations, Forced vibration of single degree system under harmonic excitation, Critical speeds of shaft.


    • 1. Theory of Machines - Thomas Bevan
    • 2. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms- Shigley
    • 3. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms-Ghosh & Mallik
    • 4. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms- Rao & Dukkipati
    • 5. Theory of Machines - S.S. Rattan
    • 6. Theory of Machines – R.K. Bansal
    • 7. Mechanics of Machines – V. Ramamurti
    • 8. Theory of Machines – Khurmi & Gupta
    • 9. Theory of Machines – P.L. Ballaney
    • 10. Theory of Machines – V. P. Singh
  • JEME-604

    Refrigeration and Air Conditioning:


    Refrigeration: Introduction to refrigeration system, Methods of refrigeration, Carnot refrigeration cycle, Unit of refrigeration, Refrigeration effect & C.O.P. Air Refrigeration cycle: Open and closed air refrigeration cycles, Reversed Carnot cycle, Bell Coleman or Reversed Joule air refrigeration cycle, Aircraft refrigeration system, Classification of aircraft refrigeration system. Boot strap refrigeration, Regenerative, Reduced ambient,Dry air rated temperature (DART).


    Vapour Compression System: Single stage system, Analysis of vapour compression cycle, Use of T-S and P-H charts, Effect of change in suction and discharge pressures on C.O.P, Effect of sub cooling of condensate & superheating of refrigerant vapour on C.O.P of the cycle, Actual vapour compression refrigeration cycle, Multistage vapour compression system requirement, Removal of flash gas, Intercooling, Different configuration of multistage system, Cascade system.


    Vapour Absorption system: Working Principal of vapour absorption refrigeration system, Comparison between absorption & compression systems, Elementary idea of refrigerant absorbent mixtures, Temperature – concentration diagram & Enthalpy – concentration diagram, Adiabatic mixing of two streams, Ammonia – Water vapour absorption system, Lithium - Bromide water vapour absorption system, Comparison. Refrigerants: Classification of refrigerants, Nomenclature, Desirable properties of refrigerants, Common refrigerants, Secondary refrigerants and CFC free refrigerants.


    Air Conditioning: Introduction to air conditioning, Psychometric properties and their definitions, Psychometric chart, Different Psychometric processes, Thermal analysis of human body, Effective temperature and comfort chart, Cooling and heating load calculations, Selection of inside & outside design conditions, Heat transfer through walls & roofs, Infiltration & ventilation, Internal heat gain, Sensible heat factor ( SHF ), By pass factor, Grand Sensible heat factor ( GSHF), Apparatus dew point (ADP).


    Refrigeration Equipment & Application: Elementary knowledge of refrigeration & air conditioning equipments e.g compressors, condensers, evaporators & expansion devices, Air washers, Cooling, towers & humidifying efficiency, Food preservation, Cold storage, Refrigerates Freezers, Ice plant, Water coolers, Elementary knowledge of transmission and distribution of air through ducts and fans, Basic difference between comfort and industrial air conditioning.


    • 1. Refrigeration and Air conditioning, by Manohar Prasad, New Age International (P) Ltd. Pub.
    • 2. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by C.P Arora.
    • 3. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by Arora & Domkundwar.
    • 4. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by Stoecker & Jones.
    • 5. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by Roy J. Dossat.
    • 6. Refrigeration and Air conditioning by P.L. Baloney.
    • 7. Thermal Environment Engg. by Kuhen, Ramsey & Thelked.
  • JEME-651

    Fluid Machinery Lab:

    Minimum 8 experiments from following:

    • 1. Impact of Jet experiment.
    • 2. Turbine experiment on Pelton wheel.
    • 3. Turbine experiment on Francis turbine.
    • 4. Turbine experiment on Kaplan turbine.
    • 5. Experiment on Reciprocating pump.
    • 6. Experiment on centrifugal pump.
    • 7. Experiment on Hydraulic Jack/Press
    • 8. Experiment on Hydraulic Brake
    • 9. Experiment on Hydraulic Ram
    • 10. Study through detailed visit of any water pumping station/plant
    • 11. Any other suitable experiment/test rig such as comparison & performance of different types of pumps and turbines
    • 12. Experiment on Compressor
    • 13. Experiment for measurement of drag and lift on aerofoil in wind tunnel
  • JEME-652

    Machine Design Lab II:

    A. Computer and Language: Students are required to learn the basics of computer language such as C and C++ so that they should be able to write the computer programme (3practical turns)

    B. Writing Computer programme for conventional design: Students are required to write computer program and validate it for the design of machine components done in theory subject (5practical turns)

    C. Mini Project: Each student will be given a real life problem for the complete design of a subsystem/system using either manual calculation with the help of design handbook or through computer programme, if needed. This will be done as home assignment to be submitted at the end of the semester.

  • JEME-653

    Theory of Machine Lab:

    Note: Eight experiments out of the following are to be conducted.

    • 1. Study of simple linkage models/mechanisms
    • 2. Study of inversions of four bar linkage
    • 3. Study of inversions of single/double slider crank mechanisms
    • 4. Experiment on Gears tooth profile, interference etc.
    • 5. Experiment on Gear trains
    • 6. Experiment on longitudinal vibration
    • 7. Experiment on transverse vibration
    • 8. Experiments on dead weight type governor
    • 9. Experiment on spring controlled governor
    • 10. Experiment on critical speed of shaft
    • 11. Experiment on gyroscope
    • 12. Experiment on static/dynamic balancing
    • 13. Experiment on Brake
    • 14. Experiment on clutch
  • JEME-654

    Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab:

    Note: Minimum 8 experiments out of following;

    • 1. Experiment on refrigeration test rig and calculation of various performance parameters.
    • 2. To study different types of expansion devices used in refrigeration system.
    • 3. To study different types of evaporators used in refrigeration systems.
    • 4. To study basic components of air-conditioning system.
    • 5. Experiment on air-conditioning test rig & calculation of various performance parameters.
    • 6. To study air washers
    • 7. Study of window air conditioner.
    • 8. Study & determination of volumetric efficiency of compressor.
    • 9. Visit of a central air conditioning plant and its detailed study.
    • 10. Visit of cold-storage and its detailed study.
    • 11. Experiment on Ice-plant.
    • 12. Experiment on two stage Reciprocating compressor for determination of volumetric efficiency, PV diagram and effect of intercooling.
    • 13. Study of Hermetically sealed compressor.
    • 14. Experiment on Desert coolers.
  • JGP-601

    General Proficiency

  • Total Credits