B.Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Syllabus
Semester VIII
Open Elective (Non Conventional Energy Resources/Optimization Techniques in Engineering/Product Development/Automation and Robotics)
Non Conventional Energy Resources:
Introduction: Various non-conventional energy resources- Introduction, Availability, Classification, Relative Merits and Demerits. Solar Cells: Theory of solar cells. Solar Cell Materials, Solar Cell Array, Solar Cell Power Plant, Limitations.
Solar Thermal Energy: Solar Radiation, Flat Plate Collectors and their Materials, Applications and Performance, Focusing of Collectors and their Materials, Applications and Performance; Solar Thermal Power Plants, Thermal Energy Storage for Solar Heating and Cooling, Limitations.
Geothermal Energy: Resources of Geothermal Energy, Thermodynamics of Geo-Thermal Energy Conversion-Electrical Conversion, Non-Electrical Conversion, Environmental Considerations. Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD): Principle of working of MHD Power Plant, Performance and Limitations. Fuel Cells: Principle of working of various types of fuel cells and their working, performance and limitations.
Thermo-electrical and thermionic Conversions: Principle of working, performance and limitations. Wind Energy: Wind power and its sources, site selection, criterion, momentum theory, classification of rotors, concentrations and augments, wind characteristics. Performance and limitations of energy conversion systems.
Bio-mass: Availability of bio-mass and its conversion theory. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): Availability, theory and working principle, performance and limitations. Wave and Tidal Wave: Principle of working, performance and limitations. Waste Recycling Plants.
- 1. Raja etal, "Introduction to Non-Conventional Energy Resources" Scitech Publications.
- 2. John Twideu and Tony Weir, "Renewal Energy Resources" BSP Publications, 2006.
- 3. M.V.R. Koteswara Rao, "Energy Resources: Conventional & Non-Conventional "BSP Publications, 2006.
- 4. D.S. Chauhan," Non-conventional Energy Resources" New Age International.
- 5. C.S. Solanki, "Renewal Energy Technologies: A Practical Guide for Beginners" PHI Learning.
Optimization Techniques in Engineering:
Unconstrained Optimization: Optimizing Single-Variable Functions, conditions for Local Minimum and Maximum, Optimizing Multi-Variable Functions.
Constrained Optimization: Optimizing Multivariable Functions with Equality Constraint: Direct Search Method, Lagrange Multipliers Method, Constrained Multivariable Optimization with inequality constrained: Kuhn-Tucker Necessary conditions, Kuhn – Tucker Sufficient Conditions.
Optimization: Quasi-Newton Methods and line search, least squares optimization, Gauss-Newton, Levenberg- Marquartd, Extensions of LP to Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP), Non-Liner Programming, The Newton Algorithm, Non-Linear Least Squares, Sequential Quadratics Programming (SQP), Constrained Optimization, SQP Implementation, Multi-Objective Optimization, Branch and Bound Approaches, Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming, Singular Based Optimization, On-Line Real-Time Optimization, Optimization in Econometrics Approaches – Blue.
Optimization and Functions of a Complex Variable and Numerical Analysis: The Finite Difference Method for Poisson's Equation in two Dimensions and for the Transient Heat Equation, Eulers Method, The Modified Euler Method and the Runga-Kutta Method for Ordinary Differential Equations, Gaussian Quardative Tranzoidal Rule and Simpson's 1/3 and 3/8 Rules, the Newton Raphson in one and two Dimensions, Jacobi's Iteration Method.
Optimization in Operation Research: Dynamic Programming, Transportation – Linear Optimization Simplex and Hitchcock Algorithms, Algorithms, Minimax and Maximum Algorithm, Discrete Simulation, Integer Programming – Cutting Plane Methods, Separable Programming, Stochastic Programming, Goal Programming, Integer Linear Programming, Pure and Mixed Strategy in theory of Games, Transshipment Problems, Heuristic Methods.
- 1. Winston W L: Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms
- 2. Rao S.S., Optimization: Theory and Applications.
- 3. Walsh G R: M methods of Optimization.
- 4. Williams H.P.: Model Building in Mathematics Programming.
- 5. Williams H.P.: Model Solving in Mathematics Programming
- 6. G.L. Nemhauser and L.A. Wolsey: Intger and Combinational Optimization.
- 7. R.G. Parker and R.L. Rardin:Discrete Optimization.
Product Development:
Concept of Product, definition and scope. Design definitions, old and new design methods, design by evolution, examples such as evolution of sewing M/C, bicycle, safety razor etc., need based developments, technology based developments physical relaibility & economic feasibility of design concepts.
Concept of Product, definition and scope. Design definitions, old and new design methods, design by evolution, examples such as evolution of sewing M/C, bicycle, safety razor etc., need based developments, technology based developments physical relaibility & economic feasibility of design concepts.
Transformations, Brainstorming& Synetics, Morephological techniques. Utility Concept, Utility Valaue, Utility Index, Decision making under Multiple Criteria. Economic aspects, Fixed and variable costs, Break-even analysis.
Reliability considerations, Bath tub curve, Reliability of systems in series and parallel, Failure rate, MTTF and MTBF, Optimum spares from Reliability considerations. Design of display and controls, Man-machine interface, Compatibility of displays and controls. Ergonomic aspects, Anthroprometric data and its importance in design. Application of Computers in Product development & design.
Existing techniques, such as work-study, SQC etc. for improving method & quality of product. Innovation versus Invention. Technological Forecasting. Use of Standards for Design.
- 1. A.K. Chitab& R.C. Gupta "Product design & Manufacturing" – PHI (EE)
- 2. R.P. Crewford, "The Technology of creation Thinking" Prentice Hall.
- 3. C.D. Cain, "Product Design & Decision" Bussiness Books.
- 4. C.D. Cain, "Engg. Product Design" Bussiness Books.
Automation and Robotics:
Introduction: Definition, Classification of Robots, geometric classification and control classification. Robot Elements: Drive system, control system, sensors, end effectors, gripper actuators and gripper design.
Robot Coordinate Systems and Manipulator Kinematics: Robot co-ordinate system representation, transformation, homogenous transform and its inverse, relating the robot to its world. Manipulators Kinematics, parameters of links and joints, kinematic chains, dynamics of kinematic chains, trajectory planning and control, advanced techniques of kinematics and dynamics of mechanical systems, parallel actuated and closed loop manipulators.
Robot Control: Fundamental principles, classification, position, path velocity and force control systems, computed torque control, adaptive control, Seroo system for robot control, and introduction to robot vision.
Robot Programming: Level of Robot Programming, Language Based Programming, Task Level Programming, Robot Programming Synthesis, Robot Programming for Welding, Machine Tools, Material Handling, Assembly Operations, Collision Free Motion Planning.
Applications: Application of Robot in Welding, Machine Tools, Material Handling, Assembly Operations Parts Sorting and Parts Inspection.
- 1. Coifet Chirroza, "An Introduction to Robot Technology" Kogan Page.
- 2. Y. Koren "Robotics for Engineers" Mcgraw Hill.
- 3. K. S. Fu, R.C. Gonzalez Y& CSG Lee, "Robotics" McGraw Hill.
- 4. J.J. Craig, "Robotics" Addison-Wesley.
- 5. Grover, Mitchell Weiss, Nagel Octrey, "Industrial Robots" Mcgraw Hill.
- 6. Asfahl, "Robots & Manufacturing Automation" Wily Eastern.
- 7. Peter Auer, "Advances in Energy System and Technology". Vol. 1 & II Edited by Academic Press.
04 -
Departmental Elective V (Operations Research/Maintenance Engg & Management/ Design of Thermal Systems/Advanced Synthesis of Mechanisms/ Six Sigma Methods & Applications/Concepts of Modern Physics)
Operations Research:
Introduction: Basics of Operations Research, Linear Programming: Introduction & Scope, Problem formulation, Graphical Method, Simplex methods, primal & dual problem sensitivity analysis.
Transportation & Assignment problems. Deterministic Dynamic Programming- Multistage decision problems & solution, Principle of optimality
Decision theory - Decision under various conditions. Game Theory - Two Person Zero sum game, Solution with / without Saddle point, Dominance Rule, Different Methods like Algebraic, Graphical, Liner Programming Sequencing - Basic assumption, n Jobs through two / three machines, 2 Jobs on m machines.
Stochastic inventory models- Single & multi period models with continuous & discrete demands, Service level & reorder policy Simulations - Use, advantages& limitations, Monte-carlo simulation, Application to queuing, inventory & other problems.
Queuing models- Characteristics of Queuing Model, M/M/1 & M/M/S system, cost consideration. Project Management: Basic concept, Rules for drawing the network diagram, Applications of CPM and PERT techniques in Project planning and control; crashing of operations; resource allocation.
- 1. Operations Research by : Wangner
- 2. Operations Research by : Taha
- 3. Introduction to Management Science by: Hiller & Hiller
- 4. Operations Research by : Wayne L. Winston
Maintenance Engg & Management:
Introduction, operating life cycle, reliability, Failure data analysis, failure rate curve, hazard models, elements in series, parallel, mix, logic diagrams, improving reliability, redundancy-element, unit, standby, maintainability, availability, reliability and maintainability trade off.
Maintenance Strategies: Break down maintenance, planned maintenance, strategies, preventive maintenance, design out maintenance, planned lubrication, total productive maintenance, zero break down, preventive inspection of equipment used in emergency.
Replacement planning maintain or replace decision, replacement of items that deteriorate identical equipment, replacement of items that fail without deterioration individual, group replacement, replacement in anticipation of failure.
Break down maintenance planning, assignment model, waiting time models expected waiting time, minimum cost service rate, PERT.
Maintenance Management, production maintenance system, objectives and functions, forms, policy, planning, organization, economics of maintenance, manpower planning, materials planning, spare parts planning and control, evaluation of maintenance management.
- 1. Management of systems – R.N. Nauhria & R. Prakash.
- 2. Operations Research – Wangner.
Design of Thermal Systems:
Psychrometry of Air Conditioning Processes, Design Conditions & Load Calculations Psychrometric Processes in Air Conditioning Equipments, Analysis of Air Conditioning systems for summer & winter conditions, Inside & outside design conditions for comfort, Industrial Air Conditioning. Cooling & Heating Load calculations-Heat transfer through building structures, solar heat gain, Infiltration & ventilation air, Internal heat gain, Occupancy & Product load, Room sensible heat factor, Effective sensible heat factor & Grand sensible heat factor, capacity of the plant. Design & Selection of Air conditioning Apparatus: Heat & moisture transfer in Air conditioning apparatus, Enthalpy potential, Analysis of Coil & Spray Equipments Design of Cooling & Dehumidifying coils, Design of Air Washer & Cooling Towers.
Analysis of Complete Vapour Compression System – Design and Balancing of System Components Type of Refrigerant Compressors, Condensers, Evaporators & Expansion devices used in Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycles, Design and Selection of individual components and their performance characteristics, Use of P-H charts for different Refrigerants in performance predication of the cycle. Analysis of the complete vapour-compression-system and determination of 'Balance Points' using Graphical and Analytical methods, system simulation. Layout & selection of Refrigerant, water and Brine pipings for the designed system. Selection of Refrigeration and Air conditioning Controls for the system.
Design of Turbomachines: Principles of Design of turbo machines, Design of axial flow turbine stage, Design of axial flow compressor stage, Design of centrifugal compressor.
Design of Heat Exchanger : Study of design aspects, fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics, Material requirement of heat exchange equipments, Liquid – to liquid and Liquid – to – gas heat exchange systems, Familiarity with use of design related standards and codes, Design of Heat exchanger.
Optimization of design of thermal systems like condenser, evaporator, cooling tower for minimum cost and maximum performance, Development of computer program for design, Environmental consideration in design of thermal systems, Analysis of thermal systems using FEM.
- 1. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning - By C.P. Arora
- 2. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning - By Manohar Prasad
- 3. Principles of Refrigeration (S.I.Units) - By Roy J.Dossat
- 4. Air Conditioning Engineering - By W,P.Jones
- 5. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning - By Mc Quistion, Parker & Spitler
- 6. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Data Book – Manohar Prasad
- 7. Ashrae hand Book – Fundamentals
- 8. Refrigeration & Air Conditioning-Stoecker & Jones
- 9. Refrigeration & Air condioning – By P.L.Ballaney
Advanced Synthesis of Mechanisms:
Introduction: Mechanisms, Classifications, Relative & absolute motion, degree of freedom, 4-bar mechanisms-planar & spatial mechanisms, Inversion and equivalent linkage, Transmission deviation and pressure angles Kinematic analysis of Planer motion, Relative velocity and velocity difference, Instantaneous centre, Poles and centrodes, Relative acceleration, acceleration difference.
Kinematic Synthesis Type, number and dimensional synthesis, spacing of accuracy points, hebyshev polynomials Four bar coupler point curves: Four bar linkage, Equation of coupler curves, Double points and symmetry, Robert Chebyshev theorem, Approximate and exact straight line mechanisms.
Geometrical Method of Synthesis: Poles and relative poles of four bar linkage, Poles and relative poles of slider crank mechanism, Synthesis with three accuracy points, Pole triangle, Four position synthesis, Examples.
Algebraic Methods of Synthesis-I: Displacement equation of four bar linkage, Crank and follower synthesis with three accuracy points, Four bar function generator with three accuracy points, Crank and follower synthesis: angular velocities and accelerations.
Algebraic Methods of Synthesis-II: Synthesis of slider crank mechanism with three accuracy points, Synthesis of slider crank mechanism with four accuracy points, Five accuracy points synthesis of crank and follower mechanism, Analysis of mechanical errors in linkage, Mechanical error in four bar linkage
- 1. Kinematic Synthesis of Linkages, RS Hartenberg and J Denavit, McGraw Hill, New York
- 2. Kinematic and Linkage Design, AS Hall Jr, Prentice Hall India Ltd.
- 3. Mechanism and Machine Theory, Amitabh Ghosh and AK Mallick
- 4. Mechanism Design: Analysis & Synthesis
Six Sigma Methods & Applications:
Quality Perception: Quality in Manufacturing, Quality in Service Sector, Differences between Conventional and Six Sigma concept of quality, Six Sigma success stories. Statistical foundation and methods of quality improvement. Descriptive statistics: Data Type, Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Variation, Standard Deviation, Skewness, Kurtosis. Probability Distribution: Normal, Binomial, Poisson Distribution.
Basics of Six Sigma: Concept of Six Sigma, Defects, DPMO, DPU, Attacks on X'S, Customer focus, Six Sigma for manufacturing, Six Sigma for service. Z score, Understanding Six Sigma organization, Leadership council, Project sponsors and champions, Master Black Belt, Black Belt, Green Belts.
Methodology of Six Sigma, DMAIC, DFSS, Models of Implementation of Six Sigma, Selection of Six Sigma Projects.
Six Sigma Tools: Project Charter, Process mapping, Measurement system analysis, Hypothesis Testing, Quality Function deployment, Failure mode effect analysis, Design of Experiments.
Sustenance of Six Sigma, Communication plan, Company culture, Reinforcement and control, Introduction to software for Six Sigma, Understanding Minitab, Graphical analysis of Minitab plots.
- 1. Six Sigma: SPC and TQM in manufacturing and service, Geoff Tennant, Gower Publishing Co.
- 2. Six Sigma for managers, Greg Brue, TMH
- 3. What is Six Sigma, Pete Pande, TMH
- 4. The Six Sigma Way, Peter S. Pande, TMH Team Field book
- 5. The Six Sigma way, Peter S. Pande, TMH
Concepts of Modern Physics:
Atomic & Quantum Physics: Wave-Particle Duality. Atomic-models. Quantum Physics- Planck, Bohr, De-Brogli, Schrödinger, Heisenberg, Born. Quantum and Wave Mechanics. X-ray, Laser etc.
Particle Physics & Dynamics: Molecule, Atom and Nucleus. Elementary Particles (& antiparticles) and its characteristics & historical development. Conservation laws. Quarks and quark-model. Simple particle interaction /dynamics. Feynman Diagrams & rules.
Relativistic Mechanics: Special-Relativity. Relativity as a bridge of electricity and magnetism. Minikowaskian space-time. Introduction to General-Relativity (almost without Tensors), concept of curved space-time and gravity as curvature. Tests of Special & General Relativity.
Astro-physics and Cosmo-Dynamics: Brief review of universe big-bang to black-hole including nucleo-synthesis, solar-system and galaxy. Hubble's law. Critical density, space- from closed, flat, open. Recent studies on Dark-matter and Dark-energy and its possible candidates.
Unification of forces: Fundamental forces- gravitational, electrical, magnetic, strong- nuclear & weak nuclear. Maxwell (& Faraday) unification of electric & magnetic field as electromagnetic. Brief introduction (with Feynman diagram) to GSW Electro-weak unification, and Standard- model. Brief mention of GUT, and String/M-theory.
- 1. Stephen Hawking- Brief History of Time
- 2. Besier- Concept of Modern Physics
- 3. Krane- Modern Physics
- 4. Kaku- Beyond Einstein
- 5. Griffith- Quantum Electrodynamics
- 6. Griffith- Elementy Particles
- 7. Hartle- Gravity
- 8. Bryan Greene- Elegant Universe
04 -
Departmental Elective VI (Finite Element Method/Non-Destructive Testing/ Advanced Materials Technology/Production & Operations Management/ Energy Management/Fundamentals of Bio Medical Engineering)
Finite Element Method:
Introduction: Introduction to finite difference method and finite elements method, Advantages and limitations, Mathematical formulation of FEM, Different approaches in Finite Element Method - Direct Stiffness approach, simple examples, Variational approach, Elements of variational calculus - Euler Lagrange equation, Rayliegh Ritz method, Weighted, Residual methods, Point Collocation method, Galarkin method - Steps involved in FEM.
Types of Elements Used: Interpolation Polynomials - Linear elements Shape function - Analysis of simply supported beam - Element and Global matrices - Two-dimensional elements, triangular and rectangular elements - Local and Natural Co-ordinate systems.
Finite Element Formulation of Field Problems: 1-D and 2-D heat transfer, fluid flow (incompressible and non viscous fluid) in ducts, Simple electrical and magnetic field problems. Simple Numerical examples.
Finite Element Formulation of Solid Mechanics Problems: 1-D problem of shaft, Truss element analysis of pinned truss, Plane stress/strain problems, Axi-symmetric problems, thin plate problems, Vibration of shafts & beams.
Numerical Methods in FEM: Evaluation of shape functions - One dimensional & triangular elements, Quadrilateral elements, Isoperimetric elements - Numerical Integration, Gauss Legendre quadrature - Solution of finite element equations – Gauss Elimination Method, Cholesky decomposition.
- 1. The Finite Element Method, O.C. Zienkiewicz and R.L. Taylor, McGraw Hill
- 2. An Introduction to Finite Element Method, J. N. Reddy, McGraw Hill
- 3. Finite Element Procedure in Engineering, Analysis, K.J. Bathe, McGraw Hill
- 4. Finite Element Analysis, C.S. Krishnamoorthy, Tata McGraw Hill
- 5. Concepts and Application of Finite Element Analysis, R.D. Cook, D.S. Malcus and M.E. Plesha, John Wiley
- 6. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, T.R Chandragupta and A.D. Belegundu, Prentice Hall India
- 7. Finite Element and Approximation, O.C. Zenkiewicy & Morgan,
- 8. Numerical Methods, E Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill
Non-Destructive Testing:
Introduction: Scope and advantages of NDT. Comparison of NDT with DT. Some common NDT methods used since ages, Terminology. Flaws and Defects, Visual inspection, Equipment used for visual inspection. Ringing test chalk test (oil whitening test). Attractive uses of above tests in detecting surface cracks, bond strength & surface defects.
Common NDT methods: Die penetrate test (liquid penetrate inspection), Principle, scope. Equipment & techniques, Tests stations, Advantages, types of penetrant and developers. Illustrative examples – Heavy castings of large size, frame of jet engine, porosity testing of nickel alloys, leak testing. Zyglo test Magnetic particle Inspection – Scope, principle, Ferro Magnetic and Non-ferro magnetic materials, equipment & testing. Advantages, limitations Interpretation of results. DC & AC magnetization, Skin Effect, use of dye & wet powders for magna glow testing, different methods to generate magnetic fields, Applications.
Radiographic methods: X-ray radiography principle, equipment & methodology. Applicability, types of radiations, limitations. Interpretation of Radiographs, limitations of γ-ray radiography – principle, equipment. Attenuation of electromagnetic radiations, source of radioactive materials & technique. Photo electric effect, Rayleigh's scattering (coherent scattering), Compton's scattering (Incoherent scattering). Pair production, Beam geometry, Scattering factor. Advantages of γ-ray radiography over X-ray radiography Precautions against radiation hazards. Case Study ─ X-ray of human body.
Ultrasonic testing methods: Introduction, Principle of operation, Piezoelectricity. Ultrasonic probes, CRO techniques, advantages, Limitation & typical applications. Applications in inspection of castings, forgings, Extruded steel parts, bars, pipes, rails and dimensions measurements. Case Study – Ultrasonography of human body.
Eddy Current Inspection: Principle, Methods, Advantages, Scope and limitations. Types of Probes. Case Studies.
- 1. ASM Handbook Vol. 11, 8th Edition – Non-destructive Testing & Evaluation
- 2. Research Techniques in NDT Vol.3, R.S. Shah, Academic
- 3. Industrial Quality Control, Webstar
- 4. Bray, Don E. and Stanley, Roderic K., Nondestructive Evaluation: A Tool in Design, Manufacturing, and Service. CRC Press New York.
Advanced Materials Technology:
Introduction to Ferrous Materials: Plain carbon steels, their properties and application: plain carbon steels, effects of alloying elements in plain carbon steels. Alloy steels, tools steels, stainless steels, low and high temperature resisting steels, high strength steels, selections, specifications, form and availability of steel. Cast irons-white, grey, modular malleable and alloy castirons. Recognized patterns of distribution of graphite flakes in grey cast iron.
Heat Treatment of Steels: TTT diagrams, annealing, normalizing, hardening and tempering of steel. Austempering and martempering of steel.
Nonferrous materials: Ultra light materials. Properties and application, brasses, bronzes, cupro-nickel alloys, aluminum, magnesium and titanium alloys, bearing materials. Heat treatment of nonferrous materials–soputionizing, Aging and precipitations hardening. Composites: Polymer – polymer, metal-metal, ceramic–ceramic, ceramic-polymer, metal-ceramic, metal-polymer composites. Dispersion reinforced, particle reinforced, laminated and fiber reinforced composites. Refractory materials and coatings for high temperature applications. Smart Materials-introduction, types and applications. Thin film shape memory alloys.
Biomaterials: Classes and application of materials in medicine and dentistry. Stress strain behaviour of bone. The mechanical properties including elasticity, hardness, viscoelasticity, surface and fatigue properties of skin, soft tissues, bone, metals, polymers and ceramics. Biocompatible materials and its applications. The effects of degradation and corrosion.
Nuclear Materials: Introduction to nuclear materials. Materials for nuclear fuel in fission and fusion reactors, Fissile and fertile materials. Control & Construction Materials for Nuclear reactors, Moderators, Heat Exchangers. Radiation proof materials. Brief discussion of safety and radioactive waste disposal.
- 1. Biomaterials Science- An Introduction to Materials in Medicine. Buddy D.Rattner, A.S. Hoffman, F.J. Sckoen, and J.E.L Emons, Academic Press, second edition, 2004.
- 2. Biomaterials: An Introduction (second edition) Joon B.Park & Roderic S.Lakes, Plenum Press, 1992.
- 3. Handbook of Materials for Medical Devices, Edited by J. R. Davis, ASM international, 2003.
- 4. Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, by J.R Lamarsh.
- 5. W.D. Callister, Jr, - Material Science & Engineering Addition-Wesly Publishing Co.
- 6. Van Vlash - Elements of Material Science & Engineering John Wiley & Son
Production & Operations Management:
Managing Operations: Operations Management – Function, Evolution, Definition, Systems view of P&OM; Operations Strategies for Competitive Advantage.
Planning (Designing) the conversion System: Designing Products, Services and Processes; Operations Capacity; Locating Production and Service facilities; Layout Planning.
Organizing the conversion System: Job design, Production and Operations standards, and work measurement; Project Management.
Scheduling Production and Service System: Scheduling systems, Aggregate Planning for Production and service system, Operations Scheduling.
Material Requirements Planning: Planning for needs, applying MRP, Detailed capacity planning, MRP II. Managing for World class Competition: World class Manufacturing practices, Managing for Quality, Conversion Process in change.
- 1. Adam Jr Everett E. R J – Production and Operations Management (PHI)
- 2. Russell & Taylor III – Operations Management (Pearson, 4th Edition)
- 3. Hill T- Operations Management (Palgrave, 2000)
- 4. McGregor D – Operations Management (McGraw-Hill, 1960)
- 5. Morton - Production and Operations Management (Vikas)
- 6. Gaither & Frazier - Operations Management(Cengage Learning, 9th edition)
Energy Management:
Introduction to energy, Sources of energy, Forms of energy, Energy reserves, renewable energy sources, Unites of energy and the laws of thermodynamics,, Energy consumption and GDP, energy database, Energy demand analysis, Costs of exploration and utilization of depletable resources, energy pricing, National energy plan.
Energy audit concepts, Energy audit based on 1st law and 2nd law of thermodynamics, Mass and Energy balances, Availability analysis, Evaluation of energy conserving opportunities, Economic analysis and life cycle costing.
Energy conservation areas, Energy transmission and storage, Plant wide energy optimization Models, Data base for energy management, Energy conservation through controls, Computer aided energy management, Program organization and methodology.
Electrical energy conservation in building lighting, heating, ventilating and air conditioning, Energy efficient motor, power factor improvement in power systems, Energy audit of Combustion process, Boilers, Turbines, compressors, Pumps, Heat exchangers, Condensers, Use of industrial, wastes.
Energy environment interaction, Environmental issues, Global warning, Carbon dioxide emissions, Depletion of ozone layer, Government's regulations, Energy economy interaction.
- 1. Energy Management and condevtion, by Clive Beggs, Butterwoth- Heinemann Elsevier Science.
- 2. Optimising Energy Efficiency in the Industry, By Rajan, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers.
- 3. Guide to energy Management, By C.L Capehart, Fairmont Press.
- 4. Renewable Energy Sources and their Environment Impact, by Abbasi & Abbasi, Prentice Hall of India.
- 5. Environmental Risks and Hazards by Cutter, Prentice Hall of India.
- 6. Energy and Power Risk Management: New Developments in Modeling, Pricing and Hedging, buy Alexander Eydeland, John Wiley & Sons.
- 7. Energy Management Handbook by, Wayne C. Turner.
- 8. Thermodynamics, By Kenneth Wark, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishers.
- 9. Exergy Analysis of Thermal, Chemical and Metallurgical Process, By Jan Szargut, David R. Morris, Frank R. Steward, Hemisphere Pub, Springer Verlag Publisher
Fundamentals of Bio Medical Engineering:
Biomechanics: Statics and dynamics of the musculoskeletal system, forces and moments. Acting in the skeletal system and the various techniques used to describe them. Forces and moments with in the body such as forces acting at hip and knee joint and in the extremities. Analysis of pathological situations of human joints.
Biomaterials: Stress strain behaviour of bone. The mechanical properties including elasticity, hardness, viscoelasticity, surface and fatigue properties of skin, soft tissues, bone, metals, polymers and ceramics. Biocompatible materials and its applications. The effects of degradation and corrosion.
Bio Fluid Flow: Fluids-laminar and turbulent flow, boundary layer, non-newtonian and pulsatile models, blood rheology, circulatory system, blood-flow in arteries, veins and heart, synovial fluid, joint friction.
Bioinstrumentation: Fundamentals of producing a medical image, image collection techniques, image reconstruction algorithms, detailed examination of the four main areas of medical imaging: Nuclear Medicine and positron Emission Tomography, Ultrasound, Diagnostic Radiology, Magnetic Resonance and its clinical applications. Physiological signals, noise, and available sensors and transducers and their characteristics.
Computing for Biomedical Engineers: Health care information and communications, Including telemedicine, medical informatics, networks and privacy. Data Collection, Medical coding and classification. Standards for medical data interchange. Aspects of database design, client/server topologies.
- 1. Basic orthopedic biomechanics, Editors-VC Mow & Wc Hayes, Lippincott Raven Publishers.
- 2. Biomaterials Science- An Introduction to Materials in Medicine. Buddy D.Rattner, Allan S.Hoffman, Frederick J.Schoen, Jack E.Lemmons, Editors, Academic Press.
- 3. Biomaterials: An Introduction (second edition) Joon B.Park & Roderic S.Lakes, Plenum Press, 1992.
- 4. Biofluid Mechanics, Jagan N.Mezumdar; World Scientific Pub.Co.,NJ 1992
- 5. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, RS Khandpur.
- 6. Mthematical models in biology and medicine- J.N.Kapur, Affliated East West Press Pvt. Ltd., NewDelhi-India
- 7. Bone Mechanism – W.C.Heys, CRC Press
- 8. Computers in Medicine- Lele.
04 -
Power Plant Engineering:
Introduction: Power and energy, sources of energy, review of thermodynamic cycles related to power plants, fuels and combustion calculations. Load estimation, load curves, various terms and factors involved in power plant calculations. Effect of variable load on power plant operation, Selection of power plant units. Power plant economics and selection. Effect of plant type on costs, rates, fixed elements, energy elements, customer elements and investor's profit; depreciation and replacement, theory of rates. Economics of plant selection, other considerations in plant selection.
Steam power plant: General layout of steam power plant, Power plant boilers including critical and super critical boilers. Fluidized bed boilers, boilers mountings and accessories, Different systems such as coal handling system, pulverizers and coal burners, combustion system, draft, ash handling system, Dust collection system, Feed water treatment and condenser and cooling towers and cooling ponds, Turbine auxiliary systems such as governing, feed heating, reheating , flange heating and gland leakage. Operation and maintenance of steam power plant, heat balance and efficiency, Site selection of a steam power plant.
Diesel power plant: General layout, Components of Diesel power plant, Performance of diesel power plant, fuel system, lubrication system, air intake and admission system, supercharging system, exhaust system, diesel plant operation and efficiency, heat balance, Site selection of diesel power plant, Comparative study of diesel power plant with steam power plant. Gas turbine power plant: Layout of gas turbine power plant, Elements of gas turbine power plants, Gas turbine fuels, cogeneration, auxiliary systems such as fuel, controls and lubrication, operation and maintenance, Combined cycle power plants, Site selection of gas turbine power plant.
Nuclear power plant: Principles of nuclear energy, Lay out of nuclear power plant, Basic components of nuclear reactions, nuclear power station, Nuclear waste disposal, Site selection of nuclear power plants Hydro electric station, Hydrology, Principles of working, applications, site selection, classification and arrangements, hydro-electric plants, run off size of plant and choice of units, operation and maintenance, hydro systems, interconnected systems. Non Conventional Power Plants: Introduction to non-conventional power plants (Solar, wind, geothermal, tidal) etc.
Electrical system: Generators and generator cooling, transformers and their cooling, bus bar, etc. Instrumentation: Purpose, classification, selection and application, recorders and their use, listing of various control rooms. Pollution: Pollution due to power generation
- 1. "Power Plant Engineering" F.T. Morse, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi/Madras.
- 2. "Power Plant Engineering" Mahesh Verma, Metropolitan Book Company Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
- 3. "Power Plant Technology" El-Vakil, McGraw Hill.
- 4. Power Plant Engineering by P.K. Nag, Tata McGraw Hill.
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12 -
General Proficiency
02 -
Total Credits30