Education is a tool that brings a change into the society that can achieve the goal of "developing nation through education". Education must never be in routine and calenderized pattern instead there is a need to change the mindset of students towards the goal oriented mission for the development. Mohammad Ali Jauhar Univeristy (MAJU), established as a private university through UP Act No. 19 of 2006, has been recognized by the University Grants Commission and registered under section 2(F). University, stretched in about 400 acres with lush green salubrious campus, provides serene, tranquil and hassle free environment of education to the destitute and poor students of the society in the form of UG, PG programmes in different fields of Science, Arts, Humanities, Commerce, Management, Law, Agriculture, Paramedical, Pharmacy & Engineering etc taking most of the programme up to the Ph.D level.

MAJU focuses not only to provide degrees but also make students proficient to be a leader, perfect in communication, understand human values, ethical standards to know the meaning of being human being. My joining to this prestigious and esteemed university, with the commitment to restore the gap after the pandemic corona and proceed to paradigm shift in modern curricular, was a big challenge. However, to make MAJU a world class centre for excellence, problems were converted into opportunity with the support of dedicated and capable staff.Furthermore, MAJU has been exemplary to introduce New Education Policy 2020 in different subjects within a short span of time.
"Teaching, Touching & Turning" are an important factors to hold the students in the campus for development of their acumen and groom their future as well taken care of their physical development with indoor/outdoor facilities of games, sports and gym available. Besides students are well exposed to debate, seminars, workshops, webinars continuing education programmes etc in the campus for their horizontal and vertical growth.
I wish students to come forward and join MAJU to utilize and exploit established academic excellence to develop latent potential so as to achieve goals and shape future for the bright career.