M.Sc. (Hons) Physics Syllabus
Semester I
Mathematical Physics:
Matrices: Definitions and types of matrices; Solution of linear algebraic equations; Characteristic equation and diagonal form; Eigen values and Eigen vectors; Cayley - Hamilton theorem; Functions of matrices; Application in solving linear differential equation.
Differential Equation: Linear Differential equation of first order; Linear differential equations with constant coefficient; Summary of Frobenius method, Exact equation, Inhomogenous linear equation, Differential equation with exact solution.
Complex Analysis: Function of complex variables; Cauchy-Riemann differential equations; Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula; Taylor's Series, Laurent series; Cauchy residue theorem; Singular points of an analytical function; Evaluation of residues & definite integrals.
Special Functions Differential Equations: Differential Equations and Special Functions, Beta and Gamma functions; Second ordered linear differential equations with variable coefficients; Solution of Hyper-geometric, Legendre, Bessel, Hermite and Laguerre equations; Physical applications; Generating functions; Recursion relations.
Fourier series and Transforms: Fourier series; Fourier integrals and transform; FT of Delta functions; Convolution theorem; Parseral's identity; Applications to the solution of differential equations. Laplace Transform and its properties; Applications to the solution of differential equations
- 1. Artken& Weber, Mathematical methods for Physicist, Academic Press- N.Y.
- 2. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, New Age International.
- 3. J.W. Brown, R.V .Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications,Mc-Graw Hill.
- 4. A. W. Joshi, Matrices and Tensors in Physics, New Age International.
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Classical Mechanics:
Preliminaries of classical mechanics: Newtonian mechanics - one and many particle systems; Conservation laws; Work energy theorem; Open system (with variable system) constraints and their classification; D‟Alembertprinciple; Generalized coordinates.
Central Forces: Reduction to one body problem; equation of motion and first integral; one dimensional problem and classification of orbits; Kepler‟s laws and planetary motion; Scattering in central force field; Transformation to laboratory frames.
Rigid Body and Vibrating System: Euler angles; Tensor of inertia; Kinetic energy of a rotating body; Symmetric top and Applications; Vibrating string; Solution wave equation; Normal vibrations; Dispersion; Coupled vibrating system.
Hamiltonian Formulation: Legendre transformation; Hamiltonian equation of motion; cyclic coordinates; Phase space and Liouville‟s theorem; Poisson bracket.
Special Theory of Relativity: Inertial and Non- inertial Frames, Michelson-Morley Experiment, Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity, Galilean and Lorentz Transformation, Length Contraction and Time Dilation, Addition of Velocities, Mass Energy Equivalence and Variation of Mass with Velocity.
- 1. N. C Rana& P S Joag, Classical Mechanics by, TMH.
- 2. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Narosa Publishing Home.
- 3. P.V. Panat, Classical Mechanics, Narosa Publishing Home.
- 4. R. G. Takawale and P.S.Puranik, Introduction to Classical Mechanics, TMH
- 5. J. C. Upadhyaya, Classical Mechanics, Himalaya Publishing House.
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Quantum Mechanics:
Schrödinger Equation: Empirical basis; de-Broglie hypothesis of matter waves; Heisenberg's uncertainty relation; Schrödinger's wave equation; Physical interpretation and conditions on wave function; Eigen-values and Eigen-functions; Particle in a square-well potential; Tunneling through a barrier.
Operators and Eigen-functions: Linear operator; Orthogonal systems and Hilbert space ; Expansion in Eigen-functions; Hermitian operators; Fundamental commutation rule; Commutations and uncertainty principle; state with minimum uncertainty.
Operators and Eigen-functions: Linear operator; Orthogonal systems and Hilbert space ; Expansion in Eigen-functions; Hermitian operators; Fundamental commutation rule; Commutations and uncertainty principle; state with minimum uncertainty.
Operators and Eigen-functions: Linear operator; Orthogonal systems and Hilbert space ; Expansion in Eigen-functions; Hermitian operators; Fundamental commutation rule; Commutations and uncertainty principle; state with minimum uncertainty.
Scattering Theory and Approximation Methods: Scattering cross-section; Born Approximation; partial wave analysis; Differential and total cross sections; phase shifts; exactly soluble problems; Mutual scattering of two particles; Perturbation theory and variation method.
- 1. P.M.Mathews and K.Venkatesan, A Text-book of Quantum Mechanics, Tat McGraw-Hill.
- 2. A.Ghatak and S.Lokanathan, Quantum mechanics: Theory and Applications,KluwerAcademic Press.
- 3. Li boff, Introductory Quantum Mechanics, Pearson Education Ltd.
- 4. R.P. Feynman, Feynman Lectures on Physics (Volume 3), Narosa.
- 5. J.J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley.
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Electromagnetic Theory:
Electrostatics: Differential equation for electric field; Gauss‟s law; Poisson and Laplace equations; formal solution for potential with Green‟s functions; examples of image method; Solutions of Laplace equation in cylindrical and spherical coordinates by orthogonal functions; Dielectrics, polarization of a medium, electrostatic energy; Boundary value problems.
Magneto-statics: Magnetic Induction, Biot- Savart law, Ampere‟s law and applications; Magnetic flux; Magnetization; Magnetic intensity, energy density; Linear and nonlinear media.
Maxwell's Equation: Displacement current; Maxwell's equations; Boundary conditions on the fields at interfaces; Vector and scalar potentials; Electromagnetic energy and momentum; Conservation laws; Inhomogeneous wave equation and Green's function solution.
Electromagnetic Wave: Electromagnetic wave equation; Solution and propagation of monochromatic waves in non conducting media; Polarization and energy density; Reflection and transmission at oblique incidence; Waves in conducting media; Wave guides, TE, TM and TEM waves in rectangular wave guide.
Radiation: Field and radiation in dipole; Radiation by moving charges; Lienard-Wiechert potentials; Total power radiated by an accelerated charge; Lorentz formula; application to antenna; Types of antennas.
- 1. J.D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, John Wiley & Sons.
- 2. D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, Prentice Hall of India.
- 3. F.J. Milford and R.W. Christy, Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory, Narosa publishing house.
- 4. E.C. Jordon and K.G. Balmain, Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, Prentice-Hall of India.
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Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics:
Elementary Probability Theory: Binomial; Poisson and Gaussian distributions; Central limit theorem
Ensembles: Review of Thermodynamics: Extensive and intensive variables; Laws of thermodynamics; Legendre transformations and thermodynamic potentials; Maxwell relations; Applications of thermodynamics to (a) ideal gas; (b) magnetic material and (c) dielectric material
Formalism of Equilibrium: Statistical Mechanics: Concept of phase space; Liouville's theorem; Basic postulates of statistical mechanics; Ensembles: microcanonical, canonical, grand canonical and isobaric; Connection to thermodynamics; Fluctuations; Applications of various ensembles; equation of state for a non-ideal gas; Vander Waals' equation of state; Meyer cluster expansion; virial coefficients.
Fermi-Dirac Statistics: Fermi-Dirac, Ideal Fermi gas, properties of simple metals, Pauli paramagnetism, electronicSpecific heat and white dwarf stars.
Bose-Einstein Statistics: Bose-Einstein statistics; Applications of the formalism to: Ideal Bose gas; Debye theory of specific heat, properties of black-body radiation, BoseEinstein condensation, experiments on atomic BEC, BEC in a harmonic potential.
- 1. F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, Tata McGraw-Hill.
- 2. F.Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, McGraw - Hill.
- 3. B.B.Laud, Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics, New Age International Pub.
- 4. Lokanathan and Gambhir, Statistical & Thermal Physics, Prentice Hall of India.
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Industrial Management:
General Management: Principles of scientific management; Brief description of managerial functions. Business Organizations: Salient features of sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint stock Company - private and public limited.
Financial Management: Concept of interest; Compound interest; Present worth method, Future worth method. Depreciation - purpose, Types of Depreciation; Common methods of depreciation - Straight line method, Declining balance method, Sum of the years digits method.
Personnel Management: Leadership and motivation; Staff role of the personnel department; Personnel functions; Organizational structure. Human Resource Planning: Reasons for human resource planning; Planning process; Goals and plans of the organizations; Implementation programs; Brief description of recruitment, selection, placement, performance appraisal, career development, promotion, transfer, retirement, training and development, motivation and compensation.
Material Management: Importance; Definition; Source selection, Vendor rating and Value analysis; Scope of MRP. Inventory Control: Definition, objectives, reasons, and requirements for inventory management; Inventory methods - ABC Analysis, VED. Economic Order Quantity models - Basic EOQ, Economic production run size and Quantity discounts.
Material Management: Importance; Definition; Source selection, Vendor rating and Value analysis; Scope of MRP. Inventory Control: Definition, objectives, reasons, and requirements for inventory management; Inventory methods - ABC Analysis, VED. Economic Order Quantity models - Basic EOQ, Economic production run size and Quantity discounts.
- 1. K. K. Ahuja, Industrial Management, Vol. I & II, Khanna Publisher.
- 2. E. Paul Degarmo, John R.Chanda, William G. Sullivan, Engg Economy, Mac Millan Publishing Co.
- 3. Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing Management, Prentice Hall.
- 4. Materials Management, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.
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Physics Lab I:
List of Experiments:
Note: Minimum 10 experiments should be performed
- 1. Study of Non-Destructive Testing using Ultrasonics.
- 2. Measurement of resistivity of sheets/films of polymer by Two Probe Method.
- 3. Study of Op-Amp as Square and Ramp Generator.
- 4. Find the Susceptibility of given paramagnetic substances (FeCl3) by Quincke‟s Method.
- 5. Study of Curie Temperature of Magnetic Materials (Iron).
- 6. Study of carrier density, mobility and Hall Coefficient of semiconductor using Hall's experiment.
- 7. Study of the elastic constants of glass by Cornu‟s interference methods-Elliptical and Hyperbolic Fringes
- 8. To trace I-V characteristic curves of diodes and transistors on a CRO, and learn their uses in electronic circuits
- 9. Determination of solar constant of a solar cell.
- 10. To study the Fibre attenuation of a given optical fibre.
- 11. Study of Band gap energy of a Thermister.
- 12. Determination of Stefan‟s constant.
- 13. MATLAB - Matrix operations.
- 14. MATLAB: Digital Signal Processing
- 15. MATLAB: Solving Ordinary Differential Equation.
- 1. Experimental Physics: Modern Methods, R.A. Dunlap, Oxford University Press.
- 2. B.K. Jones, Electronics for Experimentation and Research, Prentice-Hall.
- 3. Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual, P.B. Zbar and A.P. Malvino, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi.
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Total Credits32