Physiotherepy - First Year Syllabus
1.Introduction to Physiotherapy023 Hrs
Orientation to college and Department01
Details of the Diploma Programe01
4433 Hrs -
- Introduction
- - Tissues of the body
05 -
- Skeletal System
- - The skull, the thorax, the vertebral column, the pelvic girdle, the upper limb, the lower limb
05 -
- Arthrology
- - Types characteristics, varieties and movements.
- - Special joints - Sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, shoulder, elbow, radioulnar, wrist, hip, knee, tibiofibular, ankle and joints of the hand and foot.
05 -
- Myology
- - Muscles of head and face, chest, abdomen, back, upper and lower extremities.
- - Anatomical spaces.
05 -
- Circulatory System
- Heart and blood vessels
05 -
- Lymphatic system
02 -
- Alimentary system
- - Alimentary canal and accessory organs.
03 -
- Respiratory system
- - Respiratory passage, lungs and pleura.
02 -
- Endocrine glands
02 -
- Urinary system
- - Kidney, Ureter and Urinary bladder.
02 -
- Nervous system
- - Meninges, brain, spinal cord, nerves and their plexuses.
05 -
- Organs of special senses
- - Tongue, nose, eye, ear and skin.
05 -
- Reproductive system
- - Male and female.
02 -
2418 Hrs -
- Circulatory system
- - Blood
- - Cardiac cycle and circulation of the blood
- - Blood pressure and pulse
03 -
- Digestive system
- - Food
- - Digestion of food
02 -
- Physiology of respiration
02 -
- Metabolism
02 -
- Function of Endocrine Glands
03 -
- Renal function
04 -
- Nervous system and cerebrospinal fluid.
04 -
- Taste, sight, smell and hearing.
04 -
12896 Hrs -
- - Pre-Nightingale reforms. St. Vincent De Paul and Mile Le Gras, John Howard, Elizabeth Fry, the work of the Fleidners at Kaisersworth.
- - Florence Nightingale – Her life, her work in the Crimean war, the founding of Nursing School at St. Thomas Hospital. Her interest in India, in Military hospital and sanitation.
- - Contemporary developments – Discoveries of Pasteur, Lister and Koch. The relationship of nursing to hospital reform.
- - Nursing in India in modern days, the introduction and growth of Nursing in India, developments of schools, examination and registration, a brief review of organization in India today.
04 -
- Bed making
- - Materials used for hospital beds and bedding.
- - Special types of beds.
- - Positions in bed.
- - Moving and lifting of patients.
- - Additional appliances used for beds.
24 -
- Observation of patient’s conditions
- - Importance of habit of observation, positions, expressions, delirium, appetite, sleep, cough, expectoration, vomit, tongue, mouth and skin, fluid intake and output.
- - Temperature, clinical thermometer and its care, taking of temperature, varieties of temperature.
- - Pulse : Definition, character, how to take pulse, abnormal pulse.
- - Respiration :Mechanism of normal respiration, measure rate of respiration.
- - Recording of temperature, pulse and respiration on charts.
- - Giving and writing of reports.
24 -
- Caring of sick.
- - Daily toilet of the patient, bathing in the bed and the bathroom.
- - Care of hair and the mouth tray.
- - Bed sores and tropic ulcers and their prevention.
- - Giving of bedpans and urinals, spittoons.
- - Feeding of the bed-ridden cases.
20 -
- Aspiration and continuous drainage of stomach and duodenum.
06 -
- Artificial feeding
04 -
- Administration of oxygen.
04 -
- Inhalations.
04 -
- Preparation of patient for examination.
08 -
- Dressings and instruments commonly used in the wards.
15 -
- Prepare nursing trays and trolleys.
15 -
2015 Hrs -
- Biochemistry
- - Basics & fundamentals of biochemistry
- - Lab reports: Normal and abnormal valuesy.
01 -
- Characteristics of bacteria, virus, fungi and diseases produced by different kinds of organisms.
02 -
- Manner in which organisms enter the body and produce disease. Local and general effects, immunity
01 -
- Sources of infection.soil, water, air, food, insects and animals.
02 -
- Mode of spread.
- persons, ward articles, food, clothing, insects (emphasis on the fly as a carrier of disease), droplets and dust.
02 -
- Destruction of bacteria. sterilization, pasteurization, disinfection. Meaning and importance of cross-infection, prevention of cross-infection in wards, meaning of medical and surgical asepsis. Control of contact infection, hand washing, laundry, food, milk, surgical dressings, instruments, thermometers.
02 -
- Routes of Infection
- - Skin and mucous membrane, gastro-intestinal, mouth, stomach, colon, respiratory, nose and throat.
01 -
- Types of antimicrobial lotions and their use
01 -
- Control of infection.
01 -
- Inflammation, healing and repair.
02 -
- Infection, wounds, ulcers, blisters, boils, fractures, burns, scalds, gangrene and haemorrhage.
02 -
- Urine
- - Characteristics of normal urine, variations in diseases, collection of samples and routine tests.
02 -
- Faeces
- Characteristics of normal faeces, variation in diseases, collection of samples and routine tests.
02 -
- Sputum and vomit
- Characteristics in different diseases, collection of samples.
01 -
1612 Hrs -
- Definition and historical background.
01 -
- Personal hygiene
- Sleep, washing, eating and drinking, exercises, skin disease and their prevention.
02 -
- Water
- Sources - Rain, surface, underground.
- Purification - Reasons, principles and methods.
- Sterilization - Physical and chemical methods, individual water sterilizing outfit and its use.
- Storage - Water bottle, chagul, pakhal, canvas and iron cisterns, water truck.Water point.Water borne disease.
08 -
- Water supply
03 -
- Spray techniques
02 -
2015 Hrs -
- Food and nutrition
- - Composition of food.
- - Common articles of diet.
02 -
- Principles of Nutrition and dietetics.
02 -
- Food requirements.
02 -
- Cookery
- - Reasons for cooking and dietetics.
- - Effects of different methods on cooking.
- - Storage of food in ward.
02 -
- Preparation of tray and serving of food.
02 -
- Preparation of
- - Tea, coffee, cocoa, imperial drink, barley water, lemon squash, fruit juices.
- - Lockey, junket curds, buttermilk, jelly ice cream.Eggs flip, albumin water.
02 -
- Calories, BMR and caloric requirements.
02 -
- Common articles of diet.
01 -
- Special diets.
02 -
- Sick room recipes.
01 -
- Nutritional diseases
02 -
107.5 Hrs -
- - Definition, Hazards and infection control, Principles
- - Categories of BMW
- - Color coding
- - Waste management in hospital
- - Present scenario, System, Steps
- - Waste treatment and disposal
- - Bio safety
10 -
12493 Hrs -
- Definition of first aid, scope, principles and essentials, methods of approach and qualifications of a first aider.
10 -
- First field dressing and shell dressing, routine dressing, bandaging including use of triangular bandage.
08 -
- Fractures
- - Varieties, general signs and symptoms, general rules for treatment, padding of splints, individual fractures and treatment. Thomas splint.
15 -
- Injuries to joints and muscles, sprains and strains.
07 -
- Wounds
- - Types, first aid and treatment.
10 -
- Snake bite, bite by rabid animal, and stings of insects.
10 -
- Haemorrhage
- - Varieties, arrest of external haemorrhage, arrest of haemorrhage from special regions, mouth nose and ear.
10 -
- Artificial respiration.
10 -
- Asphyxia
- - Definition and causes.
07 -
- Poisons, classification, general rules for the treatment of poisoning.
10 -
- Burn injury
06 -
- Shock
06 -
- Effects of heat and cold.
06 -
09 -
107.5 Hrs -
- Introduction, Principle, Outline plan and disaster cycle
01 -
- Basics of NBC warfare
02 -
- Pre hospital phase, Hospital phase, Triage
02 -
- Supportive services and misc- Responsibilities of various organization, Disaster management protocol
02 -
- Effects and their management, Prevention and mitigation
01 -
- Preparedness and response
01 -
- Nervous system and cerebrospinal fluid.
01 -
10075 Hrs -
- Bones- revision with special reference significance of grooves, ridges, processes, surfaces and borders. Ligamentous and muscular attachments, arches of the foot and their functions.
05 -
- Joints-revision with special reference to types of movements, their limitations, muscles acting on various joints, ligaments tendons and cartilages.
04 -
- Muscles- muscle groups of the body, their origin, insertion and actions, nerve supply of main muscles, fasciae and aponeurosis of main muscles.
04 -
- Nerves-cranial nerves, their origin and areas of distribution, spinal cord and spinal nerves, main nerve plexuses and their trunks, autonomic nervous system.
04 -
- Blood vessels-blood supply of bones, joints and muscles
04 -
- Skin-structure and function
04 -
- Radio Anatomy
- Introduction : Principles of radiography, identification of anatomical features in plain radiographs.
- - Radiographs of :
- - Upper Limb - Shoulder region,Elbow region, Wrist and hand.
- - Lower Limb - Hip region, Knee region, Ankle region and Foot.
- - Abdomen - Plain Radiograph, AP/Lat
- - Thorax- Plain Radiographs : Male, female.
- - Head, Face & Neck - Plain Radiograph skull, AP, Lat, Plain Radiograph Neck, AP
10 -
- Living/ Surface Anatomy :-
- Upper Limb :
Shoulder girdle, Shoulder joint, Elbow joint, Radioulnar joints, Wrist joint, 1st carpo- metacarpal joint, MP and IP jointMuscles (DEMONSTRATION OF ACTION) :
Principle of testing : Trapezius, Serratus anterior, Latissimusdorsi, Pectoralis major, Deltoid, Biceps Brachii, Brachioradialis, Brachialis, Extensors at the elbow, Supinators, Wrist extensors, Wrist flexors, Small muscles of the hand.Nerves :
Dermatomes, Ulnar nerve thickening in Leprosy.Vessels (PALPATION OF ) : Axillary artery , Brachial artery, Radial artery Others : Axillary groups of lymph nodes, Anatomical snuff-box (boundaries)
- Lower Limb :
Bony Landmarks (PALPATION OF ) :
SAnterior superior iliac spine, Iliac crest ,tubercle of the iliac crest, Ischial tuberosity, Greater trochanter, Adductor tubercle, Head and neck of fibula, Lateral and medical malleoli, Tibial tuberosity, subcutaneous surface of tibia, PatellaJoint (DEMONSTRATION OF MOVMENTS):
Hip, Knee, Ankle, Subtalar JointsMuscles (DEMONSTRATION ACTION) :
Principles of testing - Sartorius, quadriceps, femoris, psoas major, Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, hamstring muscles, Gastronemius, soleus, popliteus, tibialis- anterior, tibialis posterior, peroneus longus & peroneus brevis, Hip- Flexors, Extensors, Abductors, Adductors, Knee- Flexors, Extensors : Ankle- Dorsiflexors , Plantar flexors, Subtalar- Invertors, EvertorsNerves : Dermatomes, Thinckening of common personeal nerve in Leprosy Vessels :
(PALPATION OF) : Femoral , Popliteal,Dorsalispedis, Posterior tibial.Others :
Ligamentum patellae, Inguinal lymphnodes. Tendons : Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Biceps femoris, Iliotibial tract.
- Abdomen :
Bony Landmarks (PALPATIONOF) :
Anterior superior iliac spine, Pubic tubercle.Joints (DEMONSTRATION OF MOVMENTS) :
IntervertebralMuscles (DEMONSTRATION ACTION) :
Principles of testing - Sartorius, quadriceps, femoris, psoas major, Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, hamstring muscles, Gastronemius, soleus, popliteus, tibialis- anterior, tibialis posterior, peroneus longus & peroneus brevis, Hip- Flexors, Extensors, Abductors, Adductors, Knee- Flexors, Extensors : Ankle- Dorsiflexors , Plantar flexors, Subtalar- Invertors, EvertorsNerves :
- Thorax :
Bony Landmarks (PALPATION OF):
Sternal angle, Counting of ribs, Inter costal spaces, locating thoracic spines.Joint (DEMONSTRATION OF MOVMENTS ) :
IntervertebralOthers :
Apex beat, Apices of the lungs, Triangle of auscultation.
- Head, Face, Neck :
Bony Landmarks (PALPATION OF):
Nasion, Glabella, Inion,Mastoid process, Superameatal triangle, Symphysismenti, Hyoid bone, Thyroid cartilage, Cricoid cartilage, Tracheal rings, Suprasternal notch, Transverse process of atlas, Spine of C7Joint (DEMONSTRATION OF MOVMENTS ) :
Temporomandibular joint, Atlantooccipital joint, Cervical jointsMuscles (DEMONSTRATION OF ACTION ) :
Of Mastication, Face, Sternocleidomastoid, Neck flexors and extensorsCranial nerves :
Testing of oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducent, facial, glossopharyngeal, accessory, hypoglossal.Others :
Thyroid gland, Cervical lymph nodes, (Horizontal and vertical) Midline structures in the neck.
60 -
- Limb length measurement (only lower limb- apparent, true supratrochanteric) and girth measurements
05 -
2015 Hrs -
- Nervous system- general features of central nervous system and spinal cord, structure of nerve fibers, degeneration and regeneration.
10 -
- Muscles:-
- - Varieties of muscles-voluntary, involuntary and cardiac.
- - Striated muscle-composition, nerve supply, excitability, mechanical changes and properties.
10 -
8060 Hrs -
- General application: -
- - Pyrexia and hyper pyrexia.
- - General treatment for reducing temperature.
- - Administration of oxygen.
20 -
- Minor procedures :-
- - Enema – varieties, how to administer enema.
- - Flatus tube.
- - Nasogastric aspiration and gastric lavage.
- - Suction and airway patency
20 -
- Procedures:
- - Types of procedures: lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspiration, pleural and asitic taps
- - Preparation of procedure trays and collection of samples
40 -
4030 Hrs -
- Principles of sepsis and anti-sepsis
- - General principles, definition and methods used.
- - Preparation of hands and use of gloves.
- - Sterilization of instruments, dressings, rubber goods, utensils: ligatures and sutures, sponges, mackintosh, towels, trays, syringes.
- - Care and maintenance of the above.
40 -
4030 Hrs -
- Weights and measures.
10 -
- Routes and Mode of administration
10 -
- Forms of medicament – powder, pills, lotions.
10 -
- Common drugs used in OPDs and wards.
10 -
4030 Hrs -
- Hospital Public relation management
- - Introduction, Human behavior, PR
- - Operation methods, KRA
- - Communication skills
- - Care of dying & dead
20 -
- Doctor patient relationship
- - Right & duties of patient
- - Right & duties of doctors
- - Consent
- - CPA
- - MLC
- - Medical ethics
- - The female patient
20 -
4030 Hrs -
- Health Determinants
01 -
- Indicators of Health
01 -
- Levels of Health Care
01 -
- Primary Health Care
01 -
- National Health Policy, National Population Policy
01 -
- National Health Programmes
- Pulse Polio
05 -
- Immunization schedule.
02 -
- Preventable diseases
- - Classification and mode of spread.
- - Common disease and their prevention - diarrhoeas and dysenteries, malaria, rabies, round worm, small pox, tuberculosis, typhoid, typhus, veneral diseases.
10 -
- Life history and prevention against housefly and mosquito.
02 -
- Effects of heat and cold and their prevention.
02 -
- Hygiene and sanitation of ward and ancillaries.
02 -
- Infection, Isolation, Disinfection methods.
02 -
- Communicable diseases:
- Nursing care -general management,Specific diseases : Diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, chicken pox, mumps, influenza, typhoid and paratyphoid, typhus, dysentery, food poisoning,cholera, plague, tetanus, malaria, dengue, HIV/AIDS.
10 -
4030 Hrs -
- General Medical Equipments
- Pulse oximeter
- Nebulizer
- Glucometer
- ECG machine
- Cardiac monitor
- Defibrillator
- Total patient bed side monitor
- Oxygen concentrator
10 -
- Equipments of Physiotherapy
- Smart-Bristow Faradic Battery.
- Portable galvanic battery.
- Combines treatment table.
- Surgical sinusoidal apparatus.
- Radiant heat cradles- small, medium and large.
- Infra-red lamp with stand
- Radiant heat cabinet.
- Ultra-violet lamp (Hanovia)
- Shortwave diathermy apparatus.
- Sehnee bath (4 cells) with electrodes.
- Zinc electrodes for low tension currents of varying sizes and shapes.
- Protective goggles for ultra-violet ray treatment.
- Flexible drum electrodes for shortwave diathermy.
- Portable vibrator
- Valves for shortwave diathermy apparatus.
- Carbon filament lamps for radiant heat treatment
- Paraffin wax bath.
30 -
- NA -600 Hrs -
- Anatomy and Physiology
- - General
- - As relevant to Physiotherapy
150 Hrs -
- Elementary, Medical and Surgical Nursing
100 Hrs -
- Elementary Biochemistry, Pathology and Microbiology
60 Hrs -
- First Aid and Bandaging
90 Hrs -
- Equipment Management
100 Hrs -
- General Biomechanics :
- - Force- Analysis of Force
- - Mechanics to Position -Gravity, Centre of Gravity, Line of Gravity, Base Equilibrium,Fixation & Stabilisation
- - Mechanics of movements -Axes & planes, Speed, Velocity, Work, Mechanical Advantage, Energy, Power, Acceleration, Momentum
- - Inertia & Friction Simple Machine :-
- - Levers: Types & Uses, Angle of Pull
- - Pulleys- Types & Uses
- - Pendulum
- - Elasticity - Springs
150 Hrs