Bachelor of Pharmacy Syllabus
Semester VIII
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-VIII (Medicinal Chemistry-III):
Drug metabolism and Concepts of Prodrugs.
Synthetic procedures of selected drugs, mode of action, uses, structure activity relationship (including physicochemical aspects) of the following classes of drugs. (Biochemical approaches in drug designing wherever applicable should be discussed).
- a. Antimetabolites (including sulfonamides).
- b. Chemotherapeutic agents used in Protozoal, Parasitic and other infection
- c. Antineoplastic agents
- d. Anti-viral including anti - HIVagents.
- e. Immunosuppressives and immunostimulants.
Amino acids, peptide, nueleotides and related drugs
- a. Thyroid and Anti thyroid drugs
- b. Insulin and oral hypoglycaemic agents.
- c. Peptidomimetics and nucleotidomimetics.
Diagnostic agents.
Pharmaceutical Aids.
- 1. Pharmacopoeia of India, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India.
- 2. Wolff M.E., Ed. Burger's Medicinal Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
- 3. Delagado J.N., & Remers W.A.R., Eds., Wilson AndGisvold's, Text book of Organic Medicinal andPharmaceutical Chemistry, J. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia.
- 4. Foye W.C., Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
- 5. Singh Harkrishan & Kapoor V.K., Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Vallabh Prak.
- 6. Nogrady T., Medicinal Chemistry – A Biochemical Approach, Oxford Univ Press.
- 7. Finar I.L., Organic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, ELBS/ Longman, London.
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Pharmaceutical Analysis - III:
Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrophotometry:Electronic, excitation, quantitative laws, deviation from Beer's law, and graphical presentation of data. Chromophores photometric error, instrumentation, single and double beam spectrophotometer. Colorimetric methods:Chemistry of colorimetry, instrumentation, application (direct methods andindirect methods). Nephelometry & turbidimetry and densitometry.
Infra Red Spectrophotometry:Theory, characteristics absorbance, bands of organic functional groups, interpretation of infrared absorption spectra, preparation of sample, sample cells, IR instrumentation qualitative and quantitative applications in pharmaceutical analysis.
Flourimetric Analysis:Theory, quantitative description, experimental factors affecting fluorescence intensity, factors affecting IC and F directly, relationship of fluorescence to molecular structure, instrumentation, correction of spectra, pharmaceutical applications.UNIT-III
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy:An introduction to the theory of 1H-NMR, chemicalshift & spin-spin coupling, interpretation, Raman spectroscopy, Radio chemical assay, G.M. Counter and scintillation counter.
Mass Spectrometry: Introduction to mass spectra, molecular ion peak, fragmentation peaks, mass spectra of some simple compounds. Flame Photometry:Origin of spectra, atomization and ionization, instrumentation, background emission, interference, qualitative & quantitative applications in pharmaceutical analysis.
Theory, instrumentation and applications of:Emission Photometry, Atomic absorption spectroscopy
- 1. Pharmacopoeia of India, Ministry of Health, Govt of India.
- 2. Becket A.H. & Stenlake J.B., Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry Vol. I and II, the AthlonePress of the University of London.
- 3. Chatten L.G., A text book of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Vol. I & II Marcel, Dekker, New York.
- 4. Willard H.H. & Merrit L. Jr, and Dean J.A., Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Van Nostrand Renhold, New York.
- 5. Silver stein R.M. & Webster F.X., Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, JohnWiley & Sons.
- 6. Skoog V., Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Holler-Neimen
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Pharmacognosy- VI
World-wide trade in medicinal plants and derived products with special reference to diosgenin (disocorea), taxol (Taxussps) digitalis, tropane alkaloid containing plants, Papain, cinchona, I pecac, Liquorice, Ginseng, Aloe, Valerian, Rauwolfia and plants containing laxatives.
A brief account of plant based industries and institutions involved in work on medicinal and aromatic plants in India. Utilization and production of phytoconstituents such as quinine, calcium sennosides, podophyllotoxin, diosgenin, solasodine, and tropane alkaloids. Utilization of aromatic plants and derived products with special reference to sandalwood oil, mentha oil, lemon grass oil, vetiver oil, geranium oil and eucalyptus oil.
Historical development of plant tissue culture, types of cultures,.nutritional requirements, growth and their maintenance. Applications of plant tissue culture in pharmacognosy.
Chemotaxonomy of medicinal plants. Marine pharmacognosy, novel medicinal agents from marine sources
Natural allergens and photosensitizing agents and fungal toxins. Herbs as health foods, Herbal cosmetics.
- 1. Kokate C.K., Gokhale AS, Gokhale SB, Cultivation of Medicinal Plants, Nirali Prakashan.
- 2. Trease, G.E., & Evans W.C., Evans, W.C., Pharmacognosy, BailliereTindall east Baorne, U.K.
- 3. Tyler V.E., et al, Pharmacognosy, Lea &Febiger, Philadelphia.
- 4. Wallis. T.E., Text Book of Pharmacognosy, J&A Churchill Ltd. London.
- 5. Nadkarni A.K., Indian MateriaMedica1-2, Popular Prakashan (P) Ltd. Bombay.
- 6. Medicinal Plants of India I&II, Indian council of Medical Research, New Delhi.
- 7. Clarke E.C.G., Isolation & Identification of Drugs. The Pharmaceutical Press, London.
- 8. Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia, Vol. I&II, ICMR & RRL, Jammu.
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Pharmaceutics - IX (Dosage Form Design):
Preformulation studies:
a. Study of physical properties of drug like physical form, particle size, shape, density, wetting dielectric constant. Solubility, dissolution and organoleptic property and their effect on formulation, stability and bioavailability.
b. Study of chemical properties of drugs like hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, racemization, polymerization etc., and their influence on formulation and stability of products.
c. Study of pro-drugs in solving problems related to stability, bioavailability and elegancy of formulations.
Design, development and process validation methods for pharmaceutical operations involved in the production of pharmaceutical products with special reference to tablets, suspensions.
Stabilization and stability testing protocol for various pharmaceutical products
Performance evaluation methods
- a. In-vitro dissolution studies for solid dosage forms methods, interpretation of dissolution data.
- b. Bioavailability studies and bioavailability testing protocol and procedures.
- c. In-vivo methods of evaluation and statistical treatment.
GMP and quality assurance, Quality audit Design, development, production and evaluation of controlled released formulations.
- 1. Remington's, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. I & Vol. – II, Mack Publishing Co., U.S.A.
- 2. Cooper J.W., & Gunn G., Tutorial Pharmacy, Petman Books Ltd., London.
- 3. Lachman L., Lieberman H.A., Kanig J.L., Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy, Lea& Febigger, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
- 4. Ansel H.C., Introduction to Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Lea & Febigger, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
- 5. Thomssen E.G., Modern Cosmetics, Universal Publishing Corporation.
- 6. Mithal B.M. &Saha R.N., A Handbook of Cosmetics, VallabhPrakashan.
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Pharmacology - IV (Clinical Pharmacy & Drug Interactions):
Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy.
Basic Concepts of Pharmacotherapy
- a. Clinical Pharmacokinetics and individualization of Drug Therapy.
- b. Drug Delivery Systems and their Biopharmaceutic& Therapeutic Considerations.
- c. Drug Use During Infancy and in the Elderly (Pediatries& Geriatrics).
- d. Drug use during Pregnancy.
- e. Drug induced Diseases.
- f. The Basics of Drug Interactions.
- g. General Principles of Clinical Toxicology"
- h. Interpretation of Clinical Laboratory Tests.
Important Disorders of Organ Systems and their Management:
- a. Cardiovascular Disorders-Hypertension, Congestive Heart Failure, Angina, Acute Myocardial Infarction, Cardiac arrhythmias.
- b. CNS Disorders: Epilepsy, Parkinsonism, Schizophrenia, Depression.
- c. Respiratory Disease-Asthma.
- d. Gastrointestinal Disorders-Peptic ulcer, Ulcerative colitis, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis.
- e. Endocrine Disorders-Diabetes mellitus and Thyroid Disorders.
- a. Infectious Diseases-Tuberculosis, Urinary Tract Infection, Enteric Infections, Upper Respiratory Infections.
- b. Hematopoietic Disorders-Anemias.
- c. Joint and Connective Tissue Disorders-Rheumatic Diseases, Gout and Hyperuricemia.
- d. Neoplastic Diseases- Acute Leukaemias, Hodgkin's disease.
- 1. Goodman & Gilman, The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, Pergamon Press.
- 2. Katzung, B.G., Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, Prentice Hall, International.
- 3. Rang M.P., Dale M.M., Riter J.M., Pharmacology, Churchill Livingstone.
- 4. Barar F.S.K., Text Book of Pharmacology, Interprint, New Delhi.
- 5. Laurene, D.R. & Bennet P.N., Clinical Pharmacology, Churchill Livingstone.
- 6. Tripathi, K.D., Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, Jay Pee Publishers, New Delhi.
- 7. Satoskar & Bhandarkar, Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics, Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd.,Bombay.
- 8. Kulkarni S.K., Hand Book of Experimental Pharmacology, VallabhPrakashan, Delhi.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Concept of Essential Drugs and Rational Drug use.
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Project Based on Elective-I
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Pharmaceutical Chemistry-VIII (Medicinal Chemistry-III) (P)
Experiments designed on drug metabolism:
- 1. Preparation of S9 and microsomes from tissue homogenates and standardization of protein.
- 2. Effect of phenobarbital pretreatment on microsomal cytochrome p-450, cytochrome b5, and NADPH-Cytochrome C-reductase and comparison of micro somes from control.
- 3. Determination of microsomal aminopyrinedemethylase and p-nitroanisole o-demethylase activities.
- 4. Determination of microsomal azo- and nitroreductase activities.
- 5. Synthesis of selected drugs.
- 6. Establishing the pharmacopoeal standards and spectral studies.
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Pharmaceutical Analysis-III (P)
- 1. Quantitative estimation of at least ten formulations containing single drug or more than one drug, using instrumental techniques.
- 2. Estimation of Na+, K+, Ca++ ions using flame photometry.
- 3. IR of samples with different functional groups (-COOH, -COOR. _ CONHR; -NH2, -NHR, -OH, etc.).
- 4. Workshop to interpret the structure of simple organic compounds using UV, IR. NMR and MS.
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Pharmacognosy-VI (P)
- 1. Isolation of some selected phytoconstituents studied in theory.
- 2. Extraction of volatile oils and their chromatographic profiles.
- 3. Some experiments in plant tissue culture.
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Pharmaceutics-IX (Dosage Form Design)
- 1. Preformulation studies including drug-excipient compatibility studies, effect of stabilizers, preservatives etc. in dosage form design.
- 2. Experiments demonstrating improvement in bioavailability through prodrug concept.
- 3. Stability evaluation of various dosage forms and their expiration dating.
- 4. Dissolution testing and data evaluation for oral solid dosage forms.
- 5. In -vivo bioavailability evaluation from plasma drug concentration and urinary excretion curves.
- 6. Design, development and evaluation of controlled release formulations.
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Total Credits34