B.Sc. Agriculture Syllabus
Semester I
Computer Application:
Introduction to personal computer, peripherals, operating systems (Dos & Windows) and High-Level Language.
Interaction with software pack-ages (Lotus, Foxpro, Statistical, packages) and its execution for the following applications: Solution of simultaneous equations, plotting of graph and diagrams. Simple agricultural statistics computations. Database file; creation and Query.
- 1. Demonstration of working of computer system,
- 2. MS-DOS, MS Windows commands and utilities, writing sample software for agricultural problems,
- 3. Basic programmes.
- 1. Singh., B.D., Fundamentals of computer
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Elements of Genetics:
History: Pre-Mendelian and Post-Mandelian concepts of heredity, mendelian principles of heredity, Probability and chi-square. Cell plant cell and animal cell, chromosome structure. Cell division mitosis, meiosis, variation in chromosomes polytene chromosome, Lampbrush chromosomes.
Dominance relationship gene interaction. Multiple alleles, plelotropism and pseudoalleles. Sex determination and sex linkage, sex limited and sex influenced traits. Linkage, Crossing ever mechanism, Chromosomes mapping, structural changes in chromosomes: Deletion and Duplication, Translocation and diversion, "Numerical changes in chromosomes, chemical basis of heredity".
Gene concept made of replication of genetic material, transcription and translational mechanism of genetic material. Gene regulation and operon concept.
Mutations: chemical and physical mutagens, mode of action of mutagens. Extranculear inheritance. Polygene and quantitative inheritance. Introduction to plant tissue culture.
- 1. Simple and compound microscope
- 2. Cell culture, monohybrid and dihybrid cross, test cross, back cross, epistatic interactions. Practice of mitotic and meiotic cell division.
- 3. Study of special chromosome. Probability, chi-square, linkage and crossing over, two point test cross linkage analysis, three point test cross linkage analysis, sex linked inheritance, pedigree analysis,
- 4. DNA and RNA structure. Structural changes in chromosomes and numerical changes in chromosomes.
- 1. Bilaiya and Yadav., Elements of Genetics
- 2. Gardner., Elementary Genetics
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Elementary Agriculture/Biology/Math
(Any one of the following)
Elementary Agriculture:
Indian agriculture-scope and resources; crop plants-their significance as source of food, feed, fuel and raw material for various industries. Crop seasons and classification of crops according to seasons.
Indian agriculture-scope and resources; crop plants-their significance as source of food, feed, fuel and raw material for various industries. Crop seasons and classification of crops according to seasons.
Cultivation of important crops in the state such as wheat, rice cottan, sorghum, maize, groundnut, rape seed & mustard, chickpea, pigeonpea, tobacco, berseem, potato and sugarcane. Acquaintance with horticultural crops such as cabbage, cauliflower, onion, garlic, cucurbits, root crops, peas, tomato, brinjal, banana, apple, mango, litchi, citrus, guava. Introductory economics-Factors of production, exchange, different types of markets; pricing, bank and credits, law of diminishing returns, elementary rural sociology, place of agriculture in five year plans, statistics relating to agricultural production.
Study of main breeds of animals such as cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep and poultry. Elementary physiology and anatomy of cow and buffaloes. Characteristics of milchcattles. Care of animal, poultry management, principles of nutrition, common medicines.
Types of iron and steel used in agricultural implements; different types of plough, mechanical devices, their management and cost. Water lifting devices, tillage, different methods of ploughing. Power transmission through belts, pullies, gears, chaff, cutter, cane crusher. Necessity for drainage, damage to soil due to excess moisture, land development, preventation and formation of acidic and alcolic soils.
- 1. Identification of important crops, crop seeds, fertilizers and agricultural chemicals, crop weeds, farm implements and acquaintance with irrigation resource and instruments. Acquaintance with vegetable and horticulture crops and their management,
- 2. Study of main cattle breeds and their management and also visit to Livestock Centers and Laboratories.
- 3. Practical Knowledge of seed bed preparation and other recent agronomic practices of main crops, visit to agricultural museum and meteorological observatory Estimation of yields and cultivation cost of main field and horticultural crop,
- 4. Study of different type of markets and banks including their visits.
- 1. Siddiqui., K.A. Ecology and Environmental Biology
- 2. K. Mehrotra., General Agriculture
- 3. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Environmental Pollution Plant Nutrition
- 4. Narankari L.S., Manures and Fertilizers
Elementary Biology:
Introduction to the living world, diversity of life, characteristics of life, system of classification, binomial nomenclature, main groups of animals from protozoa to mammals.
Diversity of plants, classification, brief study of algae, fungi, bryophytes, pteridophytes. Gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Morphology of root, stem leaf, inflorescence, flower, germination, systematics and ecology.
Structure of Cell, cell division, heredity and genetics, origin of life and evolution. Histology and physiology of rabbit. Economic importance.
- 1. Important characters of algae, fungi, bryophytes and gymnosperms.
- 2. Morphology of flowering plants and its parts i.e. root, stem and leaf modification. Internal morphology (anatomy) of root, stem and leaf of both dicots and monocots.
- 3. Families: Cruciferae, Leguminosae, Compositae and Gramineae. Field trip. Study of specimens and slides from protozoa to mammals. Cell-Cell division and tissues.
- 4. Histology and skeletal system of rabbit.
- 1. Handbook of Agriculture (ICAR Publications).
Elementary Mathematics:
Co-ordinates: distance between two points, coordinates of a point of division of straight line joining two points, area of triangle and quadrilateral, equation of straight line, change of axes, circle, parabols and ellipse. Simple problems based on them.
Functions: Limit continuity, differentiation, equations of trangent and normal, maxima and minima.
Functions: Limit continuity, differentiation, equations of trangent and normal, maxima and minima.
Define integrals, application of definite Integrals in finding areas under curves.
- 1. Siddiqui., K.A. Ecology and Environmental Biology
- 2. K. Mehrotra., General Agriculture
- 3. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Environmental Pollution Plant Nutrition
- 4. Narankari L.S., Manures and Fertilizers
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Elementary Statistics:
Introduction to statistics, arithmetic mean, median, mode and partition values range, interquartile range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, variances, standard deviation, coeficient of variation, moments, skewness, Kurtosis and its measure.
Definition of probability. Simple problems based on probability theory; Definition of correlation; Scatter diagram; Karl pearson's coefficent of correlation; Linear regression equations; introduction to test of significance, one sample and two sample test for mean.
- 1. Based on Graphical Representation of Data:
- 2. Measure of dispersion raw & central tendency, partition values,
- 3. Measure of dispersion raw & central moments,
- 4. Measure of skewness & hiullosis,
- 5. Correlation and regression analysis, application of one sample t-test and Fishers 2 sample t-test.
- 1. Mukerji and Mukerji, Agriculture Statistics.
- 2. Khan and Khanum. Fundamentals of Statistics.
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Principles of Agronomy:
Agronomy as a science and its scope, plant growth and development, environmental effects on growth, ideal plant type, tillage, seed quality, sowing, crop density and spatial arrangement, crop nutrition, organic manures and fertilizers, irrigation and drainage, weed management.
Distribution of crops, cropping systems, selection of crops and varieties for multiple cropping, crop yield contributing characters.
Organic farming-concept, practice and scope in India. Crop production in dry lands, salt affected, acidic, flood affected, waterlogged and eroded areas.
- 1. Sowing techniques different crops, effect of seeding depth on germination and seeding vigor.
- 2. Weeds and weed control experiments, top dressing of nitrogen,
- 3. layouts design and statistical techniques used in field experimentation, yield contributing characters and yield estimation, germination and viability test,
- 4. Forage crops and important experiments at LRC
- 5. Numerical exercises on requirement of fertilizer, plant population and herbicides, tillage implements,
- 6. Morphological description of major crops, irrigation water measurement by parshal flume and calculation of time required to irrigate unit area,
- 7. Preparation techniques of charts and diagram and preparation of cropping scheme for a given farm.
- 1. Siddiqui K. A., Ecology and Environmental Biology,
- 2. Mehrotra K., General Agriculture,
- 3. Siddiqui K. A., Elements of Ecology and Environmental Pollution
- 4. Saraswat B.L., Foods of Animal Origin.
- 5. Punia L.S., Plant Nutrition, Manures and Fertilizers.
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Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology:
Concepts, methods, tools, characteristics of rural society and people; rural – urban continuum and differences, Rural social structure: interaction, processes, institutions groups, Rural social stratification: status, roles, class, castes etc.
Panchayati Raj and Block Development Organizations as rural peoples participative agencies for planned development.
Specific, programs for rural area upliftment/employment: JRY, IAT, EAS, MWS, IRDP, GKY, DWCRA, TRYSEM, DPAP, DDP, NSAP, Land reforms, etc. Council for Advancement of peoples Action and Rural Technology (CAPART).
National Fund for Rural Development (NFRD), NGOs/Voluntary Sector. Conceptual/Clarifications on educational psychology, Psychology of individual differences; MA & IQ; the gifted, Slow Learner and Socially disadvantaged child.
Learning and motivation, mental hygiene and adjustment, guidance and counseling.
- 1. Socio economic survey and its tools,
- 2. Study of rural social institutions,
- 3. Panchayati Raj institutes (any one at any tier of Panchayat Raj system), and measurement of IQ.
- 1. Siddiqui., K.A. Ecology and Environmental Biology
- 2. K. Mehrotra., General Agriculture
- 3. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Environmental Pollution Plant Nutrition
- 4. Narankari L.S., Manures and Fertilizers
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Structural and Spoken English:
Structural patterns of communicative grammar; modern usages; functional language disorder and common structural errors in part of speech-noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction; articles.
Word-formation and vocabulary building-affixes, prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, antonyms, substitutions and foreign words; prepositions; phrases idioms; gerunds; participles; infinitives.
Time and tense; modal verbs, conditional parities; synthesis; transformation controlled writing; paragraph writing.
Study of modern technical prose; listening and reading skills; comprehension; phonetic and scientific systems of spoken English – speech mechanism; symbols and sounds; stress and intonation.
- 1. Speech mechanism speech event, production of speech; speech organs; abonetic sounds and symbols-pure vowels; diphthongs; consonants (voiceless/voiced, accented/ unaccented, aspirated/unaspirate).
- 2. Stress and intonation word accent (syllable, consonant clusters).
- 3. Stress shift, compound words, word accent in Indian English Vs R sonant clusters); Stress shift, compound words; word accent in Indian English VS RP; rules for accentual patterns.
- 4. Accent in connected speech rhythm; weak forms; intonation- falling tone; rising tone; rising falling tone; listening comprehension.
- 5. Skills ear training.
- 1. R. K. Verma., Structural and Spoken English.
- 2. Tomar Y. S., Elementary Grammar.
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Total Credits28