B.Sc. Agriculture Syllabus
Semester IV
Agricultural Cooperation, Finance and Business Management:
Cooperation- Meaning, significance under Indian agricultural conditions, objectives principles of cooperatives. Agricultural cooperation in India credit marketing consumer and multi- purpose cooperatives, farming cooperatives, processing cooperatives, cooperative warehousing, role of ICA, NCU, NCDC, NAFED etc. women cooperatives
Agriculture finance meaning, scope and significance, credit needs of Indian agriculture, economic principles in capital acquisition and use decisions, preparation and analysis of financial statements, balance sheet and income statement, cost of credit, Access for women to agricultural credit facilities.
Agricultural credit market- institutional and non-institutional sources of credit, cooperatives credit system, commercial banks and regional rural banks, NABARD and AFC, problems and issues in institutional agricultural credit system.
Business management environment of agricultural business, tasks of a professional manager, management system and processes, types of management decisions, decisions, decision making techniques and processes, organizational culture and management ethics.
- 1. Estimation of credit requirement of farm.
- 2. Preparation and analysis of the balance sheet and income statement, appraisal of the loan, interest and performance of cooperative, commercial banks and RRBs, analysis of the relevant published data.
- 3. Class seminars and discussion on selected topics.
- 4. Visits of commercial bank, cooperative bank, agricultural cooperative societies and agri-business units in order to impart first hand knowledge of their management and working.
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Economic Entomology:
How insects become pest economic importance of insects, classification of pests, principles and methods of pest control, viz, physical mechanical, cultural, legal, genetical chemical. Biological, principles and methods of insecticidal applications.
Apiculture, Sericulture and lac cultivation with special reference to equipment used insect pests and diseases, production and marketing.
- 1. Insecticide formulation; application, equipment, their handling and maintenance. Identification of commonly available natural enemies, honey bee, silkworm and lac insect species and their rearing.
- 2. Visit to institutes devoted to bee keeping, sericulture and lac insects.
- 1. Siddiqui., K.A. Ecology and Environmental Biology
- 2. K. Mehrotra., General Agriculture
- 3. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Environmental Pollution Plant Nutrition
- 4. Narankari L.S., Manures and Fertilizers
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Field Crops-II (RABI):
Origin geographical distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic requirements, varieties, cultural practices and yield of rabi crops; cereals wheat, barley and triticale; pulses chickpea, lentil, peas, frenchbean.
Oil seeds, rapeaseed and mustard, sunflower, safflower and linseed; sugar crops sugarcane and sugarbeet.
Regional medicinal and aromatic crops such as mentha, lemon grass, citronella, palmarosa, Isabgol and posts, potato and tobacco, Forage crops berseem, Luceme and Oat.
- 1. Sowing of wheat sugarcane and sunflower.
- 2. Top dressing of nitrogen in wheat and study of fertilizer experiments on wheat and mustard.
- 3. Identification of weeds in wheat and grain legumes, application of weedicides and study of weed control experiments.
- 4. Morphological characteristics of wheat, sugarcane, chickpea and mustard.
- 5. Yield contributing characters of wheat.
- 6. Yield and quality analysis of sugarcane.
- 7. Crop distribution in the state and the region, important agronomic experiments of rabi crops and visit to research stations related to rabi crops.
- 1. Siddiqui, K.A. Ecology and Environmental Biology.
- 2. K. Mehrotra, General Agriculture.
- 3. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Environmental Pollution Plant Nutrition.
- 4. Narankari L.S., Manures and Fertilizers.
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Fruit and Plantation Crops:
Importance and scope of fruit and plantation crop industries in India Cultivation practices of important fruit and plantation crops with reference to their origin, soil and climatic requirements; botany, important cultivars, plant propagation practices, resources and planting.
Care and management in respect of irrigation, nutrition and other cultural operations including training and pruning, nutrient deficiencies of fruit plant and their collection, inter cropping, major cultivation problem and their control measures, harvesting, yield, storage and marketing; application of plant bioregulators; post-harvest and technology of plantation crops.
Management of major insect- pests and disease, principles and methods of evaluation of fruit trees, project formulation and evaluation, commercial orchard.
- 1. Introduction of fruit plants-vernacular and botanical names, families, distinguishing vegetables, floral, fruit characters, lifting and packing of fruit plants from nursery, nursery operations lifting and shifting plants, weeding and hoeing; orchard layout and planting.
- 2. Plant propagation methods sexual and sexual; seed treatment, seed sowing and germination, planting; cuttings and preparation of seed beds.
- 3. Study of bud intake and success in manuring operations in the orchards, training and pruning of fruit plants, use of plant bio-regulators in fruit set, fruit drop, fruit growth and fruit ripening, harvesting, handling, sorting, grading, packing and storage.
- 4. Visit to temperate fruit research station/tea nursery and garden.
- 1. Siddiqui, K.A. Ecology and Environmental Biology
- 2. K. Mehrotra, General Agriculture
- 3. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Environmental Pollution Plant Nutrition
- 4. Narankari L.S., Manures and Fertilizers
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Insect Pests and Their Management:
Nature and extent of damage, life cycle seasonal history, host range, distribution and management of the major insect pests attacking field crops
Cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fiber, sugar crops, Horticultural crops; brinjal, okra, potato, tomato, cole crops, leguminous vegetables, cucurbits, chillies sweet potato, leafy vegetables, onion and garlic, colocasia, yarn. UNIT-III
Fruit crops (tropical/sub tropical); jack fruit, papaya, coconut and date palm, mango, citrus, litchi, banana, guava, peach, pear, plum, apricot, chestnut, almond.
Plantation and garden crops: medicinals, spices and condiments. Stored grain and household pests; Locust and other major polyphagous insects, Rodents and mites of agricultural importance.
- 1. Nature of damage, life cycle and seasonal cycle and seasonal cycles of insect pests attacking field, vegetable and fruit crops including stored grains: rodents and mites, their nature of damage, life cycle and management.
- 2. Visit to cold storage research and Training institutes and Horticultural research station.
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Introduction to Plant Biotechnology:
Introduction: History of Plant tissue culture and biotechnology, scope and importance of agricultural biotechnology, Gene technology, Tissue and cell culture: Media, various modes of culture and their application. Organ culture cell suspension culture, Callus culture, Micropropagation methods.
Organogenesis and embryogenesis, their significance, Anther culture; haploid production, diploidization and their significance, Proto plasts isolation, fusion, somatic hybridization and hybrids, Somaclonal variation and its use in crop improvement.
Germplasm storage and cryopreservation, Secondary metabolite production, Introduction to genetic engineering and genetechology. Gene transfer methods: Physical Chemical and Agrobacterium dependent methods, Generation of transgenic plants and their identification, Molecular markets, RGLP, RAPD, Simple sequence repeats etc, Role of biotechnology in crop improvement.
- 1. Plant tissue culture laboratory working procedure.
- 2. Preparation of nutrient culture medium.
- 3. Study of different micropropogation approaches viz, meristem shoot tip culture, exillaryfud etc.
- 4. Organogenesis is tissue culture and other approaches.
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Livestock Production:
Place of livestock in the national economy, efficient livestock development programme of government of India, importance of exotic and Indian breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and swine.
Measures and factors affecting livestock fertility, reproductive behaviour like estrus, parturition, farrowing, milk secretion, milking of animal and factors affection milk yield and composition of milk. Selection and breeding of livestock for higher milk and meat production.
Feeding and management of calves, growing of heifers and milch animal and other classes and types of animals. Housing principles, space requirement for different species of livestock. Disease control and measures of measure livestock diseases, sanitation and care. Breeding feeding and production records.
- Feeding and management of calves, growing of heifers and milch animal and other classes and types of animals. Housing principles, space requirement for different species of livestock. Disease control and measures of measure livestock diseases, sanitation and care. Breeding feeding and production records.
- 1. Siddiqui, K.A. Ecology and Environmental Biology.
- 2. K. Mehrotra, General Agriculture.
- 3. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Environmental Pollution Plant Nutrition.
- 4. Narankari L.S., Manures and Fertilizers.
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Rainfed Agriculture:
History of rainfed agriculture, magnitude of its problem and delineating criteria for rainfed and drylands, soil and climatic conditions prevalent in rainfed area. Water stress in relation to crop productivity, concept of crop productivity and plant type for rainfed farming areas and crop improvement for efficient water use, drought resistance in crop plants.
Efficient utilization of water through soil and crop management practices; reducing water losses through mulching and use of anti-transpirants, their kinds, mode of action and effect on crop yield. Increasing water storage by reducing run off and increasing infiltration through mechanical and cultural measures, water harvesting techniques, watershed management.
Efficient management of rainfed crops; land preparation, seeding and crop density, selection of efficient crops and their varieties, alternate cropping and land use strategies, soil fertility management and fertilizer use techniques, weed control and interculture operation, mid season correction for mitigating the aberrant weather, agro techniques for hilly tracts.
- 1. Climatic conditions prevalent at the various dryland research centres of the country and delineating criteria for rainfed and drylands.
- 2. Pattern of rainfall in different dryland tracts of the country; onset and withdrawal of the monsoon, amount, intensity and distribution, and studies of the effective cropping season; critical analysis of rainfall and estimation of moisture index, probable seeding time and possible drought period, crops and application and effect on soil and crop growth; seedling emergence survival and initial growth of crops at different moisture regimes. Seed soaking, seed treatment with chemicals and depth of seeding under moisture stress on emergence and seedling vigour, methods of fertilizer application in dryland areas.
- 3. Effect of plant density, thinning, leaf removal under moisture stress condition on crop growth.
- 4. Study of the salient features of a model water shed; methods of measurement and determination of run-off; alternate land use strategies:
- 5. Agroforestry, grass legume forage and alley cropping system; Visit to dry land research stations and operational research projects to expose students to the latest agro techniques, and watershed management practices.
- 1. Siddiqui., K.A. Ecology and Environmental Biology
- 2. K. Mehrotra., General Agriculture
- 3. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Environmental Pollution Plant Nutrition
- 4. Narankari L.S., Manures and Fertilizers
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Total Credits32