B.Sc. Agriculture Syllabus
Semester III
Agriculture Marketing & International Trade:
Concepts of marketing, human needs and marketing the marketing mix, the marketing strategy, product planning, promotion Physical distribution and pricing, marketing and different levels of development, function of prices and role of price in economic development, marketing planning and organizational elements of marketing mix, Concept of market segment, market segmentation, basis of market segmentation.
Types of markets, classification and characteristics of agricultural market; Demand for farm products; determinants of consumer behavior, consumers of farm products factors affecting demand and consumption of farm products; supply of farm produces; product decision and strategies, product life cycle and new product development, characteristics of farm firm, farm products and farm production, spatial and temporal distribution of farm products, marketed and marketable surplus, factors affecting supply of marketed surplus and marketable surplus of farm products; women's role in agricultural produce marketing; pricing and promotion strategies market structure.
Determination of price under alternates market structures, price movement overtime seasonal cyclical and trend marketing communication, advertising, publicity, personnel selling and cales promotion; Marketing function, exchange function's buying and rolling physical function storage, transportation and processing; facilitating functions- packaging, branding, financing, market information, grading etc.
Role of government in Agricultural marketing, public sector institutions. CACP, FCL, CWC, DMI, Far price shops, Exim Bants etc. The concept and importance of inter-regional and International trade; emerging scenario of international trade in Agricultural commodities; basic theories of international trade; concept of terms of trade and BOP, implications of new GATT agreement (WTO).
- 1. Plotting and study of demand and supply curves and calculation of their elasticity. Relationship between market arrivals and prices of some selected agricultural commodities and their temporal behavior.
- 2. Acquaintance with pricing methods.
- 3. Visit to local agricultural markets and cooperative marketing societies study their organization, functioning and performance.
- 4. Collection of data from the agricultural markets for some selected commodities to study the marketing margins and costs.
- 5. Class discussion on marketing practices and problems related to major farm produce cereals, pulses, off seeds, livestock and livestock products.
- 6. Application of comparative cost advantage principle in international trade.
- 1. Siddiqui., K.A. Ecology and Environmental Biology
- 2. K. Mehrotra., General Agriculture
- 3. Siddiqui K.A., Elements of Environmental Pollution Plant Nutrition
- 4. Narankari L.S., Manures and Fertilizers
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Crop Disease and Their Management:
Wheat disease rusts, loose nut, kernallunt, powdery mildew, alternaria blight, yellow ear rot, ear cocile, Rice disease blast, brown spot, bacterial blight, sheath blight khaira and tungro; Maize disease stalk rots, downy mildews, leaf spots and Heininthosporium leaf sports; Sorghum disease smuts. Grain mold, anthracites and strgaa; Bajra disease downy mildews and ergot; Sugarcane disease redrot, smut, and with Groundnut disease early and late leaf sports.
Sclerotium stem rot, seedling rot and seedling blight; Sunflower disease Sclerotinia stem rot and Alternaria blight; mustard disease. Alterniaria blight, white rust, downy mildew, Sclerotinia stem rot, and bacterial rot; soybean disease Rhizoctonia blight, pod blight, seed rot, bacterial pustule seedling blight and mosatic; pigeonpea diseases
Phytophora blight, wilt and sterility mosaic; Gram diseases Wilt, grey mould and Ascochyea blight; Lentil disease rust and wilt; Cotton disease anthocnose; vascular wilt, and black gram; Tobacco diseases damping off early and late blight, black scarf, common scab, bacterial wilt and virus diseases; Tomato diseases damping off, late and early blight, wilts root knot and virus diseases; Brinjal diseases Phomopsis blight, fruit rot, Sclerotimia rot, bacteria wilt and rot knot,
Chilies diseases anthracnose and virus diseases, vegetable crucifer diseases damping off, Downey mildew, and black not, vegetable cucurbit diseases powdery mildew and rust, Bean diseases anthracnose, blights, and virus diseases; Mango diseases Mango malformation. Powdery mildew and bacterial blight; Apple diseases scab, colar rot, powdery mildew; fire blight, stem black and brown, pink diseases,
Papaya diseases stem and foot rot, leaf curl, and mosaic, Citrus diseases canker, anthracnose, citrus decline and virus disease; Peach and pear disease leaf curl, brown rot, and scab; Guava wilt, anthracrose and stem canker.
- 1. Colour preservation of diseased plant materials and dry preservation concept and methods,
- 2. Study of the three wheat rust (black rust, brown rust and yellow rustly, specimens of plants with references to symptomatology and casual fungi.
- 3. Study of the loose smut and kernel bunt diseases of wheat comparative differences between causal fungi and symptoms, study of bacterial blight of rice with references to symptomatology and casual bacterium microscopic studies.
- 4. Differential staining and identification of plant pathogenic bacteria.
- 5. Study of sorghum smuts, ergot of bajra and downey ,mildew of bajra symptomatology and morphological characteristics of the casual fungi,
- 6. Study of red rot of sugarcane and cercospora leaf spots of groundnut symptomatology and characteristics of the casual fungi.
- 7. Histopathological studies of Albugo candida causing white rust of mustard.
- 8. Mungbean yellow mosaic symptoms and transmission through vector, Bemisiatabaci. Histopathological studies of wilts (Fusarium oxyiporum) of chickpea and cotton.
- 9. Study of the late blight and early blight and mosaic diseases of potato and isolation and microscopic study of root knot nematode. Meloidogyne Incogrita.
- 10. Study of mango malformation and powdery mildew of mango; etiologyand histopathology and study of citrus canker apple scab and guava application of fungicides; sprayers and dusters and disease measurement concerning presenlence, incidence and severity etc
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Elementary Plant Biochemistry:
Recapitulation of basic chemistry and biology, water, pH and buffer, Cellular constituents.
Structure and function – amino acids and protein, carbohydrates, lipids and biomembrances and nucleic acids.
Enzymes-function, properties and mechanism, metabolism of cellular constituents.
Central Metabolic Pathways: Degradative path ways – glycolysis, hexose monophosphate pathway, degradation of starch, sucrose, other sugars, fatty acids and acylglycerols, proteins and amino acids.
Biosynthetic pathways – photosynthesis, formation of sucrose and starch, Kreb's cycle and electron transport chain; Nitrogen and sulphur cycles; Nitrogen fixation, assimilation of ammonia; Synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins; Secondary metabolites – structure, function and metabolism.
- 1. Preparation of standard, buffer and colloidal solution.
- 2. Determination of pH, qualitative tests on carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and proteins; quantitative estimation of reducing sugars, amino acids, proteins and cholesterol; acid and enzymatic hydrolysis of starch and identification of products by paper chromatography.
- 3. Enzymatic hydrolysis of stercl and identification of products by paper chromatography; enzymatic action of potato oxidase or urease; layer chromatography of lipids.
- 4. Assay of dehydrogenase and demonstration of differential centrifugation, gel electrophoresis, ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration.
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Field Crops- I (KHARIF):
Origin, geographic distribution, economic importance, soil and climatic requirement, varieties, cultural practices yield of kharif crops. Cereals-rice, maize, sorghum pearl millet and finger millet; pulses – pigeon pea, mungbean and urdbeans oilseeds groundnut, sesame and soybean
Fibre crops cotton, jute and sunhemp; and forage crops sorghum, maize, cowpea, cluster bean and napier.
- 1. Rice nursery preparation and their transplanting.
- 2. Sowing of soybean, pigeon pea, mungbean, maize, ground nut and cotton.
- 3. Effect of seed on germination and seedling vigour of soybean/groundnut.
- 4. Effect of sowing depth on germination soybean.
- 5. Identification of weeds in rice, maize and soybean fields and study of weed control experiments in these crops.
- 6. Top dressing of nitrogen in maize and rice and study of fertilizer experiments on rice, maize, sorghum millets.
- 7. Study-of yield contributing characters, yield calculation, harvesting and yield estimation of above crops.
- 8. Study of crop varieties and important agronomic experiment. Study of forage experiments.
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Irrigation Water Management:
Water resources of India, source of irrigation, irrigation water demand, supply and resources development of irrigation, soil moisture and its characteristics soil water potential, retention and movement of soil water. Water intake and infiltration.
Importance of water in plants life, plant water status, absorption, transportation and transpiration, moisture sensitive stage, water availability and nutrient up take. Scheduling of irrigation based on soil moisture status.
Physiological stages of crop and meteorological parameters, irrigation under limited water supply conditions. Methods of irrigation; surface irrigation, flooding, furrow, border and basin irrigation. Irrigation; drip and sprinkler irrigations.
Water stress and plant grows effect of water stress on physio-morphological characteristics and productivity of plant, deficit irrigation and strategy for optimizing yield. Water quality standards and its suitability for irrigation, water use efficiency, agronomic technique to boost water use efficiency, factors affecting water use-efficiency. Intigation management in soils with low intake rate, saline and alkali soil, soil with shallow ground water table and in poorly declined soil.
Water requirement of crops, factor affecting the water requirement of crops, method of determining water requirement, effective rainfall, impotanspiration and potential evapotranspiration and consumptive use. Irrigation of principal crops critical stages of crops, depth and schedule of irrigation, reducing irrigation requirement of major crops.
- 1. Soil moisture measuring instruments,
- 2. Measurement of soil and plant water status with the help of different instruments. Measurement of irrigation water and efficiency of different methods.
- 3. Use of meteorological data in scheduling irrigation, scheduling of irrigation on the basis of ET demand of crops, measurement of ground water, irrigation water quality determination, exercise on field capacity, PWP,
- 4. Bulk density, consumptive use, irrigation water acquirement irrigation plant form farm and fertilizer application with pressurize irrigation system.
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Microbial world history- History of microbiology prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes, their cell structure, genetics distribution in nature and importance in agriculture, microorganisms in soil fertility and crop production; carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur cycles, plant microbes association symbiotic associative and a symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
Azolla and mycorrhizaio degradation of agricultural chemicals pesticides, herbicicks and agricultural organic wastes.
Polyploidy in relation to plant breeding, mutation breeding methods, uses nature of gene mutation mutagenic agents, induced mutation in plant breeding, breeding for important biotic and abiotic stresses, and use of biotechnology in plant breeding, procedure for release of new varieties.
Microbiology of milk and milk products, rural microbiology and silage production; Microbes in human welfare biofertilizers, bipesticides, waste treatment and recycling; composting, ethanol production, antibiotic production, Human and plant pathogenic microbes.
- 1. Introduction to microbiology laboratory and its equipments.
- 2. Study of microscope, observation of microbial studies, nutritional media and their preparaco, staining techniques.
- 3. Microbial analysis of household working areas mad utensils, methods of disinfections and sterilization, microbial analysis of air, water, soil and compost.
- 4. Microbial examination of storeal produces, microbial analysis of fresh food vegetables, milk and dairy products, microbial examination off oriented food products, antibiotic assay.
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Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management
History of plant nutrition and soil fertility, soil fertility and productivity, problems of soil fertility in India, plant growth and development, factors affecting plant growth; essential plant nutrients, their role and deficiency and toxicity symptoms; Ion exchange phenomena in soil and its role in plant nutrient availability; movement of nutrients from soil to plant roots, their uptake and translocation.
Chemistry of soil nitrogen- Nitrogen cycle, mineralization and immobilization, properties and use of inorganic and organic nitrogenous fertilizers in crop production
Chemistry of phosphorus in soil, phosphate fixation and availability chemistry of potassium in soil, potassium fixation and availability; properties and use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, chemistry of calcium, magnesium and sulphur in soil, their sources and usage; soil fertility evaluation and fertilizer recommendations; biofertilizers; integrated nutrient management ; methods and time of application of fertilizers, efficient of fertilizers
- 1. Estimation of total and different inorganic forms of nitrogen in soil.
- 2. Determination of available nitrogen, phophorus, potassium sulphate and micronutrients in soil.
- 3. Estimation of cation exchange capacity and exchangeable bases in soil. Interpretation of soil test data/report.
- 4. Determination of moisture, total N, water soluble P and soluble K in fertilizers
- 5. Rapid plant tissue test and use of soil water plant test kit.
- 6. Field trip for studying visual symptoms of nutritional disorders in plants.
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Vegetables Production:
Importance of vegetables in human nutrition and national economy, factors affecting vegetable productivity viz. light, temperature, moisture, oxygen, CO2 mineral nutrients, soil reaction, disease and insect pests.
Importance of vegetables in human nutrition and national economy, factors affecting vegetable productivity viz. light, temperature, moisture, oxygen, CO2 mineral nutrients, soil reaction, disease and insect pests.
Importance of vegetables in human nutrition and national economy, factors affecting vegetable productivity viz. light, temperature, moisture, oxygen, CO2 mineral nutrients, soil reaction, disease and insect pests.
Manure and fertilizers doses, harvesting, storage, physiological disorders.
Diseases and insect pests and their control measure of various vegetable crops namely potato, tomato, onion, garlic, okra, sweet corn pea, beans, cucurbitaceous crops-pumpkin, bottle gourd, sponge gourd, ridge gourd, pointed gourd, bitter gourd, cucumbers etc.
- 1. Identification of vegetable crops seeds
- 2. Study of orphotogical characters; practice of nursery raising.
- 3. Transplanting of seedlings and direct seed sowing in the field
- 4. Fertilizer application by different methods
- 5. Raising of vegetable seed crops, seed extraction
- 6. Harvesting and preparation for market, economics of vegetable production.
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Total Credits32