Master of Business Administration (MBA) Syllabus

Semester I

  • JMBA 011

    Principles and Practices of Management:


    Concept, Nature, and Importance of Management; Management Vs. Administration, Management Skills, Levels of Management in various types of organisations, Essentials of an effective Manager. Thoughts and Thinkers of Management: Taylor and Scientific Management, Fayol's Administrative Management, Bureaucracy, Hawthorne Experiments and Human Relations, Social System Approach, Decision Theory Approach.


    Planning: Nature, Scope, Objectives and Significance of Planning, Types of Planning, Process of Planning, Planning Premises and Forecasting, Key to Planning and Barriers to Effective Planning, Decision Making in Organization: Concept, Organisational Theories, Forms of Organisational Structure, Departmentalization, Span of Control, Delegation of Authority, Authority & Responsibility, Organisational Design (OD) and The Systems approach to Management.


    Staffing Concept, Manpower Planning, Job Design, Recruitment & Selection, Training & Development, Performance Appraisal, Directing: Concept, Direction and Supervision. Motivation: Concept and Motivation theories, Special Motivational techniques: Money, participation, reward systems, Quality of Work Life, Job Enrichment.


    Leadership: Concept and Functions, Process and models of Leadership Development, Contemporary views on Leadership: Transformational-Transactional, Charismatic-Visionary leadership. Controlling: Concept, Types of Control, Methods: Pre-control: Concurrent Control: Post-control, An Integrated Control System.


    The Quality Concept Factors affecting Quality, Developing a Quality Control System, Total Quality Control, Pre-control of Inputs, Concurrent Control of Operations. Post Control of Outputs, TQM.


    • 1. Bhattacharyya Dipak Kumar; Principles of Management - Text and Cases; Pearson.
    • 2. John R. Schermerhorn - Introduction to Management, Wiley India.
    • 3. Rao , Harikrishna; Management Text and cases, Excel books
    • 4. Ricky W. Griffin ; Management Principles and Application; Cengage Learning
    • 5. Weihrich, Cannice, koontz; Management - A global and entrepreneurial perspective; McGrawHill.
  • JMBA 012

    Economics For Managers:


    Meaning, Nature and Scope of Economics. Introduction to Managerial Economics, significance in Decision Making, Principles of Managerial Economics, Economic Growth and Economic Development, Concept of Industry.


    Theory of Demand- Cardinal Utility, Indifference Curve, Law of Demand, Meaning of Demand Function, Demand Schedule and Demand Curve, Exception to Law of Demand, Meaning and Techniques of Demand Forecasting, Elasticity of Demand-Price, Income and Cross, Measurement of Elasticity of Demand, its Significance in Managerial Decision Making, Relationship between Price Elasticity, Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue.


    Production Analysis: Concept of Production Function, Cobb Douglas Production Function, Laws of Productions, Supply Analysis: Meaning and Determinant of Supply, Law of Supply, Elasticity of Supply. Cost Analysis: Concept and Types of Costs, Accounting, Economic, Real, Opportunity, Money Cost Fixed and Variable, Costs Curve: Total Fixed Costs Curve, Total Costs Curve and Managerial Cost Curve.


    Market Structure and Degree of Competition, Perfect, Monopoly, Monopolistic Oligopoly, Duopoly, Concept of Kinked Demand Curve, Price Determination under Perfect Competition, Price and Output Determination under Monopoly, Comparison of Monopoly and Perfect Competition, Product Variation and Selling Expenses under Monopolistic Competition, Characteristics of Oligopoly, Meaning of Cartel.


    Pricing Strategies, Full Cost, Product Line Skimming and Penetration Pricing, Concept of National Income, Methods of measurement of National Income, Concept of Inflation, Measures to Control, Concept and phases of Business Cycle.


    • 1. Koutsoyiannis A.; Modern Microeconomics; Macmillan.
    • 2. Besanko, Braeutigam; Microeconomics; Wiley India.
    • 3. Mithani D. M.; Managerial Economics; Himalaya Publishing House
    • 4. Mankiw; Economics Principles and Applications; Cengage Learning
    • 5. Pindyck, Rubinfeld, Mehta; Microeconomics; Pearson
    • 6. Samuelson, Marks; Mangerial Economics; Wiley India.
  • JMBA 013

    Accounting and Financial Analysis:


    Overview of Accounting: Accounting concepts, conventions and principles; Accounting Equation, International Accounting principles and standards; Matching of Indian Accounting Standards with International Accounting Standards.


    Mechanics of Accounting: Double entry system of accounting, journalizing of transactions; preparation of final accounts, Profit & Loss Account, Profit & Loss Appropriation account and Balance Sheet, Policies related with depreciation, inventory and intangible assets like copyright, trademark, patents and goodwill.


    Analysis of financial statement: Ratio Analysis- solvency ratios, profitability ratios, activity ratios, liquidity ratios, market capitalization ratios. Common Size Statement: Comparative Balance Sheet and Trend Analysis of manufacturing.


    Changes in Financial position: Funds Flow Statement: Meaning, Concept of Gross and Net Working Capital, Preparation of Schedule of Changes in Working Capital, Preparation of Funds Flow Statement and its analysis; Cash Flow Statement: preparation of Cash Flow Statement and its analysis.


    International Financial Reporting: Introduction, Objectives of Accounting Standards in the global context, Significant differences between IAS, Indian GAAP and US GAAP, Need for Indian GAAP Statements to be translated to US GAAP and IFRSs.


    • 1. Gupta Ambrish; Financial Accounting for Management; Pearson
    • 2. Anthony, Hawkins and Merchant; Accounting Text and Cases; TATA McGraw Hill
    • 3. Bhattacharyya Asish K .; Essentials of Financial Accounting; PHI Learning.
    • 4. Maheshwari and Maheshwari; A Textbook of Accounting for Management; Vikas Publishing
    • 5. Shah Paresh; Basic Financial Accounting for Management; Oxford University Press.
  • JMBA 014

    Organizational Behaviour:


    Concept, Nature, Characteristics, Conceptual Foundations and Importance, Models of Organizational Behaviour, Relevance of Organisational Behaviour to Organisational Effectiveness. Organizational Behaviour: Contemporary issues.


    Perception and Attitude: Concept, Nature, Process, Importance, Management and Behavioural Applications of Perception and Attitude. Attitude Measurement, Attitudes and Workforce Diversity. Effects of Perception and Attitude on Work Performance. Personality: Concept, Nature, Types and Theories of Personality Shaping, Personality Attitude and Job Satisfaction. Assessment of Personality Traits.


    Learning: Concept and Theories of Learning. Motivation: Theories of Motivation: Early and Contemporary views. Leadership: Style and Theories of Leadership-Trait, Behavioural and Situational Theories. Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship, Group Dynamics: Definition, Stages of Group Development, Group Cohesiveness, Formal and Informal Groups, Group Processes and Decision Making, Dysfunctional Groups.


    Organisational Power and Politics: Concept, Sources of Power, Distinction between Power, Authority and Influence. Knowledge Management & Emotional Intelligence in Contemporary Business Organisation. Organisational Change: Concept, Nature, Resistance to change, Managing resistance to change, Implementing Change, Kurt Lewin Theory of Change.


    Conflict: Concept, Sources, Types, Functionality and Dys-functionality of Conflict, Classification of Conflict Intra, Individual, Interpersonal, Intergroup and Organisational, Resolution of Conflict, Meaning and Types of Grievance and Process of Grievance Handling. Organisational Culture: Concept, Characteristics, Elements of Culture, Implications of Organisation culture, Process of Organisational Culture.


    • 1. Greenberg and Baron; Behaviour in Organizations; PHI Learning
    • 2. Aswathappa K; Organisational Behaviour; Himalaya Publishing.
    • 3. Newstrom; Organizational Behaviour - Human behaviour at work; McGrawHill
    • 4. Robbins,Judge and Vohra; Organizational Behaviour; Pearson
    • 5. Pareek Udai (Khanna Sushma ); Understanding Organizational Behaviour; Oxford University Press.
  • JMBA 015

    Business Statistics:


    Role of statistics: Applications of inferential statistics in managerial decision-making; Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median and Mode and their implications; Measures of Dispersion: Range, Mean deviation, Standard deviation, Coefficient of Variation (C.V.), Skewness, Kurtosis.


    Time series analysis: Concept, Additive and Multiplicative models, Components of time series, Trend analysis: Least Square method - Linear and Non- Linear equations. Index Numbers: Meaning, Types of index numbers, uses of index numbers, Construction of Price, Quantity and Volume indices: Fixed base and Chain base methods.


    Correlation: Meaning and types of correlation, Karl Pearson and Spearman rank correlation. Regression: Meaning, Regression equations and their application


    Probability: Concept of probability and its uses in business decision-making; Addition and multiplication theorems; Bayes' Theorem and its applications. Probability Theoretical Distributions: Concept and application of Binomial; Poisson and Normal distributions.


    Estimation Theory and Hypothesis Testing: Sampling theory; Formulation of Hypotheses; Application of Ztest, t-test, F-test and Chi-Square test.


    • 1. Davis , Pecar; Business Statistics using Excel; Oxford
    • 2. Beri G C; Business Statistics; TATA McGrawHill
    • 3. Ken Black ; Business Statistics; Wiley India
    • 4. Levin and Rubin; Statistics for Management; Pearson
    • 5. Lind, Marchal, Wathen; Staistical techniques in business and economics; McGrawHill
    • 6. Newbold, Carlson, Thorne; Statistics for Business and Economics; Pearson
    • 7. Gupta S. C.; Fundamentals of Statistics; Himalaya Publishing
  • JMBA 016

    Marketing Management:


    Marketing concepts, nature and scope of marketing, role of marketing, Marketing environment and environmental Scanning, marketing management in changing context, Types of Markets, and corporate orientation towards marketplace. Marketing Information System and Marketing Research.


    Consumer Behaviour: Introduction, Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour, Model of Consumer Behaviour, Buying Decision Process, Segmenting & Targeting: Levels of Market Segmentation, Process of Market Segmentation - Need of Effective Segmentation, Basis for Segmenting Consumer Markets and Business or Industrial Markets, Market Targeting - Evaluation & Selecting Target Markets. Market Targeting – Introduction, Procedure, Product Positioning - Importance.


    Marketing - Mix Decisions, Product Decisions, New Product Development-Concept and Necessity for Development, New Product Planning and Development Process, Product-Mix, Objectives, Product Differentiation, Product Positioning Strategy, Branding and Packaging Decisions, Product Life cycle - Stages and Strategies for Different Stages of PLC, Pricing Decisions, Pricing Objectives, Types of Pricing, Pricing Strategies.


    Marketing Channels, Role of Marketing Channels, Channels of Distribution for Consumer/Industrial Products, Factors Affecting Distribution Channel Management of Channels: Current Trends in Whole selling and Retailing – Hyper mart, Super mart, Retail Distribution System in India.


    Marketing Communication: Promotion-mix, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Direct Selling, Events and Experiences, Publicity and Public Relations. Marketing of Services, Rural Marketing, CRM, Online Marketing, social media as a marketing tool, B2C, B2B and C2C, International Marketing and Green Marketing, Marketing in 21st Century.


    • 1. Czinkota, Kotabe; Marketing Management; Cengage Learning
    • 2. Etzel, Walker, Stanton, Pandit; Marketing; McGrawHill
    • 3. Evans, Berman; Marketing; Cengage Learning
    • 4. Kotler, Kelly , Koshy, Jha; Marketing Management - A south Asian Perspective; Pearson
    • 5. Ramaswami, Namakumari; Marketing Management, Macmillan
  • JMBA 017

    Computer Concepts and Managerial Applications:


    Basic Concepts of Computers :Introduction and definition of computer; functional components of a computer system-(Input unit, CPU, Memory and output unit); Types of memory and memory hierarchy; Functioning inside a computer; characteristics, advantages and limitations of a computer; classification of computers; Essential Components of computer Hardware: (a) Input devices - keyboard, printing devices, voice speech devices, scanner, MICR, OMR, Bar code reader, digital camera etc. (b) Output devices - Visual Display Unit, printers, plotters etc.(c) Storage Devices – Magnetic storage devices, Optical storage devices, Flash Memory etc. Software: Introduction; Types of software with examples; Introduction to languages, compiler, interpreter and assembler. Operating System: Definition, Functions, Types and Classification, Elements of GUI based operating system, Windows-Use of menus, tools and commands of windows operating system.


    Use of MS-Office: Basics of MS-Word, MS-Excel and MS-PowerPoint; Application of these software's for documentation and making reports; preparation of questionnaires, presentations, tables and reports (Practical)


    Database Management System: Overview of DBMS; Components of DBMS, Recent trends in database, RDBMS. MS Access: Overview of MS-Access. Creating tables, queries, forms and reports in MS-Access.


    Computer Networks: Overview of Computer Network, Types of computer networks (LAN, WAN and MAN), Network topologies, Components of computer networks (servers, workstations, network interface cards, hub, switches, cables, etc..) Internet: Overview of Internet, Architecture & Functioning of Internet, Basic services over Internet like WWW, FTP, Telnet, Gopher etc., IP addresses, ISPs, URL, Domain names, Web Browsers, Internet Protocols, Search engines, e-mail, Web browsing, searching, downloading & uploading from Internet.


    E-commerce: Introduction, Comparison between Traditional commerce and E-commerce; Advantages & disadvantages of e-commerce, Buying & Selling on Internet, Issues in Implementing Electronic Commerce. Applications of Information Technology: Information Technology (IT) applied to various functional areas of management, such as Production/Operations, Marketing, Human Resource, Finance and Materials Management.

    *WEEK-WISE SCHEDULE OF PRACTICALS 14×2 hours for JMBA-107 (Computer Concepts and Managerial Applications) available at the last page.


    • 1. Leon Alexis, Leon Mathews; Introduction to Computers, Leon Press.
    • 2. Balagurusamy; Fundamentals of computers; McGrawHill
    • 3. ITL Education Solutions Limited; Introduction to Information Technology; Pearson.
    • 4. Morley and Parker; Fundamentals of Computers, Cengage Learning.
    • 5. Sinha Pradeep K; Fundamentals of Computers, BPB Publications
    • 6. Saxena Sanjay and Chopra Prabhpreet; Computer applications in Management, Vikas Publishing
    • 7. Rajaraman V.; Fundamentals of Computers, PHI Learning
  • JMBA 018

    Managerial Communications:


    Fundamentals of Communication: Meaning, importance, Process and types of communication. Functions, characteristics, systems and misinterpretation of non verbal clues. Barriers to communication. Listening and Types of listening, style of communication – aggressive, passive, assertive, appropriate manner of communication.


    Effective Business Presentations: Meaning, Types and purpose of presentations, designing effective business presentations, proper usage of visual aids. Delivery of presentation.


    Correspondence: Mechanics of writing letters, Business correspondence: Basic Principles and Types, Memo – Writing, uses and replying to a Memo. Memo vs. letter vs. face-to-face meetings. Announcements, Circu lars, Notices and Agendas. Writing reports: Types, Style, structure, Order Format, pattern, compiling and presentation. Email and writing for the web.


    Employment communication and Interviews: Curriculum Vitae, Cover letter. Interview -Aim, types, structure, preparations before, conducting and facing the interview. Meetings and Discussions- Definition, Elements, skills required for and conducting a Discussion.


    Face to face conversation and Meetings: Types and Characteristics. Greetings format at the Office: Informal, Formal, Neutral - Greeting and Asking after, Introducing Yourself and Others, Small Talk, Leave-taking, Reading Non-verbal signals. Communicating in a cross cultural work environment. Meetings – Types, Preparation for Conduct, Taking notes and preparing minutes of a meeting.


    • 1. Bell, Smith; Management Communication; Wiley India
    • 2. Francis Soundarajan; Speaking and writing for effective Business Communication; Macmillan
    • 3. Gamble & Gamble; Communication Works; McGrawhill
    • 4. Lehman, Dufrene, Sinha; Business Communication- A south Asian Perspective; Cengage Learning
    • 5. Lesikar,Flatley, Rentz, Pande; Business Communication; McGrawHill
    • 6. Mehra Payal; Business Communication for Managers; Pearson
  • Total Credits