Bachelor of Pharmacy Syllabus

Semester V

  • JBP-501

    Pharmaceutical Chemistry –V (Biochemistry):


    Enzymes: Nomenclature, enzymes-kinetics and mechanism of action, mechanism of inhibition of enzymes and isoenzymes in chemical diagnosis. Assay and regulation (allostearic and feedback). Co-enzymes:Vitamins as co-enzymes and their significance. Metals as co-enzymes and their significance.


    Carbohydrate metabolism:Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis and Glycogenolysis. Metabolism of galactose and galactosemia. Role of sugar nucleotides in biosynthesis and pentose phosphate pathway. The citric acid cycle, significance, reactions and energetics of the cycle


    Lipid metabolism:Oxidation of fatty acids-oxidation & energetics, Biosynthesis of ketone bodies and their utilization, Biosynthesis of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, regulation of lipid metabolism, essential fatty acids.


    Biological Oxidation:The respiratory chains, its role in energy capture & control, Energetics of oxidative phosphorylation, mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation.


    Biosynthesis of amino acids, catabolism of amino acids and conversion of amino acids to specialized products, biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine, formation of deoxyribonucleotides. Biosynthesis of RNA, DNA replication, Carcinogenesis & DNA repair mechanism, proteins types, functions biosynthesis, vitamin (types, biochemical function) co-enzyme, hormones (mechanism ofaction).

  • JBP-502

    Pharmaceutics – V (Pharmaceutical Technology I):


    Liquid Dosages Forms: Introduction, types of additives used in formulations, Vehicles, stabilizers, preservatives, suspending agents, emulsifying agents, solubilizer, colors, flavours and others, manufacturing packaging and evaluation of clear liquids, suspensions and emulsions official in pharmacopoeia.


    Liquid Dosages Forms: Introduction, types of additives used in formulations, Vehicles, stabilizers, preservatives, suspending agents, emulsifying agents, solubilizer, colors, flavours and others, manufacturing packaging and evaluation of clear liquids, suspensions and emulsions official in pharmacopoeia.


    Extraction and Galenical Products: Principle and method of extraction, preparation of infusion, tinctures, dry and soft liquid extracts.
    Blood Products and Plasma Substitutes:Collection, processing and storage of whole human blood, concentrated human RBCs, dried human plasma, human fibrinogen, human thrombin, human normal immunoglobulin, human fibrin, foam plasma substitutes, -ideal requirements, PVP, dextran etc. for control of blood pressure as per I.P.


    Pharmaceutical Aerosols: Definition, propellants, general formulation, manufacturing' and packaging methods, pharmaceutical applications. Ophthalmic Preparations:Requirements, formulation, methods of preparation, containers, evaluation.


    Cosmeticology and Cosmetic Preparations:Fundamentals of cosmetic science, structure and functions of skin and hair. Formulation, preparation and packaging of cosmetics for skin, hair, dentifrice and manicure preparations like nail polish, Lipsticks, eye lashes, baby care products etc.


    • 1. Remington's, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. I & Vol. – II, Mack Publishing Co., U.S.A.
    • 2. Cooper J.W., & Gunn G., Tutorial Pharmacy, Petman Books Ltd., London.
    • 3. Lachman L., Lieberman H.A., Kanig J.L., Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
    • 4. Ansel H.C., Introduction to Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
    • 5. Harrys, Cosmetology
    • 6. Thomssen E.G., Modern Cosmetics, Universal Publishing Corporation.
    • 7. Mittal B.M. & Saha R.N., A Handbook of Cosmetics, VallabhPrakashan.
  • JBP-503

    Pharmacognosy– IV:


    Systematic study of source, cultivation, collection, processing, commercial varieties, chemical constituents, substitutes, adulterants, uses, diagnostic macroscopic and microscopic features and specific chemical tests of following alkaloid containing drugs:

    a) Pyridine - piperidine: Tobacco, areca and lobelia.

    b) Tropane: Belladonna, hyoscyamus, datura, duboisia, coca and withania

    c) Quinoline and isoquinoline : Cinchona, ipecac, opium.

    d) Indole : Ergot, rauwolfia, catharanthus, nux-vomica and physostigma

    e) Imidazole: Pilocarpus

    f) Steroidal: Veratrum and kurchi

    g) Alkaloidal amine: Ephedra and colchicum.

    h) Glycoalkaloid: Solanum.

    i) Purines: Coffee, tea and cola.


    Role of medicinal and aromatic plants in national economy. Biological sources, preparation, identification tests and uses of the following enzymes: Diastase, papain, pepsin, trypsin, pancreatin.


    General techniques of biosynthetic studies and basic metabolic pathways. Brief introduction to biogenesis of secondary metabolites of pharmaceutical importance.


    Plant bitters and sweeteners.


    Introduction, classification and study of different chromatographic methods and their applications in evaluation of herbal drugs.


    • 1. Kokate C.K., Gokhale AS, Gokhale SB, Cultivation of Medicinal Plants, Nirali Prakashan.
    • 2. Trease, G.E., & Evans W.C., Evans, W.C., Pharmacognosy, BailliereTindall east Baorne, U.K.
    • 3. Tyler V.E., et al, Pharmacognosy, Lea &Febiger, Philadelphia.
    • 4. Wallis. T.E., Text Book of Pharmacognosy, J&A Churchill Ltd. London.
    • 5. Nadkarni A.K., Indian MateriaMedica1-2, Popular Prakashan (P) Ltd. Bombay.
    • 6. Medicinal plants of India I&II, Indian council of Medical Reasearch, New Delhi.
    • 7. Indian Herbal Pharmacopoeia, Vol. I&II, ICMR & RRL, Jammu.
    • 8. Clarke E.C.G., Isolation & Identification of Drugs. The Pharmaceutical Press, London.
  • JBP-504

    Pharmacology I:


    General Pharmacology: Introduction to Pharmacology, Sources of drugs, Dosage forms and routes of administration, mechanism of action, Combined effect of drugs, Factors modifying drug action, tolerance and dependence, Pharmacogenetics. Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Excretion of drugs, Principles of Basic and Clinical pharmacokinetics, Adverse Drug Reactions and treatment of poisoning, ADME drug interactions, Bioassay of Drugs and Biological Standardization, Discovery and development of new drugs.


    • a. Pharmacology of Peripheral Nervous System:
    • b. Neurohumoral transmission (autonomic and Somatic) Parasympathomimetics, Parasympatholytics, Sympathomimetics, Adrenergic Receptor and neuron blocking agents, Ganglionic, stimulants and blocking agents.
    • c. Neuromuscular blocking Agents.
    • d. Local anesthetic Agents.


    Pharmacology of Central Nervous System:

    • a) Neurohumoral transmission in the C.N.S.
    • b) General Anesthetics.
    • c) Alcohols and disulfiram.
    • d) Sedatives, hypnotics, Anti-anxiety agents and Centrally acting muscle relaxants.


    Psychopharmacological agents (anti-psychotics) antidepressants anti maniacs and hallucinogens, Anti-epileptics drugs, Anti-Parkinsonian Drugs.


    Analgesics, Antipyretics, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-gout drugs, Narcotic analgesics and antagonists, C.N .S. stimulants, Drug Addiction and Drug Abuse.


    • 1. Grover J.K., Experiments in Pharmacy & Pharmacology, CBS Publishers, N. Delhi.
    • 2. Rang M.P., Dale M.M., Riter J.M., Pharmacology, Churchill Livingstone.
    • 3. Satoskar & Bhandarkar, Pharmacology & Pharmacotheropeutics., Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. Bombay.
    • 4. Barar F.S.K, Text Book of Pharmacology, Interpoint, New Delhi.
    • 5. Goodman & Gilman, The Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics, Editors: J.G. Hardman, L.E.
    • 6. Limbird, P.B. Molinos, R.W. Ruddon and A.G. Gil, Pergamon press.
    • 7. Katzung B.G., Basic & Clinic Pharmacology, Prentice Hall, International.
    • 8. Laurence D.R., & Bennet P.N., Clinical Pharmacology, Churchill Livingstone.
  • JBP-505

    Pharmaceutics-VI (Hospital Pharmacy):


    Organization and Structure: Organization of a hospital and hospital pharmacy, Responsibilities of a hospital pharmacist. Pharmacy and therapeutic committee, Budget preparation and implementation. Hospital Formulary: Contents, preparation and revision of hospital formulary.


    Drug Store Management and Inventory Control: Organization of drugs. Types of materials stocked, storage conditions. Purchase and Inventory control:Principles, purchase procedures, purchase order, procurement and stocking.


    Central Sterile Supply Unit and their Management: Types of materials for sterilization, packing of materials prior to sterilization, sterilization equipments, Supply of sterile materials. Manufacturing of Sterile and Non sterile Products:Policy making of manufacturable items,demand and costing, personnel requirements, manufacturing practice, Master formula card, Production control, Manufacturing records.


    Drug information service: Sources of information on drugs, treatment schedules, procurement of information, computerized services (e.g. MEDLINE), Retrieval of information, Medication error. Records and Reports:Prescription filling drug profile, Patient medication profile, case on drug interaction & adverse reactions, idiosyncratic cases etc.


    Drug distribution systems in Hospitals: Out-patient dispensing, methods adopted, Dispensing of drugs to in-patients. Types of drug distribution systems charging Policy, labelling, Dispensing of drugs to ambulatory patients, Dispensing of controlled drugs. Nuclear Pharmacy:Introduction to Radio-pharmaceuticals- radio-active half life, Units of radioactivity. Production of radio pharmaceuticals, methods of isotonic tagging, preparation of radioisotopes in laboratory using radiation dosimetry, radio-isotope generators, permissible radiationdose level, Radiation hazards and their prevention, specifications for radio-active laboratory.


    • 1. Hasan, Hospital Pharmacy, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
    • 2. Merchant H.S. & Qadry J.S., Text Book of Hospital Pharmacy, B.S. Shah Prakashan, Ahmedabad.
  • JBP-551

    Pharmaceutical Chemistry –V (Biochemistry) (P):

    • 1. Preparation of standard buffers (citrate, phosphate and carbonate) and measurement of pH.
    • 2. Titration curve for amino acids.
    • 3. Separation of amino acids by chromatography.
    • 4. The separation of lipids by TLC.
    • 5. Quantitative estimation of amino acids.
    • 6. The determination of glucose by means of the enzyme glucose oxidase.
    • 7. Enzymatic hydrolysis of glycogen by α & β amylase.
    • 8. Qualitative analysis of inorganic as well as organic constituents of Urine.
    • 9. Estimation of cholesterol in Blood.
    • 10. Estimation of Glucose in blood & urine.
    • 11. Estimation of Urea in blood.
    • 12. Estimation of ketone bodies in blood.
  • JBP-552

    Pharmaceutics – V (Pharmaceutical Technology I) (P):

    • 1. Preparation, evaluation and packaging of liquid orals like solutions, suspensions and emulsions, ointments, suppositories, aerosols, eye drops, eye ointments etc.
    • 2. Preparation of pharmacopoeial extracts and galenical products utilizing various methods of Extraction.
    • 3. Formulation of various types of cosmetics for skin, hair, dentifrices and manicure preparations.
  • JBP-553

    Pharmacology I (P)

    • 1. Introduction to Experimental Pharmacology :
    • 2. Preparation of different solutions for experiments.
    • 3. Drug dilutions, use of molar and w/v solutions in experimental pharmacology.
    • 4. Common laboratory animals and anesthetics used in animal studies. Commonly used instruments in experimental pharmacology. some common and standard techniques.
    • 5. Bleeding and intravenous injection, intragastric administration. Procedures for rendering animals unconscious-stunning of rodents, pithing of frogs, chemical euthanasia.
    • 6. Experiments on intact preparations
    • 7. Study of different routes of administration of drugs in mice/rats. To study the effect of hepatic microsomal enzyme inhibitors and induction on the pentobarbitone sleeping time in mice.
    • 8. Experiments on Central Nervous system: Recording of spontaneous motor activity, stereotypy, analgesia, anticonvulsant activity, anti- inflammatory activity, and muscle relaxant activity of drugs using simple experiments.
    • 9. Effects of autonomic drugs on rabbit's eye.
    • 10. Effects of various agonists and antagonists and their characterization using isolated preparations like frog's rectus abdominis muscle " and isolated ileum preparations of rat.
  • JBP-554

    Pharmacognosy– IV(P):

    • 1. Identification of crude drugs listed above.
    • 2. Microscopic study of characters of eight - selected drugs given in theory in entire and powdered form.
    • 3. Chemical evaluation of powdered drugs and enzymes.
    • 4. Chromatographic studies of some herbal constituents.
  • TR-1

    Pharmacognosy Tour

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