Master of Business Administration (MBA) Syllabus

Semester III

  • JMBA 031

    Operation Research:


    Operations Research: Uses, Scope and Applications of Operation Research in managerial decision-making. Decision-making environments:- Decision-making under certainty, uncertainty and risk situations; Decision tree and its applications.


    Linear programming: Mathematical formulations of LP Models for product-mix problems; graphical and simplex method of solving LP problems; sensitivity analysis; duality. Transportation problem: Various methods of finding Initial basic feasible solution and optimal solution. Assignment model: Algorithm and its applications.


    Game Theory: Concept of game; Two-person zero-sum game; Pure and Mixed Strategy Games; Saddle Point; Odds Method; Dominance Method and Graphical Method for solving Mixed Strategy Game. Sequencing Problem: Johnsons Algorithm for n Jobs and Two machines, n Jobs and Three Machines, Two jobs and m - Machines Problems.


    Queuing Theory: Characteristics of M/M/I Queue model; Application of Poisson and Exponential distribution in estimating arrival rate and service rate.


    Queuing Theory: Characteristics of M/M/I Queue model; Application of Poisson and Exponential distribution in estimating arrival rate and service rate.


    • 1. Levin, R.I., Rubin, D.S. & Stinson, J.P.; Quantitative approaches to Management; McGraw Hill.
    • 2. Gupta, P.K and Hira, D.S.; Operations Research; S.C.Chand
    • 3. Taha H. A. ; Operations Research - An Introduction; Prentice-Hall
    • 4. Sharma J K; Operations Research; Pearson
    • 5. Kapoor V.K.; Operations Research; S. Chand
  • JMBA 032

    International Trade:


    International Trade Theories: Introduction Mercantilism, Absolute Advantage Theory Comparative Cost Theory, Hecksher-Ohlin Theory. Instruments of Trade Policy- Tariffs, Subsidies, Import Quotas, Voluntary Export Restraints, Anti-dumping Policy. International Institutions: UNCTAD, Its Basic Principles and Major Achievements, IMF, Role of IMF, IBRD, Features of IBRD, WTO, Role and Advantages of WTO. Regional Economic Integration: Introduction, Levels of Economic Integration, EU/ECM, Regional Economic Integration, NAFTA, ASEAN, SAARC.


    Foreign Exchange Determination Systems: Basic Concepts Relating to Foreign Exchange, Various types of Exchange Rate Regimes, Factors Affecting Exchange Rates, Brief History of Indian Rupees Exchange Rates. Financial Risk Management: Derivatives. Export Finance and Pricing: Pre- shipment Finance, Post-shipment Finance, Special Financial Facilities, Export Import Bank of India, Export Pricing, Mechanism of Price Fixation, Benefits to India Exports.


    Formalities of Registration and Export Documentation: Naming the Enterprise, form of Ownership, Opening a Bank Account, General Registrations, Registrations with RBI, Registration with Licensing Authorities, Registration with Appropriate EPC' /CB's Defining Export Documentation, Main Commercial Documents, Additional Commercial Documents, and Statutory Documents for Export's Country, Statutory Documents for Imports Country and Documents for Claiming Export Benefits.


    Structure of Shipping Industry and World Seaborne Trade: Different type of Ships, Shipping Routes, Operating Ships-Linear and Tramp, Organization of a Shipping Company. Volume and value of World Trade, World Tonnage, Flags of Convenience, Conference System, Chartering. Freight Structure and Role of Intermediaries: Principles of Freight Rates, Linear Freight Structure, Tramp Freight Structure, Shipping Agents, Freight Brokers, Freight Forwarders Stevedores.


    Indian Shipping and Containerization: Ports in India, Developments in India Shipping, Ports Infrastructure Development, Shipping Association, Shipment of Govt. Controlled Cargo. Concept of Containerization, Classification of Constraints in Containerization, I.C.D's. International Air transport: Concept of Air Transport, Advantages of Air Transport, Constraints, Air Cargo, Tariff Structure, I.A.T.A.


    • 1. Aswathappa; International Business; McGrawHill
    • 2. Cherunilam, F ; International Trade and Export Management ;Himalaya
    • 3. Hill ; International Business; McGrawHill
    • 4. Muthiah; Logistics Management and World Seaborne Trade; Himalaya
    • 5. Sharan; International Business ; Pearson
    • 6. Murphy; Contemporary Logistics; PHI
  • JMBA-H-01

    Training & Development:


    The Training Context: Nature and Scope of Training, component of training, difference between training and development, Training Challenges, Forces Influencing Working and Learning, Role of Training in Organizations, Systematic Approach to Training, Learning: Theories and Process, Stimulus response theory, social learning theory, experimental learning theory.


    Transactional Analysis, Learning Organizations, Kolb's Experimental learning style, training models – system model of training, ISD ( Instructional system development), transitional model Strategic Training: Snapshots of Training Practices: Training Facts and Figures, Training Investment Leaders etc.


    Training Needs Analysis: The Process and Approaches of TNA, Organizational Analysis, Requirements Analysis, Task, Knowledge, Skill, and Ability Analysis, Person Analysis, Team Work for Conducting Training Needs Analysis, TNA and Training Process Design, Output Of TNA


    Training Design, Delivery & Evaluation: Understanding & Developing the Objectives of Training, Considerations in Designing Effective Training Programs: Selecting Trainers, Program Design: Learning Environment, Pre-training Communication, Facilitation of Training with Focus on Trainee (Motivation of Trainee, Reinforcement, and Goal setting). Training Methods: On the job, off the job Implementation and Evaluation of Training Programme, Training Aids.


    Employee Development, Career Management and Future of T & D: Approaches to Employee Development, The Development Planning Process, Companies Strategies to Provide Development, Types of MDP's, EDP's/Seminars and Conferences, Symposia. Career Management Future Aspects of T& D, Steps in evaluation of training and development.


    • 1. Blanchard; Effective Training, Systems, Strategies, and Practices; Pearson
    • 2. Goldstein; Training in Organizations: Needs Assessment, Development and Evaluation; Cengage Learning
    • 3. Noe; Employees Training and Development; McGraw Hill
    • 4. Hurlock; Personality Development; McGraw Hill
    • 5. Pareek; Understanding Organizational Behaviour; Oxford University Press
  • JMBA-H-02

    Industrial Relations & Labour Laws:


    Introduction to Industrial Relations: The Concept of Industrial Relations, Background to Industrial Relations, Evolution of Industrial Relations in India, The Dynamic Context of Industrial Relations.


    Globalization and the National Economy, Responses to Competitive Pressures, Changes in Employment Practices, The Actors in Employee Relations: Management, Unions and the State. Role of Trade Union in Industrial Relations, Changing Profiles of Major Stakeholders of Industrial Relations in India.


    Interactions & Outcomes in Industrial Relations: Employee Involvement & Participation: Concept, Objectives and Forms, Ethical Codes, Discipline & Grievance Management: Forms and Handling of Misconduct. Collective Bargaining: Importance, Forms, Process of Negotiation and Recent Trends in Collective Bargaining, Positive Employee Relations.


    Legal Framework of Industrial Relations: Settlement Machinery for Industrial Disputes: Conciliation, Arbitration & Adjudication, Legislation: The Trade Unions Act 1926, The Industrial Dispute Act 1947, The Factory's Act 1948, The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1972, The Minimum Wages Act 1948, The Payment of Wages Act 1936, The Workmen's Compensation Act 1923, The ESI Act 1948, The Employees' Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 and The Maternity Benefits Act 1961,


    Industrial Relations & The Emerging Scenario: Industrial Relations & Technological Change, Adjustment Processes and Voluntary Retirement Schemes, Main Recommendations of the Second National Labour Commission, International Labor Organization (ILO): Objectives, Structure and Procedure for Admission as a Member. International Dimensions of Industrial Relations.


    • 1. Monappa; Industrial Relations and labour laws; McGraw Hill
    • 2. Singh; Employee Relations Management; Pearson
    • 3. Sinha; Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Labour Legislations; Pearson
    • 4. Srivastava; Industrial Relations and Labour laws; Vikas publishing
    • 5. Ratnam Venkata; Industrial relations; Oxford University Press.
  • JMBA-M-01

    Consumer Behaviour:


    Consumer behaviour and consumer research; importance of consumer behaviour; evolution of consumer behaviour; value of brands in marketing strategy; customer loyalty and retention strategy; consumer decision process model; variables affecting the decision process; types of decision process; pre purchase processes; need recognition; internal and external search; pre -purchase evaluation.


    Different types of purchase situations; retailing and the purchase process; determinants of retail success or failure; point -of-purchase materials; consumer logistics; location based retailing; direct marketing consumption behaviours; consumption experiences, customer centric organizations.


    Importance of customer satisfaction; factors affecting satisfaction level; demographics and consumer behaviour; economic resources and consumer behaviour; personality and consumer behaviour; personal values; lifestyle motivational conflict and need priorities; motivational intensity; motivating consumer


    Importance of consumer knowledge; types of consumer knowledge; sources of consumer knowledge; consumer beliefs; consumer feelings; consumer attitudes; consumer intentions; culture and its effect on consumer behaviour; changing values and its effect on consumer behaviour; determinants of social class; social class and consumer behaviour; importance of families and households on consumer behaviour; role behaviour and its influence on the decision process; family life cycles; changing roles of women; children and household consumer behaviour.


    Group and personal influences on individuals; reference group and its influence on individuals; transmission of influence through dyadic exchanges; word of mouth and opinion leaders in advertising and marketing strategy; diffusion of innovations; diffusion process; reaching the consumer; gaining consumer's attention; shaping consumer's opinion; opinions change; cognitive learning; retrieval of information.


    • 1. Banerjee; Consumer Beaviour; Pearson
    • 2. Loudon; Consumer Behaviour; Tata McGraw Hill
    • 3. Nair; Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perspective ; Himalaya
    • 4. Hawkins; consumer Behaviour; McGrawHill.
  • JMBA-M-02

    Marketing Research:


    Marketing Research – Definition, Scope, Significance, Limitations. Ethics in marketing research. Marketing Intelligence system, Research process – Management dilemma (problem) – decision problem – research problem – hypothesis statement – characteristics of a good hypothesis – drafting the research proposal. Various sources of market Information – Methods of collecting Market Information - sources.


    Marketing research techniques: Market development research: Cool hunting – socio cultural trends, Demand estimation research, Test marketing, Segmentation Research - Cluster analysis, Discriminant analysis. Sales forecasting – objective and subjective methods; Marketing Mix Research: Concept testing, Brand Equity Research, Brand name testing, Commercial eye tracking, Copy Testing, Readership surveys and viewer ship surveys, Attracting, viral marketing research.


    Marketing research techniques: Market development research: Cool hunting – socio cultural trends, Demand estimation research, Test marketing, Segmentation Research - Cluster analysis, Discriminant analysis. Sales forecasting – objective and subjective methods; Marketing Mix Research: Concept testing, Brand Equity Research, Brand name testing, Commercial eye tracking, Copy Testing, Readership surveys and viewer ship surveys, Attracting, viral marketing research.


    Questionnaire design - Administration and analysis considerations in design - Attitude measurement – scaling techniques. Observation method of primary data collection. Web based primary data collection – issues of reach, analysis, accuracy, time and efficiency. Sampling – sampling methods– sampling and non sampling errors – sample size calculation – population and sample size - large and small samples.


    Data analysis – Univariate – Bivariate– Multivariate. Simple and cross tabulation, simple and multiple regression, Factor analysis. Hypothesis testing – Types of tests and test selection, One sample test, Two- Independent Sample tests, Two-related sample tests. Chi-square test, tests for large and small samples, ANOVA Test.


    • 1. Das / Malhotra; Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation; Pearson
    • 2. Beri G C; Marketing Research; McGrawhill
    • 3. Easwaran; Marketing Research: Concepts, Practices and Cases; Oxford Uni. Press
    • 4. Cooper; Marketing Research; McGrawhill.
  • JMBA-F-01

    Management of Working Capital:


    Introduction to Working Capital: Nature, Scope and Definition of Working Capital, Working Capital Cycle, Assessment and Computation of Working Capital Requirement, Profitability–Liquidity trade-off, Working Capital Policy - Aggressive & Defensive.


    Management of Cash and Marketable Securities: Meaning of Cash, Motives for holding cash, objectives of cash management, factors determining cash needs, Cash Management Models, Cash Budget, Cash Management: basic strategies, techniques and processes, Marketable Securities: Concept, types, reasons for holding marketable securities, alternative strategies.


    Management of Receivables: Receivables: Nature & cost of maintaining receivables, objectives of receivables management, factors affecting size of receivables, policies for managing accounts receivables, determination of potential credit policy including credit analysis, credit standards, credit period, credit terms, etc; Collection Policies; Credit Management in India.


    Inventory Management: Inventory: Need for monitoring & control of inventories, objectives of inventory management, Benefits of holding inventory, risks and costs associated with inventories, Inventory Management: Minimizing cost in inventory, Techniques of Inventory Management - Classification, order quantity, order point etc.



    Inventory Management: Inventory: Need for monitoring & control of inventories, objectives of inventory management, Benefits of holding inventory, risks and costs associated with inventories, Inventory Management: Minimizing cost in inventory, Techniques of Inventory Management - Classification, order quantity, order point etc.


    • 1. Bhattacharya; Working Capital management; PHI
    • 2. Periasamy; Working Capital Management –Theory & Practice; Himalaya
    • 3. Rangrajan; Working Capital Management; Excel
    • 4. Rustagi; Working capital Management; Taxmann
    • 5. Sharma; Working Capital Management; Himalaya
  • JMBA-F-02

    Security Analysis and Investment Management


    Overview of Capital Market: Market of securities, Stock Exchange and New Issue Markets - their nature, structure, functioning and limitations; Trading of securities: equity and debentures/ bonds. Regulatory Mechanism: SEBI and its guidelines; Investor Protection.


    Risk & Return: Concept of Risk, Measures of risk and return, calculation, trade off, systematic and unsystematic risk components. Equity Valuation: Nature of equity instruments, Equity Valuation Models. Approaches to Equity Valuation: Technical Approach – overview of concept & tools used and Fundamental Approach – economy, industry and company analysis Bond Valuation & Bond Portfolio Management: Nature of bonds, valuation, Bond theorem, Term structure of interest rates, Convexity of Yield Curve, Macaulay Duration.


    Valuation of Derivatives (Options and futures): Concepts, Pricing Models – Binomial and Black & Scholes, Option Greeks, Options Trading Strategies.


    Portfolio Analysis and Selection: Portfolio concept, Portfolio risk and return, Beta as a measure of risk, calculation of beta, Equilibrium in the Capital Markets & Selection of Portfolio: EMH (Efficient Market Hypothesis) and its implications for investment decision, Capital market theorem, CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) and Arbitrage Pricing Theory.



    Portfolio Management and Performance Evaluation: Performance evaluation of existing portfolio, Sharpe and Treynor measures; Finding alternatives and revision of portfolio; Portfolio Management and Mutual Fund Industry.


    • 1. Bodie; Investment; McGrawhill
    • 2. Damodaran; Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of any Asset; Wiley
    • 3. Fischer ; Security Analysis and Portfolio Management; Pearson
    • 4. Hirt; Fundamentals of Investment Management; McGrawHill
    • 5. Kevin; Security Analysis and Portfolio Management ,PHI
    • 6. Pandian P; Security Analysis and Portfolio Management; Vikas
    • 7. Ranganatham; Security Analysis and Portfolio Management; Pearson
  • JMBA-V-02

    Summer Training Project

  • Total Credits